Published at 31st of May 2024 06:34:23 AM

Chapter 128: 128True Memories[2]

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Chapter 128 128:True Memories[2]

On a fine sunny day...

Irina sat at the kitchen table, slicing fresh fruit for breakfast, as Leon bounded into the room, his eyes filled with excitement. "Mom, look what I found in the garden today!"

Irina asked, lovingly, "What did you find, sweetheart?"

"Look! A ladybug! It's so tiny and cute. Can I keep it?


Irina smiled warmly, setting down the knife to give Leon her full attention "Of course, you can, Leon. But remember, it's important to treat all living creatures with kindness and respect."

Leon nodded eagerly, his eyes sparkling with gratitude "Thanks, Mom. I'll take good care of it, I promise."

Then he ran away but paused briefly, he looked at Irina and screamed"You are the best Mom."

The scene dispersed and Irina found herself sinking into another scene.

Irina and Leon sat together on a cozy window seat, watching the snowfall outside, wrapped in blankets and each other's warmth.

"Mom, why do you think snowflakes are different shapes?"

Irina gazed at her son with adoration, marveling at his curious mind. "Well, Leon, each snowflake is unique, just like you and me. They form in the clouds when tiny water droplets freeze, and as they fall through the sky, they gather different patterns depending on the temperature and humidity."

Leon listened intently, his fascination evident in the way his eyes widened with wonder"Wow, that's so cool! I wish I could see them up close."

Irina hugged him tightly, savoring the warmth of their bond."Maybe one day, we'll go on an adventure together and explore the beauty of nature up close. I will take you to the sky and we will transverse beyond the clouds. But for now, let's enjoy the magic of this moment, just you and me."

"Promise," Leon asked, raising his cute bubbly eyes.

"Is there a promise that Mother made and never kept?"Irina asked with a pout

"Never, Mom always keeps her promises. Mom is the best."

The scene dispersed and with teary eyes, Irina relived in another one.

The one where Leon had grown up a bit.

Leon rushed through the door, his backpack bouncing on his shoulders, a triumphant grin on his face. In his hand, he clutched a vibrant painting, depicting their family with vivid strokes of color.

Irina's eyes lit up at the sight of her son's creation, but as she studied the painting, she noticed something amiss, the absence of Leon's father.

Martial Emperor.

Confronting her inner demons and managing to find herself, had broken away the way wall im cultivation that stood before her.

She started at the radiating light orb and was just a step away from snatching it and advancing into Martial Emperor.

However, as she extended her hand to grasp it, her body halted.

"No...I can't."

Tears started sliding down her cheeks. Reaching Martial Emperor was one of her dreams but what good it would be even if she reached it.

So what if she reached that realm when what was dear to her had been taken away?

"No, it's not the time yet. As a testimony of my will, I will not step into Martial Emperor until I find him and apologize."

"No matter what I need to do and what sacrifice I have to make, I will get my son back."

On stepping back, a bright light erupted from her body.

On the outside, the female nourishing Irina is startled by a bright glowing light.

The air crackled due to dense undulating energy emerging from Irina. The Yin Gu had blocked the qi in her meridians which started to flow densely and everyone could see minute noticeable changes in Irina as her skin became more subtle and she started to become younger.

With an abrupt motion, Irina opened her eyes and immediately got up from the ice.

Coldness flickered in her eyes making everyone flinch back in fear.

"Lady Irina, please calm down. You are scaring everyone."

Irina looked towards the woman in the blue Daoist robe and retracted her aura.

She got up from the place and asked, "Did you find anything about Yin Gu?"

Elder Meng shook her head much to Irina's dissatisfaction.

"We have managed to get hold of the trail but someone seems to be blocking and cutting the tail."

"Whom did you send to investigate?"Irina asked in an overbearing tone.

"It's my disciple, Qin Lang."

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