Published at 31st of May 2024 06:34:17 AM

Chapter 132: 132A Grand Scheme[II]

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Chapter 132 132:A Grand Scheme[II]

Steve listened to the news carefully and with utmost attention as there was a huge chance of him being posted at Shadow Realm as a test subject to die.

The news anchor started explaining the ins and outs of Shadow Zones.

Shadow Zone refers to a Dimensional zone that pops out of nowhere and humans have no prior information about it.

Moreover, Shadow Zones were often unstable with the risks of occasional collapse and the passage getting closed. Despite that one couldn't neglect it as there were chances of creatures in that zone coming out and creating chaos if left alone.

Once conquered, humans will gain an additional place to do their bidding and farm resources.

Sighing heavily, he opened the box only to find a transparent crystal in it.

"A crystal...Who sent it?"

"Is it something priceless?"Steve scratches his head with a faint excitement and keeping it aside, he takes out his smartphone and starts searching it on the internet but even after a few minutes of intensive search he still hasn't found anything.

His mood turned sour as his hopes of obtaining a priceless crystal were crushed into pieces.

"Do I have no choice but to take it to an appraiser to find its value? But can I keep it safe if it turns out to be a priceless jewel? I would be killed if someone had eyes on it."

Feeling hopeless, he put down the crystal and was about to place it back in the box when he saw a piece of parchment in the black box.

Steven took out the parchment and saw a few words on it.

[Put a drop of blood on it.]

"Huh! Blood..."

Steve sucked in cold air wondering what kind of shit was this. Nevertheless, he did what was instructed in the parchment to satisfy his curiosity.

He stabbed his finger with a pin and a drop of blood trickling down, fell on the crystal.

The crystal started shining brightly and shaking uncontrollably. A faint hum emerged from it and the crustal turned blood red absent and shot into his body.

At the same time, Steve's vision slowly started to fade, and his body slowly felt weak.

An old familiar voice started ringing in his mind whispering in a soft warm voice, one that he was very familiar with.

[Steve, I apologize if my choice had brought big trouble upon you and the whole family. I know you and everyone would resent and they should certainly do that because what I did was wrong.....]

[But I had no choice..]

[All I did was for you and left this voice in case my plans were found out and I died.]

[I wasn't able to see your saddened face for not being able to cultivate and others thinking you as trash. I couldn't bear the look people gave you, treating you like a bug. I wasn't able to bear it and I was worried about the future. That is why I tried to look for a solution. Something that can make you stronger without the limitation of Superhuman serum and it's a side-effect.]

[That's why I did this in exchange for the power that can help you to get stronger without limitations. Your path may be laden with peril and you might hate me for the rest of your life but believe what I did was because of sincere consideration of your well-being.]

[Something that might allow you to live in this cruel world.]

Following that voice an agonizing brutal pain assaulted him. His body curled and wriggled like a worm. Every fiber of his muscle started tearing off and morphing due to the offset of pain.

If she was just a bit serious in the beginning he wouldn't know when his head would be cut away.

"I hate it....I hate that feeling of powerlessness."


Faint blurred lines scratched the air as Leon drew his sword.

Darkness started to erupt from within him.

Until now, he still didn't get the hang of this power and the power of darkness seems to react only within extreme situations.

So, he tried to imagine that woman who gave a feeling of despair and stood like a huge solid wall. Though he tried to kill her, there was something inside him that kept whispering that you couldn't kill her and he knew that the last strike where he was going to cut her into pieces was just useless, and in the end, he just had to wait for a helper to arrive and save him.

And this irks him.

"Despair....It's been long since I had felt that."

Gritting his teeth, Leon swung harder.

"So, let's just get strong until there is no one who can give me despair."

"I don't want to be invincible. I just don't want to lose to such people so let's give it all."


Sword marks started cutting through the air.

However, his frustration grew as he wasn't able to replicate the exact move he used to silt Terpas. It was a turning point that killed Terpas but no matter how much he tried he wasn't able to use that power of darkness when he tried to cut Seraphina.

"Why...Why isn't this happening again?"

"What am I lacking?"

"Understanding ... .Enlightenment...No, what is it."

Leon's sword began to shroud in darkness, mirroring the depth of his despair and the intensity of his losses.

"Hmmm!"Leon hummed.

"Feelings...I seemed to lack the intensity of feelings..."

With each swing, the blade carved through the air, unleashing a tempestuous hurricane that tore through the surroundings, leaving chaos and devastation in its wake.

After each arc of the sword, a trail of destruction was left in its wake, marking the path of Leon's anguish.


With a final, powerful swing, the sword shot into the sky, leaving behind a burst of dark energy that dented the very fabric of reality, casting ominous shadows across the landscape.

For a moment, the light around the area morphed and was consumed by darkness as the dark sword arc ascended up into the sky casting an eerie ominous hue, and disappeared into the sky.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!