Published at 31st of May 2024 06:34:11 AM

Chapter 134: 134An Unpleasant Visitor[II]

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Chapter 134 134:An Unpleasant Visitor[II]


Just as Leon whipped two eggs into the frying pan, he heard a cold magnetic voice from behind.

"Don't add too much salt. Sprinkle some peppers and chili flakes."

Leon only closed his eyes for a moment before putting the bread into the toaster.

After a few minutes, a simple hearty breakfast was prepared.

Leon put the two slices of bread and the scrambled egg on top.

"That smells nice."

The voice felt closer as the person walked closer to him but as the person extended her hands, Leon turned around and put the toast into his mouth.

"I am not your servant Feng Ruoxi. If you want anything just suit yourself."

"You...."Feng Ruoxi's expression changed, encountering blatant disrespect.

"I am your guest. Shouldn't you show the minimum courtesy to a guest?".

"Guest...I don't remember inviting you. You are the one who barged your way. Now that I think, how did you know my address?"Leon asked with a frown.

"Of course, it's from my sister, "Feng Ruoxi smiled, making Leon's lips twitch.

"She advised me to come and look for you or did you think I would look for you myself?''

'I expected that still, I hoped she hadn't given her my location. This is dangerous, next time I won't tell her my location lest some annoying pest get in my way.'

Leon was already saddened due to being unable to summon Goro.

He learned that if a body was discarded in various places after it was brutalized into various pieces, the soul would also scatter.

Leon needed to use his ability to bind them before they disappeared,and the time until soul disappeared was still unknown and needed further experiment.

That day, he searched for Goro's head which was submerged in a pile of mud and debris from a broken tree, but just as he was about to pick it up this wounded gentlewoman thwarted his plan by kicking the head into the sky and exploded into flames.

Leon witnessed a spectacle scene seeing the sky setting ablaze but more than that his heart was set ablaze.

When asked, why did she do this?

'All for my inner satisfaction.'

This was the answer he got from her who seemed to think that she had done a good deed by disposing of the head.

Then what about his inner satisfaction?What about the loss he suffered?

"What happened?"Leon shouted, seeing her expression becoming pale.

Just as Feng Ruoxi's heart eased seeing Leon's eyes filled with worry, Leon's next words threw her off guard.

"Did your injury relapse? Should I call the doctor? Are you going to die? For god sake just go and die somewhere else as it's troublesome to clean your remains. Moreover, Sophia's gonna haunt me if you die here."

"Bastard! Just shut up?"Feng Ruoxi screamed.

"Wang Xiang!"


"That's the guy's name. Wang Xiang!"Feng Ruoxi's voice became weak as she spoke out the name.

"I want you to find that guy but leave him to me after you find out. I want to kill him with my own hands. I am tearing him into pieces along with that woman whom he was mingling with."

"I will..."Feng Ruoxi's eyes became bloodshot and her hair started to rise as her body shone with a bloody austere that started catching flames.

"Kill....I will Kill..."


Leon screamed but Feng Ruoxi seemed to have immersed herself too deep in emotions as all she muttered was to kill him like a broken doll.

Seeing the situation, getting out of hand Leon acted immediately and slammed his fist on her head.


Feng Ruoxi's body was thrown to the ground due to the heavy attack.

"Ouch!"Feng Ruoxi groaned and held her head as a numbing pain coursed through her body and the flames emerging from her disappeared.

"Get the hang of it, girl!"

"Thank you!"Feng Ruoxi muttered weakly as strength slowly returned to her body.

[DING! You have helped Feng Ruoxi calm down and also gained her trust. You have gained 30 counterattack points.]

'Holishit! My golden goose is that you?'Leon screamed inwardly looking down at the woman

'Why is is so much?Maybe because of her cultivation level.'

"Hmm!" Leon nodded and looked at his system.

'Hey find me that scumbag, Wang Xiang.'Leon asked immediately expecting to gain a few more points but seeing the system message, Leon's body became stiff and frozen.

'What the fuck?'

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