Published at 31st of May 2024 06:34:10 AM

Chapter 135: 135A Man From Upperrealm

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Chapter 135 135:A Man From Upperrealm

Leon's mind became as blank as a plain sheet of paper hearing system words.

[You need to exchange 500 luck points.]

"Five what?"Leon almost screamed aloud pulling his hair.

'Are you fucking kidding me? I need 500 points to find an asshole who doesn't mean shit to me.'

Feng Ruoxi flinched a bit seeing Leon jumping around like a monkey.

Feng Ruoxi gave Leon a suspicious look seeing his distorted expression but Leon just ignored her and talked to the system.

'What is this shit? Is that guy a human or a god? What's with these ridiculous luck points? I don't even have 400 luck points so this...'

[Host, that place that man is quite special.]

'What do you mean by special? Can you give a rough estimate?'

[20 points.]

Leon grinded his teeth wondering if his ability really required such ridiculous luck points or the system was taking a cut in between.

'Okay, do it!'Leon sighed heavily.

[He is in the upper realm beyond the dimensional zone.]

Leon's mind exploded hearing this and he gave Feng Ruoxi a skeptical glance

'Upper Realm!' Leon's eyes lost their shine for a moment.'Now that's a problem.'

'What's someone from the upper realm doing here? Playing some tricks. It doesn't look like that of villains that descend to grab weapons than is the protagonist with powerful parents and managed to go back.'

Leon finally understood why Feng Ruoxi wasn't able to find that man despite searching for the hell of the world after getting stronger.

But this adds more questions like if she is a female protagonist shouldn't she already have men flaunting at her from all directions? And originally how was she going to take revenge?

Things started becoming more complicated the more Leon thought about it.

Feng Ruoxi was already in her 30s which had gone beyond the age where Female protagonists take charge so Leon pondered if she was going to regress.

Giving Feng Ruoxi a dubious look, Leon wondered if he should kill her to make the task easier and save his luck points.

"Why are you looking at me like a pervert? Can you even find him?"Feng Ruoxi asked aloud, feeling a chilling sensation.

"Hmm! I can look for him. It's quite easy," Leon answered nonchalantly but his words were like rays of sunshine in the array of dark clouds that lit up her dead eyes.

"So where is he?"

"For that, you need to wait a bit, girl."

"Wait...Why wait? Just tell me where he is and I am gonna get the job done."Feng Ruoxi shouted, making the cut-throat sign.


"You can't go there on your own. We need to prepare a lot. He isn't on earth but somewhere out there beyond so wait until I come back from my job."

Feng Ruoxi's tensed nerves calmed realizing the situation.

"Beyond..."She muttered with a blank expression and nodded her head.

"When my sister said that you can track him, I was a bit skeptical but it seems you have some special skills. And what do you mean by getting back?"

That was to test if Seph could see through his regress power as only no one knows the limitations of the system.

Thankfully it seems he didn't know otherwise he wouldn't be breathing now.

He was formulating to cut that bastard decisively but all this became useless the moment he had awakened his martial spirit.

Now, he needed people, and that too of high quality. He can't just pick up and let them level up as it was too hassle and it was taking too long.

Except for 8 Martial Lords, a few Grandmasters, all others were struck at Martial Master.

This wasn't enough. He needs more...He needs an entire battalion.

In this event where an entire army was going to participate, was there any better place to hoard people than a battlefield?

"The world beyond that isn't exactly pleasant and the truth is I don't want you to go there especially."Argent leaned forward looking at Leon's eyes.

''That place is gonna be a playground for families. Safety....safeguard are secondary things.''

"I know, "Leon nodded.

"Despite that, you want to go there?"

"Yes, cause I have to."Leon answered firmly, folding his legs.

Argent sighed again....

"Do you want me to do something about your identity? As you know we aren't letting others go through except a selected few under personal recommendation."

Hearing this, Leon putting on a faint smile tore open his disguise.

The faces of the previous Leon and of the current him were now miles away from one another along with body shape so unless someone personally knew Leon for a long time no one could identify him. Even if someone did, it didn't matter anymore cause once he stepped out of the crack it was gonna be time for Seph to bid adieu.

Moreover, Seph wasn't going in so he was free to accumulate merits.

Argent's eyes widened with a falbbesgerated look as he stared at the young man...

"Holyshit!I knew you were young but didn't know you were this young. Even my great-grandson is just around your age. And a Martial Lord on top of that."Argent shouted, unable to suppress his expiration.

"My name is Leon."


[Leon Ghost Army Report.]

Martial Lords


Yo Kihwoon







As for others, I am keeping their number anonymous but for now it's less than 100.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!