Published at 31st of May 2024 06:34:07 AM

Chapter 138: 138First Battle In Shadow Zone

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Chapter 138 138:First Battle In Shadow Zone

The soldiers started gearing up with their weapons and wore leather armor made up of some beast skin. Each one of them got two sets of clothes and a pair of weapons.

Leon decided to stick with a spear instead of a sword for better range because in his past life, he mostly fought long poles.

The soldiers quickly reorganized themselves into three units under Vice Commander Thane, Captain Peter and a Vice Captain Garrison.

"Enemy! Hold the line. Maintain the formation. The enemy is approaching from 15 o'clock east."

Garrison's loud voice echoed.

Everyone moved one step ahead of them and started walking.

Leon followed their back and took in deep breaths.

'This is a new beginning.'

His heart beat faster.


The wind that was blowing carried the scent of the battlefield.

The long grasses of the plain shook and under everyone's eyes, a greenish figure started popping out.

Seeing them, murmurs and whispers broke out.

"What's that?"

"A green football head."

"It's a goblin asshole."



"SHUT UP AND FOCUS!"Garrison's loud screams roared over them.

"Raise your weapons and attack!"

"Yes Sir!''

The soldier screamsed

Meanwhile loud drums were heard from the background.Under Vice Commander Thane order, few soldiers beat the war drums as loudly as possible.

It was a scaring tactic that works often and scares the goblins, sadly it doesn't work now.

The ground shook along the entire plain as the infantry moved followed by archers who prepared to fire.

As the goblins drew closer, a loud command was issued.


At the order of aides, the archers released their arrows that covered the sky in an instant.


The result was entirely disastrous...

They didn't know if their skills regressed suddenly or because they still hadn't adapted to this place, most of the arrows didn't even reach their designated aims.

Mac clicked his tongue in annoyance overseeing things.

Generally, it would take a few hours or a day to get used to this feeling but it hadn't even been half an hour since they arrived, when the monsters attacked.

Due to disruption of space and high gravity, the body often takes time to find balance.

'Fortunately, the goblins amount to a few hundred.'

As Leon engrossed in moving forward leaving behind a pile of corpses, and with chimes echoing in his mind, his senses reacted a bit late to the soft sound from behind.

Then a goblin appeared from the corpse and stabbed his spear.

However, it wasn't at Leon but rather at the one beside him.

The man noticed it too late and wanted to trust his spear but his body just stood there in shock.

Not many managed to overcome the feeling of death haunting at their back for the first time.

However, before the goblin's spear could pierce, tearing the air a spear pierced through the goblin's throat.


Blood spurted from the goblin's neck.

However, Leon's spear didn't stop there.

The spear twisted like a snake and went past the goblin in front and stabbed the eye of the one behind, then raising his feet he slammed into the goblin's chest who shot back slamming the behind.

Leon swung his spear to shake the blood and stared at the man frozen in fright.

"Thanks, man!"

"No, problem. What's your name?"Leon asked, stabbing his spear at the head of a goblin and bursting it like a watermelon.

"Ian!"The man shouted, gripping his spear resolutely as he looked in awe at Leon's movement.

Following that Ian followed Leon.While Leon killed on through the faint, few who managed to go past him were killed by Ian who guarded his back.

And he did surprisingly.

An hour later, most of the battlefield was cleared with few goblins remaining. As for death from their side, it was a tale to be counted later.

The remaining goblins started running towards a dense forest in between a gorge.

"They are escaping."

"What should we do?"

"We will chase them?"Garrison shouted, frightening them.

"Chase...Isn't winning enough for now."A soldier muttered in disbelief.

Few even cried hearing Garrison's words.

"Did you forget why we are here? We are here to clear the monsters not to defeat them.''

Leon felt something wrong when he said that nevertheless, he supported it.

"Commander, please give me a squad. I will wipe out those annoying goblins."Garrison pledged, bowing his head.

Mac looked around for a moment and then asked.

"Can you do it?"

"Yes!"Garrison shouted.

"Then go and wipe them out!"

Hearing this, Garrison shouted, raising his spear.

"Infantry follow me."

Garrison then turned his eyes and locked onto Leon.

"And you! You will be in charge below me."

Leon looked around searching for the one Garrison looking for.

"Stop looking around, it's you."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!