Published at 31st of May 2024 06:34:04 AM

Chapter 140: 140Grip Of Death

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Chapter 140 140:Grip Of Death

A few moments ago....

Deep inside the forest in the gorge, various small birds flew around between the trees.

A moment later, many birds descended down.

In the dim light of the forest, an obscure figure cloaked in a dark shawl emerged, with his features shrouded in mystery.

Following it many greenish figures stepped over the broken twigs and litter falls scattered across.

Birds flutter around them, their wings creating a soft rustle in the stillness of the woods.

The figure moved with a fast blending seamlessly into the shadows, led by a silent observer over which birds circled around.

A small bird among the group sat down on the shoulder of the obscure figure letting out a small cry.


The small bird cried as if telling a story and chatted without pause, narrating the whole events that it had witnessed through its eyes.


"Can't believe there is a foul being...No let's say a foul beast among them."

He creased his brows and contemplated for a moment, then lightly shook his head.

If left like this things might escalate.In his opinion it's better to suppress the fire when it's still small than letting it run wild and destroy your plans

"Since it has come to this, there isn't any need to hide. Just don't let anyone escape to sing the tale."The man muttered with a cruel smile and then looked at the many bulky greenish figures around him.

"Go and assist your kins. Also, use the gas mask I have prepared to breathe properly.Make sure everyone is buried out there."

"Yes Lord!"

With a loud chime the figures bowed down their heads then with a loud stomp, they shot towards the place.


The forest fire rages through, casting an eerie glow amidst the thick canopy. Smoke billows upwards, obscuring the sky with a dark veil. The crackling of burning wood echoes through the air, as flames dance hungrily across the forest floor, leaving destruction in their wake.

And amidst this,a piercing laughter akin to scrapping of nails onto metal reverberates across.

"Kekekeke!'' A cold laugh resounded around the space.

"Human...You want to escape...Hahaha...In your dreams."

"What the fu......KHUMMM!"

Leon coughed loudly, unable to finish his sentence due to his dry lips and smoke choking his throat.

Raising his chin he saw the figures laughing aloud giving him a shock as what stood before him were many big burly goblins or something like that wearing a gas mask. This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

For the past few minutes, he hadn't even taken a proper breath..

Influx by a elation of pain, Leon stumbled back on his steps and it was then.


A thunderous explosion shook the place as Leon's body blasted back slamming against a tree and bouncing back.

His back arched and a brittle cracking sound of breaking bones accompanied him as he bounced off to the ground after clashing with the tree.

Despite the flurry of vision, he tried to wake up. The veins bulged over his neck and he gasped heavily, trying to suck in the air as greedily as possible but he found his lungs blocked.

Panic set in his chest as he felt shards of glass tearing through his lungs. He opened his lips but even screams were not able to come out.

His lips were dry and bitter burnt taste lingered.Everything around him was set by a fire and smoke.Morover, he noticed that all smokes and flames for some reason concentrated on him as if guided by some mysterious power.

In his terrific agony, he heard a chuckle again.

"Is it difficult to breathe?Is it difficult to talk?"

"Poor human, it seems you can't even scream properly.

"And mind if I elevate your pain?"

"Bitc..."Leon voice gurgles as he gives up on his futile struggle to escape and throws a punch.


His punch was too weak and he was held in by the green figure's burly hands.

"WEAK!"The goblin spat with a sneer exposing two sharp fangs running from upside down.


Following that sound, Leon's whole body rotated as he felt a strong force over his neck that snapped its neck twisting in an odd direction and scraping the neck bones, the former dislodged his entire head.

The Goblin who was laughing suddenly paused, seeing deathly cold eyes from a broken head glinting at him, giving him a shiver.

It was such a gaze that he almost took a step back in fear but as the realization of what he had done hit him, in anger he stepped forward and stomped over the body.

"Don't give me that look you fucking son of bitch."

"Just die and go to hell quietly and catch up with your comrades."With a scream he threw Leon and stepped over his head.


Before his vision became blank, his unfocused eyes only noted a single world hovering on the figure head.



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