Published at 31st of May 2024 06:34:00 AM

Chapter 144: 144Time For Second Round

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Chapter 144 144:Time For Second Round

This time, it wasn't just a small troop or squad but the entire regiment that kept marching.

The sound of steps echoed along with horns to attract attention.


The front was led by shield warriors followed by infantry and archers.

From the left side, Mac sneaks among the normal soldiers and leads the troops left side to the gorge while Thane takes a squad of 100 to climb across the small hills.


Goblins started to pour in from the entrance as the infantry shot a rain of spears.

Seeing the death of goblins, Leon stood there with a brief thought.

The goblins jumping on them were at a low level, just wearing a piece of cloth around their groins, and in fire, they were also killed after which came goblins dressed in armor who were able to talk unlike these guys who just made some unrecognizable crocks.

Questions and doubts arose in Leon's mind as he observed and analyzed the situation.

'Is this evolution?Or did the monsters become intelligent when they got stronger.'

There was blurry information in Leon's mind but he wasn't able to remember it clearly. It was like a fishbone stuck in his throat unable to come out.

Leon had researched a bit about beasts who can cultivate and according to scripts, when Qi first arrived on earth, creatures mutated growing strong.They became a bit intelligent but not to the point where they could talk and rationalize.

It was at level of Iq similar to dolphins or Orangutan so was it different for monsters.Sadly, there wasn't many record or research on this as goblins, Orcs were rarely found in Dimensional zone and living in tribes they generally avoid human and human don't try to mess with them unnecessary since they already have their ass bitten from all around by others.



Blood splattered and screams arose one after another as the death of goblins kept on rising.

The goblins might have thought that after a brief kill, the humans would chase them inside but...

The infantry gave away leading to the appearance of archers.


At the orders of the aides, the flame arrows covered the sky.

SHOOT!SHOOT!SHOOT!SHOOT!" This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

The path of fire was formed at the entrance of the forest, and it started spreading inside and also radially towards the peak of the small hills.

The only side it didn't spread was towards the west because a heavy wind blew from west to east. And that was the place where Thane led his troops.



Screams of agony emerged one after another as the goblins were burnt to crisp under the intense flames.

Looking at dissipating back, a cold glint flashed before his eyes.

"I don't know who thwarted my plans but I will crush everything and once I managed to get out of this place, it would be the time when the Game of Lords would begin in earnest on a grandier stage."


Thane climbed over the gentle slope. The trees weren't big and around the same height but it wasn't enough to block the vision rather the smoke that managed to escape the wind and littered up above.

"This is a crazy strategy commander," His subordinate Merck muttered, smacking his lips in annoyance.

"It is but to win a person needs to be crazy and insane especially when fighting with something unknown," Thane muttered with a stern expression.

"But what if they don't come and by keeping the walk we enter into the trap filled with eli..."

Merck hadn't even finished his sentence when a loud resonating blast exploded.

A loud bang destroyed an entire area of a few meters as a mighty bulky figure slammed onto the ground.

"Kie....Humans accept your death."A screeching laughter echoed.

"Halt!"Thane shouted observing the enemy.

He felt fluctuations of two King realm experts followed by several Martial GrandMaster and a few Lords while in his team, he was the only Martial King along with 3 other Martial Lords.

"KIIEKK!Humans accept your fate."

At that time, a goblin with a hunched back casted an eerie smile while raising his staff and hit the ground.


A blast of flames lit the place, making the human figures freeze in fear.

The place was quite soothing a moment ago but was now rampaged by flames and amidst crackling laughter emerged much to everyone's annoyance.

Seeing this, Merck looked at Thane's expression with a bitter smile.

When Leon proposed the plan, no one wanted to accept it as they can't fight in fire but to everyone's surprise, Leon had brought dozens of storage rings which had gas masks and fire proof suits which he had stolen from the barracks.

Peter who apprehended all this when Leon entered would have never believed that this thing would be useful nevertheless here they are relying on them.

"Though we expected this somehow, still we officially fucked up."Merck clicked looking ahead.

Germin without giving them time to react, with a stomp jumped forward through the barrage of flames as if it was nothing.

"Humans, there is no retreat. Surrender or die."

"You talk too much, "Thane shouted with bloodshot eyes as his full aura of Martial King burst forth creating a loud gale.

"Use the gas mask we have brought and try to cover the skin as even though the clothes inside are fire resistant, heat might injure us."

Relaying his orders Thane charged pulling out his weapon to meet Germnin.


Soon, the round of a decisive battle began amidst embers of war threatening to burn down the place to ashes.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!