Published at 31st of May 2024 06:33:56 AM

Chapter 146: 146Time For Second Round[III]

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Chapter 146 146:Time For Second Round[III]

A thunderous explosion shook the place startling everyone out there.

Grave almost screamed out in terror raising his arms to defend but the shadow that jumped out didn't even manage to scratch him.

The shadow just blurred and vanished as if it never existed.


His body stiffened and he was startled for a moment.

Then he noticed the source of the sound, and his jaw dropped wide open and his pupil dilated as he gawked at the figure of the mage named Bagail.

The upper body of Bagail exploded into a mess of flesh, blood, and bones, flying up into the sky and then raining everywhere in a messy manner over an obscure figure. The lower half remained on its feet for a brief moment before slowly collapsing on the ground.

If Bagail's face had an expression it would be an expression of fright and astonishment as the monster didn't even know how he died out of nowhere.

A few low-level goblins around holding a mace were frightened, and took several steps back due to the faint shockwave permeating around carrying drops of blood splattering over them.

Beside the corpse stood a human raising his fist who's upper half was dyed in blood. Read latest chapters at nov(e) Only

As he snapped his head at them, the goblin jumped in fear emitting fearful shrieks.




Creaking an unrecognizable voice, the goblins ran back in fear.

"This was easy," Leon spat, breaking the brief silence that ensued again.

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His first target from the beginning was this hunched back goblin cause he was one of the reasons he died choking on fire and smoke where goblins danced freely.

Leon still couldn't get over the feeling of how he died.It was agonizingly suffocating.

Have you ever felt dying with a pain akin to blackish grains stuffed into your lungs through your mouth and nose until your lungs were torn apart and then hit around like a punching bag?

Yeah, that's what he failed when he died.

And this seemingly ordinary Mage had a very huge role in his death previously.

It was absurd how goblins remained unscathed even if they had strong bodies but there was no way it was on the level of his Draconic body level.

The question ringing in his mind was finally answered when he saw this man with a staff.




Leon sent Germin's mace flying back who spun his body, to change the direction of momentum to strike Leon greatsword.


The sonorous clash of metal echoed through the battlefield as Leon pressed his advantage, aiming to sever Germin's neck.


Germin gritted his teeth, narrowly avoiding the lethal strike by ducking his head.

'I have to retaliate...'

Germin attempted to stab Leon in the chest, but his movements were too slow, easily countered by Leon's greatsword.

Leon observed Germin's exposed upper body, a tempting target.

With a heavy swing, Leon brought his greatsword down towards Germin's head with intention to pop the head akin to watermelon, but at the last moment, Germin managed to block the blade with his mace.

A shockwave rippled through the battlefield as their weapons collided, sending tremors through the ground.

"Ikk!You are a good warrior."Germin snorted and spat at Leon's eye.

"Shut up, Bloody Brute!"Leon replied, tilting his head to dodge the beast's filthy saliva and swung his sword.


Golden sparks and black sparks flew everywhere as metal rubbed against each other generating a great friction.

Leon's silhouette and the Germin turned into two flashes that were impossible to follow by anyone present as a wave of dust arose around them.

The black smoke erupting from flames slowly started blowing away allowing humans to breathe in relief as fighting while using mask was a daunting task.

Meanwhile, the mask worn by Germin and Leon had already blown away and disappeared somewhere.

Germin exert more force into his mace, trying to overpower Leon, but the human warrior stood firm, his muscles bulging with effort.

The clash continued, each strike sending shockwaves through the air, shaking the surrounding landscape.

Despite Germin's brute strength, Leon's speed and skill proved to be a formidable match.

The bulky goblins and human armies watched in awe and disbelief as the two warriors battled, their movements almost surreal in their intensity.

With each clash, the ground trembled, and soldiers on both sides felt the impact of their blows.


"What's that!"

"Fuck!He is changing."

It was then they saw the two halting and what followed after was a shocking scene of Germin transformation making everyone worried.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!