Published at 31st of May 2024 06:33:54 AM

Chapter 147: 147Time For Second Round[IV]

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Chapter 147 147:Time For Second Round[IV]

Neither Leon nor Germin showed any sign of backing down, their determination driving them forward amidst the chaos of battle.

It wasn't just a fight of life and death.

A fight of two contrasting emotions

Leon thirst for revenge and Germins crazed battle madness and anger.

Amidst the chaos, the huge bulky goblin and human armies watched in awe and disbelief as the two warriors battled, their movements exerting intense pressure.

With each clash, the ground trembled, and soldiers on both sides felt the impact of their blows.

The sounds of clashing weapons and the roars of the combatants filled the air, mingling with the cries of wounded soldiers and the shouts of Captains urging their troops to go over each other's throats.

Amidst this, the two separated.

Breathing heavily, the two stared at one another with their chest heaving up and down.

Fortunately, the slope was flat otherwise someone might have died by falling off.

As both of them stared at one another with ferocious gaze, Germin smiled exposing his two fangs.

"Human Warrior!"

"KIEKKK..It's commendable that you managed to persist till you but it's all over." This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)


Germin laughed crazily, emitting a maddening roar.

Leon frowned seeing a scene unfolding before him.

Germin's trembling with rage, muscles swelling and bulging as if fueled by an unseen force.

His eyes, once calm, now blaze with a fiery red intensity, reflecting the anger consuming him from within. With each passing moment, his stature grows taller, his presence commanding and imposing, as though he's tapping into some primal force beyond comprehension.

It's a chilling sight, the transformation akin to a creature shedding its shell.

He had become bigger, stronger and fiercer.

With a sneer, Germin stomped the ground, propelling his huge body forward.

A crackling sound echoed and with a flash his body vanished out of sight.

Leon heard an enraged roar from a goblin leader's main army followed by a loud bang, and noticing the change in atmosphere pressure increase, it was evident that Germin was approaching at a thunderous speed.


Leon tilted forward and stepped forward summoning all his strength. His image started to blur, as he launched himself like a whirlwind.

It was already a miracle that his arms were still working when a loud impact repeatedly coursed back.

'No need to show off.Lets just slam him with all my strength.'Leon's eyes glowed with a strange glint.

After enduring for a brief time, Germin's powerful arms that were thrice as big as Leon finally faltered. His mace was pressed down with even greater power than before, and his feet started getting pushed back.

It was then a sudden realization hit him as he looked back, he saw drag marks below his feet of dozens of meters with a trail of blood.

'What? I have been pushed for a few meters?'

In the instant when there was lapse in concentration, a tremendous power slammed over him.



Germin groaned as the great sword struck his bulky body and he was sent flying like a kite whose string had been cut.

The veins in Germin's arms seemed to break out as his muscles exploded. Blood spurted uncontrollably from his mouth as he flew back with a trail of blood.


He crashed onto a boulder decimating it into pieces.

"GERMMMIIN..."Grave eyes turned grave as his fellow mate was beaten. His eyes widened as he stared in utter shock at the goblin who was a lead in their army.

"Where are you looking?"Thane's face closed, giving him a slash.


"KHUMMM?"Grave groaned as a slash cut a part of his right arm, slicing a piece of meat.

"Damn!Humans!"Grave cursed and ignoring Germin, he decided to focus on his battle lest it would be he who dies.

With the death of the mage who controlled the fire, the low level goblin condition was much worse than expected as all of them were almost naked, and their skin wasn't fire-resistant like upper-ranked ones.

Merck started pressing upon them slowly and steadily.

'We can win...No we will win.'Merck clenched his hands and looked at the menacing human who walked slowly like a mad beast.

Several strands of Leon's front hair partially covered his eyes, but from the immense killing intent radiating from his body, it was enough to notice his expression now.

He lowered his greatsword and let it fall on the ground as he started walking towards Germin with a leisurely step. The heavy sword started morphing by forming ridges over the edges and with every step he dragged it,a cacophony of terrifying noise of something piercing followed after it.

"As said, a dog who barks seldom bites.Yeah it's a different matter if it's me who barks and bites as well."

Germin almost coughed the blood rising up his throat hearing this.

"You might not know or remember but it's okay."Leon swept away his hair and laughed sinisterly at Germin's horror stricken face.

"But it's okay, cause you will remember after you die."

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