Published at 31st of May 2024 06:33:53 AM

Chapter 148: 148Time For Second Round[V]

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Chapter 148 148:Time For Second Round[V]

Germin felt as if his head had been struck by a huge hammer weighing several tons and his brain seemed to turn mush, due to the repeated shock waves coming from the weapon clashing, shaking him to the core. With extremely unsteady steps he struggled to get to his feet but this caused the several injuries in his arms to widen leaking blood.

But after a few spurts, blood started forming clots. He shook his head to shake off the dizziness assaulting him and let out a grimace of pain.

"Human! How are you unscathed?"

"Who said I am unscathed?"Leon put forward an amused expression."I feel like vomiting blood any moment but I am forcefully swallowing everything."

As if to prove his saying, Leon spat a few drops of blood.

"Do you want to see something more?"

Putting forward a playful smile, Leon snapped his finger.


Shadows streaked across the ground and started dancing across the battlefield. Thick dark smoke shot out from the ground and sliced off the air.

All the goblins that crossed paths couldn't even comprehend what was happening before their bodies were ripped to shreds.

Some were decapitated on the spot, and others were cut straight from the waist down the upper half onto the ground, the bestial cry of pain emerged from them as they could only shriek and writhe in pain.

The ghost army rising from the shadows sneaked in but due to Hella's illusion, all they saw were blurry cut signs scratching the air leaving a dark trail that was further covered by a layer of smoke from flames.

However, Thane's expression changed as he could see a glimpse of humanoid figures of darkness emerging from behind the enemy, and as they fought with the humans, unaware of what lay in their back, the dark figure cut down the goblins.


"What kind of power is this?"Germin's eyes widened with horror as he saw his troops getting torn apart by an unknown force.

His beastly eyes slowly looked human whose shadow loomed over him.

Germin, grasping his mace tightly, gave a thrust toward Leon who raised his greatsword to defend.


The head of the mace made a crunching sound from which a sharp spike shot at Leon.


Germin's eyes gleamed as the spike shot at Leon with extremely fast speed but before it could touch him, the greatsword much to his dismay, changed into a shield that deflected the attack.


The spike on colliding the great sword bounced off and fell on the ground with a thud leaving Germin bewildered and shocked as he witnessed the failure of his last trump card.

"Hmm!" Leon snorted and with a move stepped forward leaving a blur.


The cry tore through the air, a raw, guttural sound that seemed to emanate from the depths of one's soul, filled with anguish and torment, echoing with the weight of unbearable suffering that he was going through now.

Germins' screams echoed over the place and were even heard by the troops below near the entrance. That's how terrifying it was.

Everyone regardless of human or beast shuddered in fear and screams that seemed to cry of a ghost giving them a haunting nightmare.

Then with a yank, Leon roared, exerting all his strength he could muster.



Blood exploded bursting forth as Leon ripped apart two hands and without support, the body under Leon due to applied pressure by pressing his foot crashed on the rocky mountain ground.

Germin's face took a direct hit slamming onto the hard ground.

Teeth broke apart and shot out from Germin's jaw. His eyes were hollow, his throat was numb from the scream and his jaw was wide open, saliva mixed with blood flowed around.

Leon then felt something, raised his head and saw a few birds of similar size as sparrows flying around.

Looking at them, Leon's lips opened wide with a terrifying smile as he made a cutthroat sign over his neck.


Immediately after that, black figure of hawks passed through the sparrows decapacitating them in the mid air.

On looking back he saw Grave already on his knees.

He didn't know if Thane could defeat him one-on-one but Grave lost because of suffering emotional damage from all around.

And at his feet, Germin's body lay limp, emitting soft groans along with tears trickling down.

Leon took a deep breath and his body shuddered with a deep sense of euphoria.

"Your screams....I like it."

Then Germin's eyes moved as he saw the human raising his foot.


"Mercy!"Leon muttered with a surprised look and then he chuckled softly, tilting his head.

"That's what she said."

Following the voice, Germin saw the human dropping his foot and soon a loud boom echoed in his ears that was followed by the welcome of eternal darkness greeting him with open arms.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!