Published at 31st of May 2024 06:33:50 AM

Chapter 150: 150Relentless Attacks

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Chapter 150 150:Relentless Attacks

"Tell me,which fucker idea is it?"Leon breathed fire through his eyes looking at the trio kneeling down.

"It was his!"Sander and Vikram pointed at the brown-haired guy while trying to avert his gaze.

"What the fu...?"Ian screamed in bewilderment and swallowed his saliva seeing Leon's gaze.

Ian glared at the two who were observing the beautiful weather and completely ignoring Ian.

Squeezing his lips, Ian answered "I thought you died."

"How did you come to this assumption ?"Leon asked, gritting his teeth.

"I searched for you and couldn't find I thought."Ian's speech stuttered.

"Just because you couldn't find me, you thought I was dead."

Thick veins bulged over Leon's head as he was speechless about what to say as the logic wasn't that bad.

That left him with immense frustration to vent but before he could do anything, a loud order came from somewhere.

"Leon, Sir Commander is looking for you in the tent."

"Okay!"Leon nodded and walked away leaving his fellow mate a vicious gaze. This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)


"Did you call me Sir?"

Leon saluted everyone in the tent.

Mac nodded and spoke with a smile"Soldier Leon, your help was invaluable as it saved us from quite a loss. Not only did you manage to find out the enemy's tactics but you also managed to provide valuable support."

"You cleared the doubt harbored in the hearts of many. You are really a valuable asset for our regiment as well as for humanity."

"Thanks but I just did what I needed to do.Nothing more and nothing less."Leon shouted, thumping his fist on his chest.

Everyone gave a brief nod.

Mac turned towards Thane who understood his words and rolled a map on the table.

Leon's eyes gleamed seeing the map unfold on the table.


"Fucking kobolds, just get your ass out here. I am gonna shove this stick in your ass for disturbing my sleep."Sanders roared angrily, chasing after goblins.

Vikaram stomped over a goblin's face one after another.

"Damn!Just how long?Just for how long are you gonna harass us?"

Meanwhile, Ian just stood still with two black dead panda eyes. He was so still, that one can mistake him for statute but if one put his ear near his lips, one can hear endless chants of holy cursing scriptures.

"Kill.....I will kill you. Shred into pieces and scatter your dust."

Leon shook his head seeing the soldier's mental condition. For, the past two days they had hardly got time to even take a shit properly cause the monster attacked them endlessly.

Their numbers weren't large nor were they threatening but they attacked again and again with a gap of 45 minutes, and the battle lasted for 10-35 minutes. And as they tend themselves for a few minutes, another horde would appear.

They have almost killed 7-8 times the enemy of their number which was weird as if there was an endless monster spawning barracks out there.

Leon ravens and hawks, along with his ghosts, patrolled the entire surrounding endlessly which had often saved them from suffering a disaster.

After two days, they finally managed to get some peace as no monster attacked since the afternoon.

The soldiers gleaming in joy, lit campfires, and started to soothe themselves.

"Finally, we can enjoy a bit. I haven't eaten well and lost weight."Sander laughed and chugged a whole boiled potato.

"Is it alright for us to relax?"Ian asked with a frown looking at his rough palm. It was still unbelievable for him that the enemies had not attacked them in the last 6 hours.

"Stop worrying too much. Even monsters are living beings and they have their own needs. Just keep away that sour expression and relax as we might not get a time like this later."Vikram shouted, hitting Ian's shoulder.

Then they mingled with each other and started laughing.

"Leon, take this brisket. It tastes nice and also smiles a bit. Don't be a party pooper."Sander teased and extended his hand.

"I guess you are right," Leon smiled and chugged the piece of brisket and jerky.

He chewed but he didn't feel any taste. Not because it was bad but rather because his inner mind was in a mess.

Leon closed his eyes to calm himself contrary to his dark expression and smiled.

'This atmosphere...Sitting around a campfire with a few groups, doesn't feel so bad alas....'

However, his smile was completely different from the positive and bright look on his face.

But it was something that only he knew.

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