Published at 31st of May 2024 06:33:47 AM

Chapter 152: 152Night Raid[II]

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Chapter 152 152:Night Raid[II]

Leon somehow expected this but despite knowing it, they can't let every soldier stay awake cause if they do that they will die in exhaustion.

Mac knew he had to take this gamble as just a few short hours of rest could do a miracle.

However, this time a mistake occurred from Leon's side as the ravens circling up in the sky weren't able to perceive things far away due to their lack of sight in pitch darkness. If there was even a faint starlight, things would have been different, and unlike them, the monster's bestial eyes seem able to see through the darkness.

Leon also decided to take a rest, so by the time the ravens noticed the movements, the monsters were pretty close to the base camps with their swift speed due to riding a beast.

And when he realized this, the monsters had already started running a rampage.

Following the loud noise of the horn, an uneasy silence crept into the camp, which was followed by loud cries.

The soldiers' bodies reacted, and everyone started appearing with curses in their mouths.

Many flame torches and powerful flashlights lit up the whole place.

"Tsk! Throw the flames and burn the tents."

On Looner's orders, fire arrows and weapons tied with a burning mass were thrown towards the tent.

The tent that Looner struck first had already been evacuated by Leon. A few tents were already burnt but from them, a sharp noise echoed.


Looner instinctively pulled the reins and moved toward the back of the burning tent as a rain of arrows fell from them.

At the same time, the allies poured a rain of arrows on the cavalryman of Orcs.



The Orcs groaned as the arrows pierced their skin, who weren't able to prepare themselves and collapsed. This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

Looner clenched his fist with a frustrated look. Though he managed to deal damage, it wasn't much. He expected their reaction to be a bit late, but they reacted pretty fast.

'What should I do? Should I retreat?'

While falling into deep thought, the cavalry at the front dodged the rain of arrows falling towards them.

"Fuck! Where do you want to go?"

"Do you think this is your home?"

"Shut up!" The Orcs roared and swung their weapons.

"Block them!" Peter shouted, jumping into action.

Mac stood behind arranging the formation, and soon, hundreds of swordsmen and spearmen lined up following the camp.

Mac's expression turned grave.

'They aren't normal troops. They are fully prepared and equipped. Moreover, they are also fighting in well-maintained coordination but the biggest problem is their numbers.'

Peter shot like an arrow and appeared in the blind spot, his spear stabbed into the neck of an Orc rampaging around but it still didn't kill him as the Orc swung its weapon by spinning around.

Peter stepped back, following which Thane and Garrison put their spears.

A thread of mana surged forth, as both of them struck the Orc, blasting it away.


The huge body struck by a Qi explosion shot back and slammed into other Orcs but without any care, they just threw their kin away.

Meanwhile, the members of the squad tried to fend off the beast while trying to keep themselves safe.

"Bastards, just die."

"Get the fuck out of here."

"Where did that bastard disappear now?" Sander screamed, defending against an Orc that raised its mace to slam onto him but before he could do that, a spear shaking the air pierced its neck.

"Don't lose focus," Ian shouted and, feeling a tap, swung his spear towards the back only to find Vikram freezing like a statue.

"What was that?" Ian asked.

"Look there...."

Ian and Sander looked at the direction Vikram pointed.

Seeing the scene, they almost rubbed their eyes.

Unable to contain his shock, Sander sighed and focused on the enemy ahead.

"I told you that guy is a hell of a monster fucker."

Amidst the cries, Leon's figure moved like a ghost cutting through the huge horde of goblins and hobgoblins jumping over him. He felt as if he had been surrounded by a swarm of ants.

"What the fuck? Why are you all goblins coming at me?"

Leon swung his spear nonstop and spun it around his body by twirling his finger.

When he looked from the other side in the flickering night, amidst the swaying grass of the plains, Leon was like a lone figure standing with spear in hand, surrounded by a relentless tide of goblins.

With each swing, his spear cuts through the darkness, fending off the horde. The clash of metal echoes through the air, illuminated by sporadic flashes of sparks, painting a scene of fierce determination against overwhelming odds.

His spear flew in a circle creating faint sharp cut marks in and out, while slashing the goblins.


The goblins climbed over their dead kins and jumped at Leon. In his frenzied state, Leon pulled back his spear and making a claw sigh, he swung his arms.

[Dragon Claw]


Three scratch marks through the air and shot forward, cutting a horde of goblins into three pieces.

Blood splattered and rain as the Dragon Claw mark charged for a few meters leaving a bloody trail of destruction in its wake.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!