Published at 31st of May 2024 06:33:42 AM

Chapter 153: 153Night Raid[III]

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Chapter 153 153:Night Raid[III]

Swinging his spear, Leon then turned towards Looner who was going after Mac while keeping an eye on him.

From the corner of his eyes, he noticed a wide grin from Looner who was commanding the Orc troops efficiently.

'He isn't as easy as it looks.'

Orcs might be difficult to deal with but if many orcs surrounded a single or few small individuals who had great agility, then one could easily sneak out. Compared to them, the goblins swarming around were troublesome to deal with as they just kept pouring on him like tides of sea relentlessly.


The spear turned roughly by riding over his palm.

The sound of air and flesh cutting apart rang again and again.

Leon didn't know what the hell was wrong with them because no matter how brutally he killed them by stabbing them into their eyes, noses, ears, or even groins none of them ran away in fear like before. The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

Previously, once he started slaughtering like madmen, the goblins would run away in fear but this time they didn't but this time they attacked him as if they were possessed.

He could hear faint groans and recognizable murmurs coming from them.


''Lrd OrDer,KiLl'

Scratches started appearing over him and an arrow bypassing his defense struck his back.

Leon, with a roar, stepped over the soles of his feet and swung his spear all his might.


Following his roar, a fierce gale of energy arc swept through the place hitting the goblins.


Dust and debris swayed all around, and the brute force of his spear ripped apart everything in its way that stood before him.

Thane and Garrison looked at one another and then engaged on the front lines to deal with brutal bulky Orcs.

Noticing Leon's plight, they made their way towards him to help.

Thane pulled back his sword and then lifted a corpse of the huge Orc body then threw it towards the goblin encirclement.



The body of Orc slammed onto the goblins and this repeated several times as Thane kept on going.

Seeing this opportunity, Leon dashed forward stepping over the Orc corpse forming a high ground, and jumped up.

"Listen Leon, don't come here. Go and help Sir Mac," Thane screamed, signaling Leon to go over the commander's head.

"Yes Sir!"

Leon slightly nodded and then charged forward. Qi surged in his body as he channeled all his strength into his legs.

The muscles of his two legs twitched and were filled with energy.

Peter and Garrison looked at each other and then sprang back with their knees while placing their spears one over another.


With each attack, Looner found himself hard-pressed to defend against the onslaught. He parried and dodged, his axe swinging in desperate arcs as he struggled to keep pace with the ferocity of the two. But for every blow he deflected, two more came crashing down upon him, each one pushing him further and further back.

Despite his best efforts, Looner's defenses began to falter under the relentless assault.

Leon and Mac pressed their advantage, their spear attacks coming faster and fiercer with each passing moment. The air was filled with the sound of metal clashing against metal, a symphony of battle that echoed through the clearing.

Finding himself in a pinch, Looner raised his axe and smashed it on the ground.

"NASTY HUMANS!" Looner roared fiercely and stomped the ground.


Leon and Mac charging ahead halted their steps and jumped, seeing an explosion of Looner's body.

The ground beneath formed a dent with cracks radiating outwardly, forming a screen of dust.

When the screen of dust arose, they saw a reddish Orc emanating a fierce aura beating his chest like drums of war.

However instead of charging like a madman, he stood there with a sinister smile.

As Leon and Mac frowned, they heard loud screams from their side.





Screams and pleas began echoing loudly, as Leon looked around he sucked in cold air.

All goblins that had been held back by Leon were now running wild. The small notorious goblins with agility similar to monkeys sneaked in between the fight and jumped on human heads.

Some grabbed the leg, some grabbed the head, and some just pounced forward.

"Damn it!" Mac spat in anger and glared at Looner.

"Leon, it seems you need to go back and also I heard you have a few tricks. Use that trick now otherwise we may be wiped. Leave this piece of trash for me."

"Yes!" Swallowing his saliva, Leon was about to summon his ghosts when a sudden explosion rocked the battlefield, sending shockwaves rippling through the air.

With a deafening roar, someone tore through the sky like a blazing comet, with descent shrouded in a maelstrom of dust and debris. As they crashed to the ground with earth-

shattering force, a shockwave rippled outward, sending enemy soldiers tumbling like ragdolls in its wake.

The Orcs army at back were blown away by the sudden blast and squealed in pain while the humans gasped in shock, wondering who appeared now.

"What now?"

"Who is it?"

Their questions were answered by a chilly breeze blowing around when they saw a woman stepping out from the dust with a dark gaze.

Seeing the figure many soldiers gasped in relief and while many screamed thinking of reinforcement.

But unlike others, Leon's heart stirred for a moment and his body just froze making him stand rooted at the place.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!