Published at 31st of May 2024 06:33:38 AM

Chapter 155: 155Snow Witch[II]

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Chapter 155 155:Snow Witch[II]

Leon was surprised by the brief entrance but he didn't put his mind on it but his back tingled for some reason.

"I have a bad feeling," Though Leon wasn't able to notice the full image of the figure due to a faint mist hovering around, his heart was already beating hard as if he had seen someone familiar which his heart was carved for.


He looked at bewildered Looner and charged forward, grinding his teeth.

He swung his spear with all his strength.


A trail of air dispersed with a heavy hum, silencing the place.


A spark trailed off illuminating the darkness of the night sky, casting an eerie glow over the desolate battlefield as Leon, squared off against Looner, wielding a massive ax.

With his back against the cold menacing figure, Leon gripped his spear tightly, eyes locked on his opponent.

As Looner charged forward with a guttural roar, Leon sidestepped, his movements fluid and calculated. With a swift thrust, he aimed for Looner's chest, but the Orc deflected the blow with his ax, the clash of metal ringing through the air.

[Nimbus Steps]

Leaving afterimages, Leon's figure blurred as he ran around to dodge.

Looner went crazy and swung his ax wildly, each which left a devastating aftermath slashing the ground into a wide rift.


Their dance of death continued, each combatant testing the other's skill and determination.

Leon utilized a series of thrusts and feints, keeping Looner off balance, while the Orc swung his ax with brute force, each blow sending shockwaves through Leon's arms as he parried and dodged.

Mac, standing nearby, provided support with his own spear, his movements synchronized with Leon's as they fought in a team. Together, they formed a fatal duo, their coordinated attacks forcing Looner to defend from multiple angles.


But the Looner fought relentlessly, his stamina seemingly boundless as he pressed the attack, his ax whistling through the air with deadly intent.

"Stop stepping back cowards."

"Fight me like a real man."

Looner screamed angrily as he saw the edge of his ax getting eroded due to repeated assaults from the two.

"SHUT UP! You talk too much," Leon screamed as he used his Dragon Claw Art on his spear.


With a bloodshot eye, Orc hacked his ax, tearing the air.

[Rampage Slash]

BOOOOOOOOM! This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

The two attacks of opposing aura met, illuminating the space.

Dust and debris rose along with a crackling sound akin to detonation of thunder.

The ax went a few inches above Leon's head, cutting a few strings of his hair.

At that time, Mac pounced onto Looner again with a defending blow.


Despite the mounting fatigue, Looner refused to yield, drawing upon reserves of strength and forcefully pushed forward.

With a primal roar of his own, Mac lunged forward from the side. His spear aimed straight for Looner's exposed flank.

Leon jumped and rolled down to avoid the shockwave and retrieving his spear got into his position to strike again.

"Let's do this."

In a split-second decision, Mac intercepted Looner's ax with his own spear, the impact reverberating through his arms as he gritted his teeth against the strain. With a surge of adrenaline, Leon seized the opportunity, driving his spear forward with all his might.


Looner was deflecting Mac's attack and reacted a bit late due to his stiff movements, and by the time he noticed this...

The tip of the spear pierced Looner's skull.


Rotating the spear in his palm, Leon's spear dug deep into the skull and pierced the brain.

At that time, Mac jumped in and stabbed straight into Looner's throat and ended his life.

[You have gained 700 KP.]

'Tsk!' Leon smacked his tongue annoyance.

'Isn't this system cutting a bit more.'

The Orc's lifeless body collapses to the ground in a heap.

Exhausted but victorious, Leon and Mac stood side by side, their breaths coming in ragged gasps as they surveyed the aftermath of the brutal battle.

"This was quite troublesome." Mac spoke with a chuckle while surveying the battlefield around.

Watching Irina, he laments in a sad voice "Having supreme Martial Spirits really makes you cut over the edge."

"It sure was." Leon answered nonchalantly without looking at Mac.

'This Orc power isn't that simple. I don't think any Martial King could be this strong unless they are the protagonist.'

Muttering inwardly, Leon spotted an oddity.

He squatted down and glanced at a tattoo on Looner's left arm which felt oddly ominous.

Before Leon could extend his hand to touch it, the tattoo disappeared and the bulky fresh alive red corpse turned green and then it suddenly became hollow sunken dried right before Leon's eye, scarring him.


Emitting a scream, Leon jumped back and then saw Mac giving him a suspicious gaze.

Turning his head in robotic fashion, Leon squeezed out a dry smile.

"I swear, I did nothing."


Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!