Published at 31st of May 2024 06:33:36 AM

Chapter 157: 157Leon And Irina[II]

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Chapter 157 157:Leon And Irina[II]

"Huh!" Leon snapped out of his thoughts when he heard his fellow mate's words.

"Sorry, I need some time alone, "Leon, shrugging his shoulders, turned around and walked, leaving the three in surprise.

"Wait! What happened Leon? Are you injured or something?"


"Guys, please give me some time.''

Leon ignored the screams from behind and just walked away trying to get far away from the suffocating place. This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

Sander was about to chase Leon but Ian and Vikram held him up.

"He doesn't seem well."Sander refuted

"I think it's something personal."Ian muttered and pointed at the woman.

Sander stopped his protest and looked at the figure chasing after Leon,"Huh?Why is Commander Irina chasing him?"

"Maybe it's a family matter."Vikram muttered nonchalantly but his eyes shone strangely.


He didn't know how long he walked but the cold breeze and vast night sky, which always soothed his aching lonely heart, didn't seem to work today.

The most troublesome part of life was when the memories of this Leon infused him, and he started to live here, it became increasingly hard to distinguish between himself and the other Leon.

Both of them in the end were the same and were different.

If it comes to revenge, it was easy for him to deal with this but he didn't know how to face and treat others Leon cared about or his family.

But at the end he wasn't the Leon that they knew..


Leon halted his steps feeling the faint presence behind him.


A soft voice filled with uncanny desperation echoed in the air making Leon's heart jolt.

Leon took a moment to calm his mind and looked back at the long black hair woman striking a significant resemblance with him.


The woman shuddered, noticing that cold gaze. The coldness seeping from his eyes makes her flinch back a step.

"PLEASEE....Forgive Mother for her insolent mistake. I swear I won't make a mistake like this."

"Just give me a chance to let everything return to normal."Irina jumped and extended her hand and held Leon's legs showing the sincerity of the apology.

An electrifying current spread throughout and a sudden influx of pain assaulted Leon's brain , making him dizzy and murmur subconsciously

'It's not the time.He will find out...He will find out if we stop the act now.'

'We can't break the plan.Its not time yet.'

A sudden whisper echoed from the depth of his soul making Leon tremble.

Goosebumps broke out on his damp skin making his back drenched in sweat.His vision became blurred and intense headache assaulted him.



"You...You dare to say all those to me. You, just what the hell did you know? Do you know how I feel? Did you know how painful it was to see you walking holding hands with that son of bitch while ignoring your son? You did the same thing, you promised you wouldn't do it. You discarded me as if I am a piece of trash."

'What the fuck?'

Leon's expression distorted horribly as all the things were spoken on their own. He didn't mean anything he spoke as all of this was irrelevant to him.

It was as if Leon's lingering soul had taken over his body split second to influence his thoughts and spoke aloud.

"Leon, give me a chance. I will do anything to get your forgiveness. I will repent throughout my life. If you are angry, you can curse me to your heart's content."

Then she raised her hand to hold Leon's palms.

"If you are angry just hit me. Just let out your grievance instead of keeping everything in your heart."

Leon's blank eyes moved looking down at Irina.

"You say you can do everything to get my forgiveness."

Irina's eyes that had lost their luster began to shine again brightly as she looked up at Leon with hopeful eyes.

Leon's lips widened with a grin, as he stepped back from her grasp and waved his hand.


Something brushed past Irina's cheek and as she looked down, she found a dagger on the ground.

"Let's just see how much you mean when you spout all those bullshit with that innocent act."

"Kill yourself and I will forgive you."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!