Published at 31st of May 2024 06:33:32 AM

Chapter 162: 162A Surprising Turn Of Event

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Chapter 162 162:A Surprising Turn Of Event

The drama with Irina was too exhausting and too much was going on in his head that he felt his head would burst out internally.

The scenes were shocking yet terrifying.

Being tired both mentally and physically, Leon fell asleep the moment he returned and lay on the rough bed. And with Ian and Sander volunteering for the night watch, he finally had some peace.

That's what he thought alas.....

It seems that even sleep wasn't in his fortune.

The moment he fell asleep, he was pulled away into dreams that looked more like certain memories of his childhood playing a meaningful scene.


In his dream, Leon sat at the kitchen table, with a solemn darkened expression with a maid kneeling down before him with a tearful aggrieved expression.

Even though he was 11 years old, there was a heavy weight on his shoulders as he glanced at the dismissal letter he had just written for the maid.

His sharp piercing lingered on a violet haired maid, whom he had caught speaking disrespectfully and bitching about his mother behind her back and he couldn't tolerate such behavior.

As he handed her the letter, the maid's eyes widened in shock and disbelief. "But Mr. Leon, please, I need this job," she pleaded, her voice trembling with fear.

"Please forgive me for insolence. I swear this won't happen again. I won't even open my mouth as long as I work here."

Leon's heart stirred at her desperation, but he remained firm in his decision. "I'm sorry, but I can't allow someone who speaks ill of my mother to continue working here," he said, his voice tinged with anger.

"You don't even have a shred of respect for the hands that feed you. How can you use such vulgar words for my mother without knowing you personally?"

Mocking her, Leon squeezed a terrible sinister smile giving the maid a shiver.

"If it was anyone else or other noble family you would be beaten and killed."

The maid hung her head in defeat, tears welling up in her eyes. "I understand," she whispered, her voice barely above a whisper.

As she gathered her belongings and left the house, Leon couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt.

Had he acted too harshly? Was there a better way to handle the situation?

He didn't know that but he knew that anyone who dared act wrongly against his mother couldn't go unpunished. Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

Just then, Irina entered the kitchen, her expression softening as she saw the turmoil on her son's face. "Leon, what's wrong?" she asked, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"I do, but I'm sure if I ask who you are and all that, you might disappear in the middle of saying something important. So just get to the point," Leon replied, his impatience palpable.

The original Leon's soul chuckled dryly. "You're a bit of a rough talker, aren't you?" he remarked, a wistful smile playing on his lips.

talker, aren't you?" he remarked, a wistful smile playing on his lips.

Leon snorted, his gaze flickering around the space. "You showed me those memories because you want to mean something, right?" he asked, cutting to the chase.

"Yes! So what do you infer from this?" the original Leon's soul inquired eagerly.

Leon scratched his head, pondering for a moment. "She seems like a good and loving woman, so how did she change so much?" he mused aloud.

"She didn't change. The one I left behind wasn't my mother. Someone tampered with her and about the bad memories and nothing happened between her and that m*therfucker Austin so done worry," the original Leon's expression shifted, his features contorting with a mix of anguish and determination.

Leon's brow furrowed deeply as he pieced together the fragments of information from Irina's memories, manipulation, deceit, and a sinister plot unfolding before his eyes.

"Wait! What did you say? Who and why?"Leon's eyes widened with shock.

'Just what the hell in the name of seven hells is going on.'

Original Leon sighed and shook his head,"That's a puzzle even for me. After you finish your things with Seph, go and ask Grandpa. He will tell you the details.*

In the end, Leon shook his head in disbelief and sighed heavily. "What do you want me to do with her? Should I forgive her on your behalf and release her from the..."

He stopped mid-sentence, noticing a peculiar expression on original Leon's face. Drawing closer, the figure pointed directly at Leon's chest, his eyes burning with intensity.

"What do you mean forgive on my behalf? It should be about you, not me because we're not different," The original Leon's voice grew louder, his voice trembling with emotion.

"Drop that misunderstanding. Our existence may have taken different paths, but we originated from the same source. We were never different from the beginning; rather we are just pawns that have gotten out of control from the board" the original Leon's soul declared, his words cutting through the air like a knife.

Leon felt as though he'd been struck by lightning, a surge of overwhelming emotion coursing through him. A deep, agonizing pain gnawed at his heart, threatening to consume him whole.

"Now what is this new revelation?" he whispered, his voice barely audible above the tumultuous storm raging within him as he felt a faint realization flickering in his mind.


Leon stumbled upon an agonizing pain threatening to tear his existence

Just as he was about to realize that, a loud banging sound echoed as the original Leon headbutted him.

"Fuck! No, it's not the time. Don't delve deeper or we will be in trouble. Stop accessing those memories and just communicate with me.''

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