Published at 31st of May 2024 06:33:31 AM

Chapter 163: 163A Suprising Turn Of Events[II]

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Chapter 163 163:A Suprising Turn Of Events[II]

Fighting off the sheer pain, Leon yelled"Just what are you saying? I don't understand anything. The past and this doesn't make sense."

"And now you said...."

Leon's mind raced as he processed the revelation. The idea that he and the figure before him originated from the same source sent shockwaves through his understanding of reality. He struggled to comprehend the implications of their shared origin and the differences in their experiences.

"But... how?" Leon muttered, his voice barely above a whisper. "How can we be from the same source? I am entirely from a different world."

The figure, his soul, mirrored Leon's confusion. "I don't have all the answers. What I know is also what is known to you. I am just one of your projections and we...I mean you have locked your true memories but I believe our experiences and choices shape who we become. Perhaps our paths diverged, leading us to different outcomes."

Leon's brow furrowed in frustration. "So, what do we do now? How do we make sense of all this? And for god sake don't ignore my question about Irina and Austin."

"Listen! For the doubts regarding the past and about your bad memories, Grandpa holds the answer to every question. Once you meet him, you will know every single thing."

Leon's original figure then sighed, a heaviness settling over him. "I'm not sure and it's difficult to understand the truth behind our existence as we are essentially fighting the fate of the unknown from the very beginning while trying to use loopholes to outbid others."



A screeching sound akin to nails clashing on metal echoed into Leon's ears. The figure standing before him started turning dark.

The figure of the other Leon began to shift, his form darkening as an ominous aura enveloped him. A sinister smile twisted his features, sending shivers down Leon's spine.

"What's happening?" Leon demanded, his voice trembling with fear and confusion.

The dark figure chuckled, his laughter echoing through the space like a sinister melody"We are fighting a battle against fate essentially? Do you think it's easy to fight fate?" he taunted, his voice dripping with malice.

"To confuse it or him, we just created different personas and I am just one of your personas that acted until the fateful day when you woke your true self."

Leon's heart raced as he watched in horror, unable to tear his eyes away from the unsettling transformation unfolding before him. A sense of impending danger washed over him as the figure's dark presence seemed to intensify.

Suddenly, a powerful gust of wind swept through the space, whipping up a blizzard of snow and ice that engulfed them both. Leon struggled to maintain his footing, his senses overwhelmed by the ferocity of the storm, and his brows furrowed seeing the dark menacing figure.

"Wait! You are...Madness?"Leon muttered in bewilderment looking at the dark ominous figure.

The original Leon was nowhere to be found and what stood before him was his Martial spirit.

The dark figure's eerie smile remained fixed, a haunting reminder of the danger that lurked within. Leon clenched his fists, steeling himself against the growing sense of dread that threatened to consume him.

"The blizzard will rage on so Leon brace yourself for whatever trials lay ahead cause the path that laid before us isn't going to be a pleasant one."

Leon ignored the figure's odd mumbling as his mind fixated on the time when he awakened his Martial Spirit when Madness said he was going to assimilate into him.

Those words seem to weigh more than he imagined, hiding a core meaning to this existence.

"We need to uncover the person who manipulated Irina, and why she changed so drastically while also hiding the acts."

"What's all this fuss?"

"A girl has been waiting for you since the night after you returned, "Ian muttered with a solemn expression.

"Woman...Is it Commander Irina's?"

"She also came and was going to stand here but Commander Mac called her for a meeting, "Vikram answered.

Leon scratched his cheek wondering who was in this new trouble.

'Did mother send anyone....'

Leon's eyes paused and his entire body stiffened.

Until yesterday, he felt disgusted every time he thought of her as a mother but now it just came into his tongue naturally.

This was weird and didn't make sense.

Thinking this, Leon's heart heated up and his gaze became fiery thinking about someone who manipulated Irina.

His heart seemed to burst with anger and his feelings went rampant.

Suppressing his inner turmoil, he summoned the system...

There was no need to waste.

'System, what's the identity of that man who is fucking behind the scenes.'

[Host, you require 20000 luck points to find out the person.]

'Why so many?'

[That's because the person is way out of your league for now.]

Leon rubbed his forehead in frustration.

'20000 luck points. Is it someone from a higher realm?'

Leon shook his head and walked outside to see the guest leaving Ian to mend the broken Sander.

Leon opened the tent fold and stepped but just after seeing the woman, he almost turned around abruptly to hide.


'Shit! Why? No, how did she even exist here?'

'Why are so many coincidences hitting me out of nowhere?'

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!