Published at 31st of May 2024 06:33:24 AM

Chapter 170: 170Up Against Aerial Attack[II]

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Chapter 170 170:Up Against Aerial Attack[II]

The Commanders who got out of the tent were shaken by seeing the chaos but amidst this Irina's eyes trailed off towards Leon.

Her expression became pale seeing Leon rushing ahead.

Without wasting another moment, she lunged forward.

"Everybody moved and tried to lessen casualties, "Cameron shouted, asking everyone to advance.


The soldiers who were excited seeing the death of Griffin and leaped in joy a moment ago were now left bewildered.

The griffins that were soaring into the sky started falling towards them at a fast speed along with the boulders they were carrying that threatened to crash onto them like meteors.



"Brace for Impact. Don't run like a fool, see their trajectory and avoid them."

The Captains, trying to calm themselves, relayed the orders as best as possible.

But many succumbed to the panic and fear witnessing huge shadows loitering over them.

With a mere few seconds until the stones reached the ground, the temperature of the battlefield started plunging down to a great degree.


The boulders raining down suddenly decimated into pieces and then looked towards to witness the source that was responsible for this.

As chaos reigned on the battlefield, Irina stepped forward, her eyes gleaming unwavering amidst the turmoil.

With a fierce determination in her eyes, she raised her hands, and a frigid wind began to swirl around her.


From the icy mist, materialized a majestic ice woman spirit, its crystalline form towering behind her, emanating a chilling aura freezing everything in the periphery and plunging down the temperature.


A chilling wind radiated all around her.

Irina extended her hands and following her command, the majestic figure behind her also raised her hand.


The air got sucked in forming a dense icy layer one after another that turned sharps.

With a graceful motion, the ice spirit unleashed a barrage of icy spikes, each one piercing through the air with deadly precision.

The spikes found their mark, shattering the monstrous creatures and intercepting the falling stones before they could reach the ground.

If it was one and one, Leon could use this as swordsmanship practice alas he needed to get out of the seize.

He swung the sword horizontally and chopped off a head.

Then using the momentum of swung, he cleaved another few monsters by tearing through the shield, chest, and abdomen.

Amidst the splattering blood, he rapidly parried a longsword that was thrust towards him. Before the huge enemy Orc could react, he thrust his large sword into his opponent's chest.


And beside him, an Orc who chopped with his axe had his skull broken by Leon slamming his head, who fell powerlessly to the ground.


From the back, he caught the sigh of soldiers coming at him and roared at them.

"Hey, observe the situation at the back and watch for an opportunity to break the entitlement."While waving his sword and lowering his head to dodge the ax, Leon slammed his feet, sending the enemy flying and making others stagger.

Leon waved his left hand at the right time and used his forearm to block off the long spear. His right arm blocked a sea of Orcs stabbing him.



The Orcs spat in bewilderment as their weapon strikes weren't able to damage or wound the human hands rather it felt as if they were striking a metallic wall.

At the same time, the blade of an axe swerved towards Leon's head and he steadily lowered his head to dodge it and then he jumped up.

Leon then kicked a shield down and using the enemy Orc as a foothold, he propelled himself up to gain a height of a few meters.

Then swinging himself, he raised his huge sword vertically up toward the sky.

The muscles in his arms bulged and a fierce blackish glow unsheathed his sword.

Spiritual Qi surged around forming a vortex and his sword was ensued by a reddish glint that started becoming brighter and brighter.


Then falling with gravity, he slammed the bulky black sword while using his art.

[Dragon Claw]





I know things are getting boring and the pacing has become slow but the thing is this is the first time I've written a war arc and it's a bit difficult to write with many things going on and this arc might be a bit dragged out though I didn't want to drag it but the ending would be quite good.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!