Published at 31st of May 2024 06:33:23 AM

Chapter 171: 171Lecture In The Battlefield.

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Chapter 171 171:Lecture In The Battlefield.


The ground shuddered violently as Leon's greatsword cleaved through the air, descending with the force of a raging storm.

As it collided with the earth, a deafening boom echoed through the battlefield, sending shockwaves rippling outward in all directions.

Large waves of arcs pulsating in the air burst out ripping everyone in front and cleaved them in two halves.

The ground cracked and split beneath the immense impact, fissures radiating across the terrain like webs of wrath.

Grasses were uprooted, their leaves splintering like fragile bones under the weight of the devastation. Dust and debris filled the air, obscuring the vision of nearby ones.

The monsters, caught in the midst of the chaos, were thrown aside like ragdolls, their bodies battered and broken by the sheer force of Leon's strike. And amidst the destruction, Leon's figure stood up with a stagger taking a deep breath.

For a split moment, even his body was shocked by the impact.

"I used too much power."

Leon took a deep breath glancing around.

The monsters shuddered, meeting those fierce gazes.

A strange gust of wind blew as the monsters stepped forward to replace the fallen ones and couldn't help but raise their hands to shield their eyes.

Leon lifted his chin.

His gaze met the enemies on the other side.

Soon, a huge shadow loomed over him and the ground started to tremble.

A fierce huge Ogre at the back gnarled at Leon and lunged forward, throwing his foot intending on stepping on Leon.

Leon jumped aside evading the huge foot that crashed on the ground like a rolling bulldozer.


With a brutal roar, the Ogre threw his hands at Leon who instead of retreating lurched forward and bent down, sliding through the gaps between the two changed his great sword to a spear and shot it toward groins.

"Go Ball Piercer."


Leon's spear struck the groan blasting a hore and making pieces of flesh fly, making the huge Ogre jump up in agony.


Sliding down, and coming out from the back Leon jumped ahead while the Ogre holding his leftover balls danced in agony creating loud waves.

Leon took a jump summoning Exitus, and landing over the Ogre's shoulder, struck the Ogre's neck and pierced it to death. nove(l)bi(n.)com

With a snap, the huge body of Ogre crashed on the ground with a thud.

Leon then bending down jumped at the impending monsters with a grim thought.

'I know it might irritate him but I can't just leave him like this.'

Biting her lips, Irina decided to speak . Her eyes traced the faint silver string and she started tracing the connection back to Leon.

[Don't use any fancy sword styles.]

Leon's expression stiffened when he heard a soft voice in his head.


He spotted Irina charging towards him by gliding on the snow but she was quite far.

"Is she speaking in my mind?"

Leon's eyes widened.

[It's an artifact of my father which connects us by invisible strings.]

Just then, Leon used his sword to block off a straight blade that was swerving towards him and heard Irina's voice.

[Focus Leon.....On the battlefield of such a large scale, Martial Lords are not that much better than normal people. Especially in such a place.]

He was left bewildered at the sudden lecture amidst the battlefield.

'It was also bold for her to assume that I would even follow her words nevertheless...'Leon shrugged his shoulders and focused.

And it wasn't just because he wanted to, his body seemed to respond involuntarily to her voice leaving an annoying feeling as if it trusted her but...

"I didn't dislike this feeling."Leon's lips raised upwards as he looked around.

"Iwasn't careless like this in past but with the rapid rise in strengths, but due to having a natural armor tough skin, and huge strength, I am leaving too many gaps so let's not do that."

[Don't move haphazardly. Stand for a couple of minutes before shifting to a new position because this will allow others to follow you. Don't be complacent and treat this as one man show unless you are a Martial Saint capable of flying.]

[Also the attack from the sky you did earlier is a waste of energy unless you have a very high bar.So every time you attack, reserve some of your energy and leave room for dodging. Dont be eager to strike hard and parry as it takes away some strength.]

[Thrust your weapons and dodge attacks without playing tricks. Try avoiding large swings as it leaves your defence wide open.]

The Orc's army rushing at Leon noticed an oddity. Previously, the human swinging hard created gaps but the gaps were closing.

His swing now looked gentle and softer but the speed at which he was killing started to terrify them.

"Damn! That human is slowly getting used to large-scale battle."

As Orcs screamed aloud, Seeker from behind smiled faintly and raised her hand.

"Hahaha! It seems we can finally enter the battle."

Laughing madly, she pointed at a figure swinging a black sword.

"Orc Lord, bring me that bastard head."


Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!