Published at 31st of May 2024 06:33:21 AM

Chapter 172: 172Promotion

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Chapter 172 172:Promotion

Ian, Sander, and Vikram along with several others that were charging ahead towards Leon suddenly stopped as the monsters beside them were frozen and then blasted away into shards of broken snow.

Following that, a gust of wind passed through them leaving behind a blur.

"What's that?"Sander murmured with a shiver as he felt a chilling sensation down his spine.

"Ghost! It is a Virgin Ice Ghost" Vikram screamed in, only to get hit by Ian.

"That's Commander Irina!"Ian shouted with sight and pointed, "Look there, shithead."

On turning their gazes, they saw a woman gliding over the place over a snow track of frozen monsters of the battlefield.

And in just a matter of seconds, a wave of cloudy icy mist blasted away the front line of the monster and soon she took her position.

From afar soldiers' eyes widened as they gasped at the sight of the duo standing at the front clearing the monster.

With well-crafted coordination, the two swept forward pushing back the Orc front lines.

A staggering number of corpses are piled on both sides and the ground has already turned mushy, drenched from blood.

It was a sight of absolute menace.

But they didn't have the leisure time to keep looking longer.

"Everyone! What are you doing? Advance."

"We have gathered momentum and two warriors are clearing things in front to support them."

The Captains shouted and soon the formations were back in place.



"ADVANCE!" This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)


At the back, where the commanders stood with a solemn expression, all of them looked at Cameron.

"Commander Cameron, what should we do? Isn't this risky? Commanded Irina charge, gonna break the balance, and due to his Martial King from the other side might be pouring in."

Cameron's brown eyes glowed with an unknown luster as he observed the flow of the battlefield.

The reason why Commanders and Vice Commanders hadn't engaged till now was because the Martial King from the other side hadn't entered and they didn't even know the number of Martial Kings from the other side. So waited until the other side moved.

If too many Martial Kings just enter at the beginning, both sides are gonna suffer heavy casualties but they aren't in the position to afford so many deaths at this point.

"Commander Mac please lead the troops here and draw their frontline attention while those who want to accompany me please follow me. If all Martial Kings take part in the battle we may wrap it more easily so everyone please cooperate."

"Insolent."Milano screamed."You are just sending us to our death."

Following Milano, various voices also rose to support him. Mainly those who had voted against Cameron resisted.

"We can't do that."

"Do you think we will follow your order and just sacrifice our lives?"

"Stop being naive! I can't follow such an order."

Veins bulged over Cameron's forehead as he listened to their nonsense.

Each one of them was a piece of dark shit that only thought of themselves.

They sacrificed a major chunk of their army in the journey as they formed a formation of soldiers around them as the center to protect their lives and sacrificed the soldiers.

In fact, it wouldn't be wrong to say that they sacrificed their men to get themselves here.

These people don't even take low-level soldiers as humans. For them, it was a great deed for others to die and protect them.

"This is suicide. I won't agree."

Cameron massaged his forehead and sighed exasperatedly

"Commander Milano!"

A hoarse voice escaped from Cameron's lips with a blood-killing intent.

"Then what about the soldiers who are fighting for their lives? Each second we waste time spouting bullshit, many soldiers are dying so shut your mouth. If you can't be of any help then don't be any nuisance in my way."

Cameron's voice became louder as he stepped towards Milano.


"If anyone dares to object to me now....."


An intense pressure burst from Cameron striking fear in everyone's heart.

The air stirred with a gust of storm emerging around him as the center.

As he began to speak, there was a sudden shift in the atmosphere, a feeling of unease that swept through the place.

Without warning, Cameron's eyes flashed with an otherworldly intensity as he tapped into his Warlord battle spirit.

The air crackled with energy as an invisible force seemed to radiate from him, pressing down on everyone in the place, and soon a spectacle scene unfolded as Cameron Martial Spirit materialized before them.

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