Published at 31st of May 2024 06:33:17 AM

Chapter 177: 177Demon Of The Battlefield[IV]

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Chapter 177 177:Demon Of The Battlefield[IV]



A scream of shock and disbelief echoed one after another as monster soldiers' eyes almost popped out of the socket.

After pounding their commander to a paste of dead meat, the man held his sword calmly and slit open the head. Then raising the cut head, he roared.

"You want it back..."

The Orc eyes became frenzy seeing their dead lifeless commander.

"Want some...Then come and get some."

As chaos engulfed the battlefield, the Orcs army broke through the encirclement, sending shockwaves through the enemy ranks.

"That's the Demon's! Get the demon" echoed among the Orcs, spreading like wildfire across the chaotic battlefield.

With the ferocity of predators sensing prey, hordes of Orcs charged toward Leon, their gnarls filling the air as they closed in from all sides.

"What the fuck?"Sander dripping with terror echoed from behind, "Isn't he pulling too much aggro?" nove(l)bi(n.)com

"That's what he was here for! We will pull aggro and they end the war" Ian bellowed, dismounting from the top of a dead Ogre.

With swift determination, Thane surged forward, leading the assault in a triangular formation typical of Orcish warfare. "Trust him and ram the enemies. Make a way for him by taking care of weaker ones."

Leon, with the severed head of the enemy commander, raised high, and taunted the opposing forces, his chuckle echoing across the battlefield as fear struck deep into the hearts of his enemies.

The battlefield became chaotic because the soldiers of Orc broke the encirclement but the humans soon formed a shield of defense.

"The Demon! Pave a way for him" Many soldiers shouted with excitement and the news spread rapidly throughout the battlefield.

Like sharks who smelled blood, countless soldiers of Orcs charged toward Leon. They thumped the ground savagely as they approached from the front, the sides, and the back but the human army didn't let them go as they bashed their shield onto the Orcs.

"!DIEEEE!Get Out!"

Before they could finish their sentence, Leon ferociously thrust his sword and pierced it straight into their shield. With his frightening force as well as the momentum of the impact, the sword's blade came out from the other side and pierced into the enemy's chest.

Groaning in pain, the enemy Orcs still did what they could to hold Leon's greatsword in place. They put a lot of effort into holding onto him and at that time, the blade of an ax whizzed over to him from the side.

Without any hesitation, Leon let go of his sword and with an alarming force punched it.


With a crisp resonating sound, the blade slammed onto the Orcs holding it and they were blasted away staggering onto the ground with a loud thud.

Leon howled and charged forward. He kicked the shield-wielding Orc to the ground. He then extended his left wrist and moved it to the side of the axe's blade, diverting it away from the head.

With gray skin, coarse black hair, and four canine teeth protruding from her mouth, she stood as proudly to her resolve, a harbinger of vengeance cloaked in madness.

She put the knife drenched in the enemy on her waist and stood up.

A body so big that you wouldn't be able to say that she was a female.

Adding to that were arms and legs that sprouted out of the armor covered in muscles. Her eyes were filled with a menacing madness that threatened the existence of the opponent.

A look that made you understand how capable she was.

Then, a heavy low voice was heard from behind..

"Troop commander it's all a mess, the frontlines have collapsed, the Martial King we sent are defeated and the enemy commander is making his way here."

The owner of the voice was Kirt who served under Seeker who was head of the entire army of monsters.

A loud bang was heard following that noise, she spotted the sight of a man drenched in blood, swinging a spear that created a whirlwind.

A warrior that charged straight through the enemy troops.


Seeker smiled cruelly instead of answering.

"Orcs, leave the way. Let that human come."

Her body then started to shiver and she licked her lips.

"I haven't had much since past days. Finally, I can fight for someone worthy."

The Orc soldiers lining before her nodded and gave away surprising the other side..

Then Seeker pointed at Cameron with a battle-frenzied gaze.

"Are you the worthy one? Are you the one who can soothe my heart itching for a terrific battle?"

The humans advancing stood bewildered hearing her words.

It seems that she wasn't right in her head.

"Come and clear my thirst for battle."

"Human! Fight me"

Murderous intent could be felt in her voice. A bluish glint flashed in her eyes as she clenched her fist creating a small shockwave.

"Come, let me crush that punny head of yours."

With that loud roar, she jumped forward towards the human.

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