Published at 31st of May 2024 06:33:15 AM

Chapter 178: 178Grim Determination

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Chapter 178 178:Grim Determination

"I will chew you down!"

Seeker screamed as she charged ahead with a ferocious intent.

She rode on a beast and moved with great speed meanwhile the Martial horse used by humans had already been killed.

Riding over the beast, she swung her huge ax like the Grim Reaper leaving a trail of bloody corpses of anyone who appeared before her.

The guards around Cameron flinched back seeing her madness and screamed.

"Guard the Troop Commander from that crazy bitch."

"Don't let her come here. Pounce on her. It is over once we kill her."

"WAIT!"Cameron shouted to stop them from going crazy.

Seeker who charged ahead, seeing many soldiers jumping, screamed with a fierce swing of her ax.



A cut mark blasted through the place ripping the heads of Martial Lords who jumped at her.

A Martial King swung her spear but Seeker grabbed the spear tightly and pulled it towards her.

With a sudden yank, the man shot towards Seeker, and before he could react, a lightning fast axe chopped her head that flew in the air.


Cameron gritted his teeth seeing a fountain of blood but instead of losing himself, he stuck his spear.

The beast on which Seeker seemed charged with all its strength suddenly came to a halt sensing danger.

At that moment a weapon reflecting the rays rustling in the air pierced the front of the legs before the beast.


A perplexed cry emerged from it as due to the momentum, its sudden halt caused it to topple and crash on the ground.

Seeker stammered, hitting its head on the ground as it fell forward and rolled off for a few meters.

The sound of breaking bones echoed while Seeker, who was riding, also bounced to the front but she twisted her body and tried to balance herself.

The beast's neck broke with a crackling sound and a bestial shriek of pain emerged from it as its neck seemed to break and dismantle.

Seeker who had just gotten up, shivered seeing an attack coming at her instantly and she jumped aside.


The ground burst shaking a layer of debris as the spear struck the ground

Sparks flew off in the air one after another.

With each clash, shockwaves rippled through the ground, sending tremors across the battlefield. Soldiers and Orcs alike felt the reverberations, their hearts pounding with anticipation as they watched the intense duel unfold.

Most Martial Kings on Cameron's side started to be flattered as they were a bit exhausted whereas those from the monster side hadn't fought much so now all depended on Commander Cameron and he needed to do it as quickly as possible.

The clash started to move toward its climax, the force of their blows pulverizing the earth beneath them. A gust of wind swept through the battlefield as their weapons clashed with ferocious intensity.

Finally, after a hundred exchanges of blows, Cameron seized the advantage, delivering a swift strike to the back of Seeker's head, sending her crashing to the ground.

Seeker manages to parry at the last moment but the spear changes its trajectory to which she reacts but the force of impact makes her falter.

As Cameron moved in for the final blow, Seeker rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding his attack. With a swift motion, she regained her footing, her eyes burning with determination as she launched herself back into the fight.

The clash resumed with renewed vigor, each combatant refusing to yield, their determination fueling another exchange of blows.

The surrounding soldiers and Orcs watched in awe as the titanic clash between Cameron and Seeker unfolded before their eyes.

Shockwaves of energy emanated from the battlefield, causing the ground to tremble beneath their feet.

Orcs pounded their chests with excitement, their roars of approval echoing across the battlefield. "Commander Seeker, kill that human!" they exclaimed, their bloodlust ignited by the spectacle before them.

Soldiers, their eyes wide with disbelief, whispered amongst themselves, marveling at the display of skill and strength. "Incredible! Sir Cameron, you can do it," one muttered, unable to tear his gaze away from the duel.

As the clash intensified, a sense of anticipation hung heavy in the air. Every clash of metal sent shivers down their spines, each movement of the combatants leaving them on the edge of their seats.

The soldier from the human side clenched their fist and bit their lips. Their hearts beat wildly.

When Cameron landed a decisive blow, sending Seeker crashing to the ground, a collective gasp swept through the onlookers. "He's done it!" cried one soldier, his voice tinged with disbelief.

But their astonishment quickly turned to awe as Seeker rose to her feet, her determination unwavering.

"Do you think it's easy to defeat me?" exclaimed Seeker as her chest heaved up and down.

The battlefield crackled with energy as the duel raged on, leaving the surrounding soldiers and Orcs spellbound by the sheer intensity of the confrontation before them.

Kirt, who was second in command, started to feel uneasy.

Kirt gritted his teeth seeing Seeker falling behind.

'If only she can fight with a calm mind she can easily defeat him. Once she is defeated it's over.'Kirt looked at Seeker.

She was still battling Cameron.

'It didn't look like she was being pushed back even while dodging the attack but her hot headedness and craziness is a serious flaw compared to a calm human. We should retreat now as if she lost it will be a huge trouble. Liege won't like this.'

'If I tell her to retreat, she will make a scene and break the command line.'

As Kirt realized the severity of the situation, he heard a faint solemn whisper in his ears.

'Kirt grabs her and retreats. She can't go on like this. We have achieved our goal so retreat.'

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