Published at 31st of May 2024 06:33:10 AM

Chapter 181: 181Offer

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Chapter 181 181:Offer

Leon, killing his way charged through the Orcs, spotted Cameron in bewilderment and sighed.

"I somehow expected this. However, it's not over.."

Looking ahead, his eyes flashed with a strange glint.

He turned his head and looked towards Irina who had already buried two Martial Kings under a pile of snow

"I need to charge ahead to take care of something. Moreover, we need to create a way for them to return."

Irina hearing Leon's voice glanced her eyes at the chaos unfolding afar. It was quite brutal as two sides without caring for their lives went over each other's throats trying to tear apart.

Irina took a deep breath and clapped.

A fierce gust blew all around.

"All units charge and break through the lines while supporting Leon."

While Irina handed the orders, Leon was already on mad charge running ahead like a madman.

He let go of Exitus and unarmed, he dashed forward with all his might, digging through sword strikes of Orcs in the process that left a few scratches.

The Human troops surged forward with relentless determination, swiftly eliminating enemies on both fronts with their courage and selflessness.

Amidst the cacophony of battle cries, the gleam of an ax blade flashed towards them.

Instead of avoiding, Leon lunged forward without hesitation. With a swift motion, he seized the long spear's shaft from the enemy and hurled it towards an oncoming foe, sending him crashing to the ground in agony.

Simultaneously, Leon deftly pivoted his body, using the spear's broken pole to intercept the ax's deadly arc. nove(l)bi(n.)com


The pole shattered, but Leon was unbothered. Seizing the broken shard, he pivoted, delivering a punishing blow to the ax-wielder's nose with precision timing.

As the enemy recoiled in pain, Leon capitalized on the opening, swiftly disarming the stunned foe and wresting control of the ax. With a primal roar, Leon unleashed a savage headbutt, further disorienting his opponent.

As the ax-wielder stumbled to the ground, dazed and vulnerable, Leon seized the opportunity, snatching the weapon from his grasp with a swift, decisive motion, and slammed to the one who came before him.

Leon overtook the orcs and other fellows who broke through the rows.

Within a few seconds, Leon had cracked open the heads of a few Orcs with the ax and broke another row.

In the next 10 seconds, a few Orcs wearing armor pounced on him but after making a chain of soldiers retreat with bloody axes in his hand, he pulled a short sword and pierced it into the huge Orc's unprotected eyes and throat and broke them.

As they drew near, he finally used Draconic Eyes.

He used the power rarely as it drew a good amount of qi and he activated for just one second with maximum power but this was enough.

Finally, something that didn't make sense before suddenly made some sense to Leon.

"HAHAHAHAH!You are something else, Leon, "With a shrill laughter, the figure pulled off his cloak showcasing his face.

"How did you know my name?"

He stands tall and commanding, his imposing figure exuding an air of confidence and strength. With a strong jawline, his face is framed by a mane of bluish hair, perfectly styled yet hinting at a wildness just beneath the surface.

But it's his eyes that captivate deep, dark pools of onyx. They gleam with intelligence and intensity, drawing you in with their magnetic allure. With every glance, a majestic pressure surged from those eyes and everyone lowered their head to meet those gazes.

"You can ask my corpse after killing me...If only you can?"Leon mocked.

However, it didn't affect Leon and Cameron.



The Orcs kneeled and bowed down to Avelin while the humans gasped in shock.

"What? The Lord of the monster army is human."

"Now what is this?"

Even Cameron felt as if he had been dreaming.

'Damn! How did a human take control of this wild monster army?'

"Leon, I don't know how you know my name but I respect you very much. From the time you entered, I watched every battle you have fought along with others. Others may be good but you are the youngest with a lot of potential so...."

"So?" Leon asked, tilting his head.

"I have an offer for you. Would you like to listen?"

Following Avelin's voice, the entire battlefield came to a standstill but that didn't mean everyone just stood motionless.

The break was quite valuable to catch their breath and rearrange lines to prepare for the worst possible outcome.

Leon raised his brows with a frown nevertheless he nodded.

"Why don't you work for me and become one of the Commanders? I am not asking you to serve me now or stand below me. We will just be partners but you will work for me in a certain sense."

Leon didn't curse immediately and asked, "What about others? I mean the human army here?"

Hearing this question, Avelin's lips curled upwards with a mysterious smile.

"Now, that's a good question."

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