Published at 31st of May 2024 06:33:09 AM

Chapter 182: 182Offer[II]

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Chapter 182 182:Offer[II]

"Of course, I hope everyone can be on the same page and end this meaningless war.No need for more bloodshed. We can just be partners and have fun," Avelin answered, shrugging his shoulders with a nonchalant look.

His voice amplified booming across the place making everyone stand there in astonishment.

"Now what is this guy saying?"

"I don't understand a shit."

"Commander Cameron, what do you think?"The other Commanders asked, staring at Cameron's darkened face.

After a brief silence, Cameron opened his lips.

"Dangerous...He is quite strong."Cameron assessed the situation, making everyone grimace.

"Is he stronger than you?"Everyone asked the same. This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

"Can't say for sure but I feel quite threatening just from his presence. A human controlling monsters in a shadow zone, just which part of it sounds less threatening," Cameron answered, smacking his lips.

Then he looked at the man facing that guy.

Remembering who he was and after going through the details, he still couldn't believe that it was the useless son of Irina whom everyone sees as trash however he turned out to be a formidable warrior.

"Let's wait a bit instead of rushing and aggravating things. We should also trust that guy as he played a very meaningful role. And all of you take this moment to recover as much as possible and use the potions cause things might become nasty.....Really nasty...''Cameron muttered with his heart beating wildly.

Meanwhile, Leon stared at Avelin's eyes and burst into laughter.


"That's a good joke alas, I already know the context."

Avelin's brows furrowed as he observed Leon's expression.

"People who don't know might fall for your trick sadly I am not one of those. Yeah, you might take us as your subordinate but you are surely not leaving everyone here alive unless everyone swore to pledge to you, isn't you?"

"What are you on about? Just say that you are too arrogant and prideful to accept my offer."Avelin snorted.

"Lord Game!"


Avelin's entire body trembled with shock and disbelief upon hearing Leon's proclamation. His eyes widened, betraying a mixture of fear and astonishment as he processed the gravity of the situation.

A faint whisper asking him to bow before the man echoed in his mind but to all this, Leon just snorted and activated his Draconic Eyes staring deep into Avelin's dark abysmal gaze.

"In your dreams."

If gazes could create fire then this was the live scene of it

Fiery golden hues danced around him, swirling with intensity as the very air crackled with energy. Leon's eyes blazed with the ferocity of a dragon, commanding respect and fear collapsed with the coercion emerging from Avelin.

The two opposing forces of invisible energy collided with explosive force, creating shockwaves that reverberated throughout the place. The surroundings seemed to distort and those who were caught in the clash headed their head and screamed in agony.

Leon of Draconic Eyes surged forward, seeking to overwhelm Avelin's resistance.


Shock etched on Avelin's face as Leon pressed on, tearing through the mighty aura soaring out from Avelin.

Avelin's heart raced as he realized that his attempt to instill fear had failed, leaving him momentarily stunned.

However, at the very next moment his expression.


Avelin nodded his head with a fierce gaze and stepped forward.

"You will bear the consequences to defy me, Leon."

"Choices have consequences."

Qi gushed from his body and a grayish aura erupted from his body covering his hand as he raised his fist to strike Leon who also did the same raising his right hand.

The air crackled with energy and a faint shockwave emerged but just as Leon's fist and Avelin's fist were about to be connected, Leon noticed Avelin's lips widening apart giving him a bad premonition.

And then...


Avelin activated another skill of his.

[Shadow Blink]

With a blur, Avelin's image blurred and vanished, making Leon stagger a few steps and giving him a sudden sense of betrayal.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!