Published at 31st of May 2024 06:33:03 AM


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A malevolent storm of darkness arose from Leon.

A hazy blurry and obscure figure of pitch darkness materialized behind Leon emitting an eerie screeching laughter that pierced one heart.

Soon hazy darkish smoke started emerging from the ground that was followed by loud shrieks and panic from all around.



"What's this?"

The deadly tired soldiers flinched and their screams of despair resonated through the space around.

As the malevolent storm of darkness swirled around Leon, many hazy, blurry figures of pitch-black materialized from the dead corpses on the ground, their form obscured by the shadows.

With an eerie screech that pierced the very heart of those who heard it, the figures emitted a chilling laughter that sent shivers down the spines of all who beheld it.

At first, it was just around Leon but soon it started to spread all around. From the ground beneath them, hazy tendrils of dark smoke began to emerge, twisting and writhing like serpents as they snaked their way through the ranks of soldiers.

Panic and confusion erupted as the smoke enveloped them, filling the air with the acrid stench of decay and despair.

Amidst the chaos,innumerable ghostly figures began to materialize from the darkness, their forms deformed and contorted in grotesque imitation of their dead comrades with similar appearances wielding shields and swords.

Soldiers who had previously fallen in battle now stood side by side with one who left in the form of malevolent undead spirits, their faces twisted in expressions of agony and torment.

Irina swallowed her saliva meanwhile Su Lin and others close to Leon almost froze in place seeing him surrounded by figures that emitted a strong pressure.

"Leon, what is this power?"Irina's expression became pale seeing a huge number of ghostly figures rising up."And why did you showcase your power now?"

It not only consists of the dead soldiers from their side but also the monsters from the other side.And what was shocking to her was the dead corpses still lying on the floor.

Usually a necromancer uses dead corpses to convert them undead but it seems his power was something different. This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

And this confused many. Even if they hadn't seen one, being commanders they certainly knew a thing or two about necromancers.

Leon didn't answer immediately but kept looking in a certain direction.

Usually, Leon used to collect souls and store them in his consciousness, and when he was alone, he used his power to awaken them to prevent other watchful eyes but he couldn't carry so many souls at once.

Moreover, after coming here he found that the soul doesn't linger around for an unlimited time after a few hours, the soul would slowly disperse and dissipate in the world.

Or accurately they would go to the next life.

Outside the fortress walls, a vast army of monsters stood ready to do Avelin's bidding, their ranks filled with creatures of high level Orc Lords and huge hobgoblins.

From the depths of the castle to the outside, his forces were quite well-maintained and coordinated.

Around 50000 troops are stationed here and prepared to go to battle at the slightest call.

Inside the room, Avelin looked at the notification panel of the death he had harvested from the battlefield.

[You've killed a Level 4. Experience points +3000!]

[You've killed a Level 4. Experience points +3000!]

[You've killed a Level 4. Experience points +3000!]

[You've killed a Level 5. Experience points +5000!]

[You've killed a Level 5. Experience points +5000]

[You've killed a Level 5. Experience points +5000!]

[You've killed a Level 5. Experience points +500]

While both sides were busy, he secretly killed many with his sneak attacks and snatched a few exp.

The reason for wasting too many troops was to devour the exp for him to Level up as the monsters were just disposable tools for him.

The air crackled with power as the experience harvested from the fallen warriors was offered up in sacrifice, their essence fueling the fire.

With each sacrifice, his martial prowess grew stronger, and his experience points increased with each passing moment.

He looked at the exp bar and saw that it was..


[Level up condition met.]

[Level up]


A sense of euphoria suddenly coursed through his body.

Avelin could clearly see that all the cells of his body started evolving and released a large amount of power.

[Level Up successful]

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