Published at 31st of May 2024 06:32:49 AM

Chapter 191: 191Deadly Face Off[II]

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Chapter 191 191:Deadly Face Off[II]

A massive pressure exploded from Avelin and enveloped the whole place causing everyone to step back back.

Whether it was monsters or the Leon ghost army, none of them were able to resist the pressure and bend down to their knees.

"Not bad," Avelin said with a smile on his face as he stared directly at Leon's eyes who still refused to bend.

"However this isn't my full power."

Leon could feel goosebumps appearing over his body yet there was a maddening smile of excitement on his face.

"Is what you have got."

Leon muttered as his eyes glowed golden, brighter than ever. His eyes burnt like the yellowish flame that lit up the surrounding darkness.

Avelin jumped down from the bird and slowly started approaching Leon with small steps.

The world around Leon suddenly grew darker and darker, and Leon felt cowering as Avelin approached him but he managed to fight back his fear.

With a step, Leon also started to move.

The ghost army gave away while secretly cheering for their Liege to crush that bastard.

Avelin was shocked inwardly when Leon did the exact opposite of what he expected.

Seeing his Avelin expression distorted.

'What a powerful mental strength but let's see how long you can prevail.'

A few moments later, both of them stood directly in front of each other with their faces only a couple inches away from each other. Read latest chapters at nov(e) Only

After standing so close for about a minute, blood could be seen flowing from Leon's gaze while Avelin poured his qi to increase the pressure.

"Why don't you surrender?"

Leon didn't answer but a few moments later, blood flowed from both of his eyes looking like he was crying tears of blood.

But at that moment, Avelin noticed Leon's eyes suddenly becoming dark....

His entire sclera became dark like the deadly darkness of an abyss giving Avelin a shiver.

As the flames danced upon his fists, Avelin launched himself forward with unparalleled speed, closing the distance between himself and Leon in the blink of an eye.

Flames danced on his hand.

[Shadow Blink]


Avelin figure blurred and it appeared right before Leon

Instead of throwing his flames, he wielded it in his fist, and in the blink of an eye he appeared and shot his fist attempting to surprise Leon but....

After being fucked up by Avelin, Leon had already started to enhance his senses. The moment Avelin's shadow flickered Leon prepared to punch at the shortest time.

The darkness started to coalesce onto Leon's fist as he charged to take the blow.

In response to the fiery onslaught, he tapped into the depths of his own darkness, weaving the shadows around him like a cloak of pure malevolence

As Avelin's flaming fist hurtled toward him, Leon's form seemed to warp and distort, his body becoming one with the darkness itself. With a swift motion, he intercepted Avelin's punch, the clash of fire and shadow creating an explosion of raw energy that shook the very ground beneath them.

And then, with a final surge of power, their auras collided in a blinding flash of light. The fortress shook to its very foundations, walls crumbling and floors buckling under the strain. Dust and debris filled the air, obscuring their forms as they stood locked in their epic struggle.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still as the world held its breath as the two figures tearing everything shot back and towards the wall.


Before you start cursing me and ask how Leon at Martial Lord is taking on Avelin whose power is at Martial Emperor stage.

You can go and check Leon's stat first at chapter 133

His strength stat is at 139.

No, let's do the calculation.

His class madman increased his stat by 10% and his full pseudo-draconic transformation boosted his strength further by 20%.

And if you do the rough. His stat would almost reach close to 175~180.

So that's it...

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!