Published at 31st of May 2024 06:32:40 AM

Chapter 198: 198The Reward

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Chapter 198 198:The Reward

Red....Everything in his vision had been encompassed by the colour of red and except for Avelin in this bloody red world, he wasn't able to find anything.

He lost control of his senses and let his emotions take over him to evacuate the fire of rage burning in his heart.

Even though he didn't show it, he blamed himself for their death.

Maybe if he hadn't become their friend this wouldn't have happened alas regret is the only thing that could do.


It was a feeling that never left whether it was in the previous or this world.

It was his true friend that didn't even depart after death.

When you walk on a dangerous path, you are bound to encounter some things that you ought to regret.

But this is the particular feeling that keeps him connected to his human side.

Still, that doesn't mean he wasn't angry. He really wishes he could make this guy alive and pummel again.

However, his red world was torn and forcefully invaded when a woman appeared before her with a pouting aggrieved look.

"Huh, Mo....."

A word unbeknownst to him subconsciously emerged from his lips but he managed to snap out before finishing it and his fist charging at her stopped just before her skin.

A brief silence lingered and Leon felt his adrenaline rush calming down, what followed was a terrible pain assaulting all his body.

His muscles seemed to have been stretched beyond the limit and his skin had been fried to crisps. nove(l)bi(n.)com

His vision became dizzy and as he staggered forward, a pair of soft hands wrapped around him.

"Leon!"Irina muttered, wrapping her hands around his head and placing it on her navel."Are you alright?"

"Your condition is worse...Worse. Why didn't you take the potion?"Su Lin asked and from her pouch took out a potion.

Irina's eyes became teary seeing her son's lifeless condition.

" alright.."Leon muttered with a dry voice. His voice crackled and his throat became dry.

"No, you aren't."Su Lin muttered resolutely and taking out the potion, she forced open Leon's lips.

Leon cooperated and chugged it down.


A mist emerged from Leon and his dark crisp bloodied skin turned red and started peeling off.

It didn't heal him totally but at least it made him feel bitter.

"Haaaa...."Leon inhaled deeply and closed his eyes to sleep looking for momentary rest but he was awakened by the metallic chime.

[Congratulations! The host had killed another protagonist.]

[You have gained 2500 counter-attack points and 15000 kill Points.]

[Calculating reward.... Choice can only be done after you kill your 5th protagonist. The random reward is generated....]

[Host had gained Emperor Pressure..]

[Also, there is another thing to host.]

Not knowing Irina and Su Lin's weird thoughts, Leon turned around and sat on the throne.

'Time to get the loot.'



A dark light emerged scanning Leon followed by a metallic sound.

[Scanning the candidate's willpower.]

[Condition, host willpower should be greater than 200.]

[Willpower is...]


[Unable to detect candidate willpower.]

[Condition met...]

[Suitable host is found..]

'What is going on?'

The moment the beep ended, an electric sent shot Leon making him quiver followed by an influx of memory.

[Do you want to expel other life forms?]

Leon whose body twitched with an electrifying sensation spoke yes without hesitation.

[Expelling all other life forms outside the realm.]


The fortress...No, the entire shadow zone started to shake.

"Commander!"Su Lin screamed and held Irina.

"Leon, what's going on?"Irina's voice faded as her image turned bright...

"LEON!"She screamed worriedly, seeing Leon's darkened expression.

"Everything is alright. Just go, I will meet you outside once I am done.."

The moment just words fell, Irina and Su Lin rose like light and shot into the sky.


Cameron who just walked to and fro wiping his sweat staggered due to the large quake.

"Damn! Hey, what is going on?"

"How can I know my Master's Greatness?"Hella answered coldly.

"You.."Before Cameron could even curse at the fanatic fan girl, his image blurred and he shot out.

All the soldiers who were dead exhausted suddenly woke up by a large tremor and quake.

Just as they wondered what was going on, they felt an external force pulling them up, and before they knew it, their vision burst with a bright light and soon thousands of figures shot out of the vortex to their world.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!