Published at 31st of May 2024 06:32:38 AM

Chapter 200: 200Warrant

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Chapter 200 200:Warrant

Outside the Gate, a huge commotion offset the entire remaining army along with the dead that were being forced out.

The soldiers guarding the get were immediately bewildered seeing thousands of people appearing out of nowhere and falling over them.

The huge swirling vortex disappeared as if never existed.

The ones at the front were piled over by many and found themselves pummeled to the ground and screamed for help but their sounds were suppressed by chaos and large screams of euphoria and joy.

"Why were we thrown out?"

"Just what is going on?"

"What is that?"

"I feel dizzy and nauseous...Aaargh!"


While some were shaken and felt sick, the remaining ones took a few moments to wonder if this was real or if they were dreaming.


Screams of shock and bewilderment rang around one after another.

Along with shock, many burst into tears of happiness for being able to get out. They had been living in a sense of uneasiness and fear of not being able to see their families again because there had been rumors that there wouldn't be any reinforcement until this batch failed.

And now that they escaped and the gate closed, all of them just couldn't help but cry and jump in happiness. nove(l)bi(n.)com

It was a rare sight to see many men crying and dancing in joy but despite those, some people have no chills.

The ones who belonged to the families that invested in this felt the land under their feet crumbling.

Amidst all, there was Milano Rothschild whose eyes gleamed sinister as he hatched a plan on the spot and his voice echoed, silencing everyone around.


A Martial King pressure erupted with a shockwave that blasted away the weak soldiers like ragdolls.


Tearing his way through the crowd, he charged forward searching for Irina, and screamed.

"What the hell is this?"

"What the fuck did do?"

"You will answer my question or you will handle strict repercussions."

Irina who was equally shocked and frozen before snapped out of his thoughts seeing Milano charging at her and releasing her aura to restrain Milano from harming the weaker soldiers who were already on the floor, she fought back.

"What is this imprudence?"Irina screamed.

"That's what I should be asking you?"

"What the fuck did you do? No, what the hell did your son do that shot us out and closed the gate? Do you know the backlash you are going to face?"

Milano's roar not only silenced everyone but also drew everyone's attention toward Irina whose heart beat wildly, feeling a bad premonition.

'Damn! I knew it...I should have killed this bastard.'

Suppressing her murderous intent she answered calmly.

"He just killed that guy who was head of the monster army and all of us were ejected out."

"You are lying. If everyone had gotten out then where is your son."Milano screamed at the top of his lungs.

Following this loud murmur erupted and everyone started looking for Leon but even after a few moments no one found him.

Milano then looked around and spoke loudly, "All of us had worked so hard and fought until death but we were just thrown out like this and the place we fought for to obtain was closed. Can you all believe this?"

"Then what meaning is left for our hard work? Everything had become meaningless."

Irina's expression contorted as she understood what this guy was doing. He was trying to turn the masses against her son.


"Shut up!"

"Stop accusing my son unnecessarily otherwise I will kill you."Irina roared, releasing her Martial Spirit.

"You dare."

"You think I don't"Irina's eyes shone with murderous intent and her icy power erupted but before she could attack.


As he spoke, Pual raised his hands, and the very ground beneath them trembled with the force of their will. A wave of energy rippled outward, parting the sea of soldiers like a mighty tide, leaving a clear path between Irina and Milano.

Irina Martial's Spirit was directly suppressed and her back bent down.

Paul's expression became solemn.

"That place held great importance and every family had spent resources and your son had disappeared. Until he is missing, he will be hunted by the Federation until found. We will assume that it has something to do with it and when he appears he will be apprehended and investigated by the Federation until the charges are cleared."

"Bullshit!"Irina swore standing up.

"This is totally ...." Irina's voice stuck as an immense swept on with banging force and her figure was struck into the ground.


"Girl, you dare raise your voice before me. If not for your Father, I would have killed you now."


"Girl!"Paul's expression stiffened and a blood-red intent dyed the sky.

"Don't test my patience or I may cripple you for real.''

Su Lin, seeing Irina's condition, held her and supported her with a grievous look and murmured.

"Commander, please stop. It's useless. If you provoke him, things might go bad."

Irina shut her lips.

"And everyone, I will issue a hunting order on this guy named Leon. And he should be brought alive and if possible there is no need to harm him. We just need to have a few words."


With that, the figure vanished in a blaze of light, leaving Irina to confront each other alone amidst the silent ranks of soldiers.

The soldiers all around stared at Irina's sorry figure and Su Lin suspiciously.

Their eyes already shone with greed.

The little bit of reverence they had disappeared.

"Ungrateful dogs!"Irina gritted her teeth in anger...

"My son did so much for you yet you harbor such dogs."

The soldier averted their eyes but Milano screamed.

"What's wrong with that? It's your son that..."

Before he could finish his sentence, a banging force echoed and his body was shot back as Cameron kicked him fiercely, sending him flying.

"You bark so much," Cameron muttered.

The other Commanders who supported Milano prepared for a fight.

However, Mac, Thane, and Cameron covered them.

"Girl, take her away," commanded Mac, looking around and then staring at Su Lin.

"Just go and rest.No one will harm her with the Wood family's influence and as for Leon, it's his enemy should be worried about," Mac spoke confidently.

Cameron sighed deeply and spoke, staring at Irina's pale figure, "Though I don't know him well after what he did, he earned my respect. If there is any need, I am willing to help."

Irina just gave a brief nod and looked back at the place where there was a vortex previously.

"Why....Just why is fate so cruel to him?"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!