Published at 31st of May 2024 06:32:29 AM

Chapter 207: 207The Queen Of Underworld[V]

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Chapter 207 207:The Queen Of Underworld[V]

Swallowing his saliva in awe, Wang Shi opened his trembling lips.

"It seems, it wasn't a lie that she could take on a Martial Emperor or two all by herself."

"Do you understand now why I and others were reluctant to attack her?"Rey expressed his dissatisfaction.

If possible he wanted to step back. The only way to defeat her was to get through the flames but if it came down to death, she would bring you down with her.

Despite being an illegitimate daughter, her flames were of quite high quality supported by her Rank 10 Martial Spirit Phoenix making her even a candidate for Feng family head but due to their bias and Sophia's will, she didn't become a part of it.

But there was no doubt that if she was a male, Fengs wouldn't blink an eye and do everything in their power to bring her back.

"Thank God! All of these people are mercenaries because if we lost this many people of our family, I might be buried without a grave."Wang Shi muttered, wiping his sweat.

"That's why she must be eliminated."Seph expression darkened upon seeing this.

His eyes gleamed dangerously as he clenched his fist.

'Despite being a Martial King, her stat is above 150, and the flame physique gives her a 20% boost. What is more annoying is that she knows how to use her physique to the absolute limit.'

"We can't drag this. It seems we need to act like ourselves."

"Hmmm! Let's do that."Wang Shi muttered, clenching his fist.

While they decided to butt in, meanwhile Sophia was dismantling everything on sight.

She already let go of being reserved and protecting the place.

It didn't matter anymore if everything burned to dust or the entire district ceased to exist.

As Sophia's fiery fists and kicks incinerated everything in her path, the air exploded with the intense heat radiating from her blazing aura.

With each strike, shockwaves rippled through the ground, causing the earth to tremble and crack beneath her feet.

The Martial Kings mercenaries, caught off guard by Sophia's fierce assault, launched counterattacks in a desperate bid to defend themselves. Their powerful blows collided with Sophia's flames, creating explosive bursts of energy that sent shockwaves reverberating through the city streets.

Buildings crumbled and collapsed as the force of the impact pulverized them into rubble, sending debris flying in all directions. The once bustling city district was now a scene of chaos and destruction, with flames rising in the sky and smoke billowing into the air forming a large dark cloud hiding the moon.


Sophia stepped over the bodies of her former subordinates puncturing their chest and walked over their brunt body.


The man spurted blood and begged, "Spare me..."

"Did you expect this?"

"Did you think you would be enjoying your life after betraying me?"

"Mercy....."Sophia muttered nonchalantly and waved her head.



A hurricane of flame swirled around...

"Death is the only mercy for you all."Sophia snorted and stared at the enemies who resisted to get closer as flames burned everything.

"Since you don't want to come here. I should go there."


With a stomp, she shot forward tearing the veil of flames.

Panic swept through the crowds gathered in the distance, and their screams of terror echoed through the streets as high-heat flames burnt them to a crisp.

Groans and bestial shrieks of suffering resonated everywhere.

People ran in every direction, desperate to escape the carnage unfolding before their eyes.

Meanwhile, Sophia's flames continued to rage undisturbed, casting a fiery glow that illuminated the devastation below. The explosion of flames rose high into the sky, casting long shadows over the city as darkness descended upon the once-thriving metropolis.

Amidst the chaos and destruction, Sophia who enjoyed it to her heart's content reacted as two beams flashed in the air.

Sophia reacted immediately and cast her attack.

[Flame of Inferno]

A bright flash illuminated and a beam of concentrated firepower shot from her. The beam stretched and collided with the other two beams.


The blast soared through the sky and a part of Maple Street instantly evaporated without any remains.

All the people swept in the blast were killed and turned into nothingness.

As Wang Shi and Rey launched their sneak attack on Sophia, the place trembled beneath the force of their combined power.


Tearing through the shockwaves, Rey and Wang Shi accelerated, swinging their weapons.

"Don't blame me for the consequences..."Sophia shouted clenching his fist.

As she struggled to regain her footing, Seph pressed forward, his sword flashing in the darkness as he unleashed a series of devastating attacks.


With each strike, Sophia found herself pushed to her limits, her flames flickering and faltering against Seph's overwhelming strength.

Despite her best efforts, she couldn't match the sheer brutality of Seph's swing.

As the battle raged on, the clash of steel echoed through the place mingling with the roar of flames and the rumble of dying flames. Seph's swift assault left Sophia staggering, her movements becoming more desperate as she tried to evade his relentless strikes.

"Take this.."

[Sovereign Judgement.]

A devastating strike that sent shockwaves rippling through the air.

With a mighty roar, he brought his sword crashing down upon Sophia who formed a wall of flames but the force of the impact sent her crashing to the ground.


Sophia tore through the barrage of buildings breaking them in the process.

Groaning in pain, Sophia tried to rise but her step faltered. The pain of the broken bones coursed through her body and blood trickled down from her lips but despite this, she didn't want to give up.

"I...I can't...No, I won't lose."


Her Phoenix spirit burst out to soar but just then, a strangling pressure seemed to grab her throat.

As she raised her chin, she saw two huge pairs of eyes behind Seph. The moment her eyes met those, her mind became blank, her body quivered and her legs buckled up.

All the energy left her body and her knees were unable to support her kneeling on the ground.

"It's over Sophia...Your Martial Spirit is useless before mine."

"So lay down and know your place.."Seph spoke with a begrudging smile.


Wang Shi and Rey appeared behind, giving Seph a bewildered look.

'Monster...He is a monster.'Rey took a deep breath.

Though they had already exhausted her, still defeating Sophia without any injury was a commendable matter.

"I knew it Seph. Wang Mengqin had chosen a good husband."Wang Shi laughed aloud and was about to pat Seph when the atmosphere suddenly seemed to freeze and became stagnant when a terrifying pressure descended upon them making them scream.

Even Seph was shocked seeing Sophia standing up while muttering to herself as if she had gone mad.

"I know...I am weak.....I might not be able to defeat you but that doesn't mean I shouldn't try. Honestly, at this point, I want to give up."

"My body and mind are screaming to run and beg for mercy but..."

Sophia bit her lips tightly to the point it started bleeding.

"If I give up, he will be upset. If I give up, how can I stand beside him who won't hesitate to go against the world and even fight death itself for his belief.."

"If I step back now, I can never show him my face so this is a test of belief and a test that I deserve to stand beside him.."

"WHO? WHO ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?"Seph eyes widened and crimson intent burst from his body dyeing the air in crimson.

A strong sense of dominance and jealousy wrapped around his heart.

"He...Hehehe!''Sophia smiled, letting out an eerie laughter.

"You can't measure up to him. His will and determination are as vast as the world. You think you are the top predator but no...."

"He stands at the apex of hunting."

"LISTEN SEPH!"Sophia screamed. A terrifying coercion burst from her body.

"There might be mountains beyond mountains and oceans beyond oceans or even a world beyond world but none shall persist when he is on the hunt and soon he will come for you."

The moment her roar fell, a warning bell rang inside Seph's mind.

[Host it's dangerous..]

Suddenly a huge shadow appeared in the place blocking everything in sight and soon everyone was forced to look up at Sophia.

Their pupils contracted and strength left their legs as soon as they looked up.

A huge ball of fire emerged from her.

"RUN!Everyone!"Seph shouted.

His scream rang as a death bell.

Rey and Wang Shi even without wasting a moment started to run, followed by Seph who started buying defensive artifacts like crazy.

"Fuck! This woman is totally crazy."Wang Shi shouted in panic.

She isn't burning her life span to detonate rather she is trying to go nuclear by radiating the highest temperature flame.

Lightning started crackling and from Sophia's body soon, a huge wave of flames shot out, wiping out everything in sight.Read latest chapters at nov(e) Only

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