Published at 31st of May 2024 06:32:28 AM

Chapter 208: 208Time To Hunt

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Chapter 208 208:Time To Hunt

The plains and meadows were drenched in blood.

The once serene plains now lay desolate, their green fields stained crimson with blood. The air was thick with the stench of death, and the ground was littered with twisted bodies, their limbs contorted in unnatural positions. Crows circle overhead, their cawing adding to the eerie atmosphere as they feast upon the remains.

Scattered among the corpses are discarded weapons, shattered armor, and the tattered banners of fallen warriors, all silent witnesses to the carnage that has taken place.

Amidst the grisly scene, a lone figure sits atop a mound of corpses, his eyes gleaming with a chilling intensity.

His features twisted into a menacing sneer, and he surveyed the scene below with a sense of satisfaction.

Blood stains his hands and clothes, a grim testament to his role in the massacre.

Sitting over the row of corpses with a darkened gaze, the man shakes his faint whispers.

Caressing the blackish sword drenched in blood, he muttered softly.

"You have grown well. It seems you have eaten to your heart's content and now finally reached the Divine Tier. I hope you are satisfied now."


A screeching voice resonated as if expressing his joy and the sword quivered.


Host:Leon Befort


Status:Commander Rank in Alliance army

[Congratulations, now you aren't in Leon's identity but it seems you fucked up very badly.]

A 3-Star assassin as Noel Star

[Don't be complacent and get killed.Not as if you care.]

Species:Human[12% Dragon]


Luck: 739

Family Net Worth:189.23 Billion Dollars

Personal Net Worth:800 million Dollars

[Instead of increasing your net worth you are decreasing it.]

Realm:Peak Martial Emperor

Kill Points:18985

Counter Attack points:1789



Spiritual Qi:5504/5504(3.8 Spiritual Qi/sec)

Special Physique:None

Meridians or Vein Tier:Tier 9[Enhanced]

Strength: 179

Agility: 174



Spiritual Veins Potential: 172


[Note:Advancing Martial Emperor would add 20 points and generally the Max stat for each is 170 unless you use a special method to overcome it like extraordinary physique or boosting things.]

[Congratulations! After pleasing the masochist inside yours, you managed to go past shackles improving all stats, especially your veins.]

[The charm 100 value represented here is that of a mortal.]

[Literary Skill]

Chess (Elementary), Driving (Intermediate), Swimming (Advanced), Stock Trading (Intermediate), Diplomacy (Intermediate), Business Art (Intermediate), Piano (Advanced), Violin (Advanced), Singing (Intermediate), Programming (Advanced), Equestrian(Intermediate), Shooting(Advanced)


(Sword Art)

(Dragon Art Series):Mythical Tier

[Can grow with the increase of draconic aspects of species.]

Dragon Eyes(100%):

A middle-aged slime woman opened the door after a while and gasped for a moment seeing the tall figure.

Her eyes flashed with weariness and she stepped back in fear.

"Who...Who are you?"

"Mam! I am Leon.Your son's friend."Leon bowed his head startling the woman.


The woman let out a low exclamation.

"Leon....Ian friend."

Leon paused for a bit.

"I am sorry to say this but..."

"Mam......Your son died on the battlefield fighting bravery."

Leon's voice became dry and he felt so bad that he wasn't even able to raise his head.

His words rang like showers of thunder.

The woman stood frozen for a moment, her eyes widening in shock as Leon delivered the devastating news.

A strangled gasp escaped her lips, and she staggered back, clutching the door frame for support. Her face drained of color, and her hands trembled uncontrollably as tears welled up in her eyes.

"N-no... It can't be... Ian..." she whispered, her voice barely audible, choked with grief and disbelief. She shook her head as if trying to deny the cruel reality of her son's fate.

Leon's heart ached as he watched the woman's anguish, his own eyes reflecting her pain. He reached out a hand, wanting to offer comfort but unsure of how to ease her suffering.

Seeing her reaction, he felt that the army didn't even bother to notify them and this irked him.

"I'm so sorry, ma'am," he said softly, his voice thick with emotion.

"Ian was a brave warrior, and he fought with honor until the end. He will be remembered for his courage and sacrifice."

"And please forgive me for my incompetence for not being able to save your son. I am sorry..really sorry."

It was a visit to Ian's mother and Ian wished that Leon himself conveyed the news and handed over his dead body to Ian.

His father died early and his mother stayed alone. Ian wanted her mother to be treated better that's why he took the risk of visiting Shadow Zone. He was suppressed everywhere else by rich kids so the army was the only way for him to rise

Alas, he couldn't make it.

The woman's grief was palpable, filling the air with a heavy silence as she struggled to come to terms with the loss of her son. Finally, she sank to her knees, her sobs echoing in the empty house as Leon stood by, a silent witness to her pain.


The woman cried without making any sound and then wiped off the tears with the back of her hand.

Leon's heart stirred a bit seeing her helplessness and wondered if her mother would have also cried like this in his past life if she was alive.

Leon didn't have any words to comfort them.

What can he say?

Your son died proudly, don't be sad.

So, all he could do was to bow his head as an apology.

"I am Ian's mother, Livia."

The end of her sentence trembled.

"Please, don't bow like that."

She took a moment to speak and extended her hands, she held Leon's face with both of her hands and raised Leon's head.

"I begged Ian not to go there. I told him I was happy as long as I had one meal a day if taken with him but he was stubborn and the moment he went to the army, I braced myself. His father was also a cultivator working for a family but he died mysteriously and I didn't want Ian to walk this path and hoped for him to live an ordinary life but his talent didn't let him."

Leon swallowed his saliva and she sighed inwardly. Despite being broken and too sad, the woman still managed to hold herself and now Leon knows why.

She had already gone through the sorrow of losing someone.

Mediocre cultivators without big families, either they fade away or die somewhere else leaving their families to suffer.

And heck 70% of the family members get killed due to the grudge of someone.

Though she was broken and sad, she still seemed to be held in so that she wouldn't look pathetic.

"Last time, Ian called me from that place, he talked a lot about you. He said that you are an amazing man that he respected a lot and wanted to be like. I was really curious as to who you were but since we got to meet like this, I can say one thing for sure."

Hearing this, a baffled expression flashed in Leon's eyes. It seems Ian wanted him to meet his mother.

'You really have a good woman.'

Livia clenched Leon's face and tears started trickling down her eyes yet there was a wonderful smile.

A smile so soft yet so powerful that only those who witnessed it would understand.

"You are a wonderful man."

"As the mother, I pray that you get the strength to get out of every difficulty and live a happy fulfilling life while soaring high up to the sky."

"May God bless you!"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!