Published at 31st of May 2024 06:32:16 AM

Chapter 216: 216A Gift To Remember[II]

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Chapter 216 216:A Gift To Remember[II]

The atmosphere tensed up and both Leon and Sophia assumed a serious stance.

Sophia leaped back in fear while Leon squinted his eyes at the display screen stuck on the wall above the fingerprint scanner from which gleeful laughter emerged.

"Is he watching us?"Sophia asked with a frown.

"No connection can reach here. This is pre-recorded....."Leon answered Sophia calm down but just as she was about to heave in relief, she heard Leon's next words.

"I guess!"

"Bastard!"Sophia cursed, slamming his elbow, and was about to hit another when a screeching voice echoed from the device.

"I don't know which special one you are but I guess there is a 90% chance that you are Leon."

Leon raised his brows wondering what Seph was up to now.

[You might think you have escaped the net and I have forgotten about but you are wrong Leon. You are very wrong. From the moment you survived the assassination, my eyes had been looking for you.]

[I have been trying to track you. I have been keeping an eye on all your family members. From the desperate attempt of your mother to go to Frosthaven to your sister meeting with guys to assassinate me. Truthfully, it was quite easy as they were making big movements but it was difficult to find the mole you were hiding and changing places here and there. I know you are trying to play with me and I am very much up for the game.]

Leon's expression darkened upon hearing this. He somehow expected this as though the villains mostly try to think with their dick still, their Iq wasn't something to be trifled with, and with system assistance that acts like AI and gives advice, even an idiot can be mindful.

Searching for the guy who escaped the assassination must be on top of a person's list unless that guy is an idiot.

However, this wasn't the only thing that surprised me.

'Damn...I told Gwen to stay put but is still messing behind my back and what's up with that woman going to Frosthaven?'

[So Leon, tell me how are you feeling now? Excited, enlightened, or afraid...]


Leon just stood there without answering but Sophia held his elbow tightly.

When Leon looked at her, she could see anxiety in her eyes.

It wasn't that she was afraid, rather she was worried about him.

[Whatever maybe? For a meeting after a long time, I have prepared a gift for you inside the room. So step in and see it.]

[The Masterpiece, I have prepared for you...]

The moment the voice was over, the device blasted off and the door slowly started to open.


The sight that unfolded before him was a nightmare come to life in a chamber filled with tortured children, their small bodies contorted in pain and anguish as hundreds of sharp needles pierced.

"What's this? What is this?"

"This can't be?"

"My God!"


Like broken tape, Leon held his head and started to speak loudly.

"Leon, calm down!"

Noticing something wrong with Leon's behavior, Sophia screamed in horror seeing Leon losing himself and she held Leon giving a yank but Leon pushed her with a mighty force making her fly back with a groan and walk around.

He was now in a big dark room that was filled with corpses. Some were hanging on the ceiling. Some were plastered on the wall, some were lying here and there.

Skins of corpses were peeled, scalps were taken, and teeth and tongue were removed. Defiled and dismembered corpses were depicted in a degrading manner.

Some have their skins peeled off, some their organs, and some odd hands and toes.

And the more he went deeper, the more nightmares started to assault him.

The room was dimly lit with flickering flashlights, casting eerie shadows on the walls that seemed to dance with the children's cries.

Unable to coordinate, he stepped inside with his whole body trembling.

Leon cautiously stepped inside and as he walked further into the dimly lit room, the stench of decay assaulted his senses, and the sight before him made his blood run cold seeing many beds.

Rows of small, frail bodies lay strapped to metal tables, their eyes wide with fear and pain. Tears kept on licking from their eyes.

Tubes crept in and out of their bodies, connecting them to sinister-looking machines that emitted ominous beeping sounds.

The walls were lined with shelves filled with jars containing grotesque specimens of small children's heads, and eerie shadows danced across the floor.

Out of them some of the faces were familiar to Leon. He didn't remember where he met them but they felt familiar.

But amidst them, a striking face made his words choke.

"Samuel....Stella."His heart almost burst out seeing the two innocent kids whom he had saved for a month.Read latest chapters at nov(e) Only

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