Published at 31st of May 2024 06:32:02 AM

Chapter 225: 225The Wedding[II]

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Chapter 225 225:The Wedding[II]

[The Su and Ling family are entering.]

A large voice announced their appearance.


"It seems, everyone is going to have an appearance here."

The Su and Ling families' announcement wasn't a surprise to those who knew their ties with the Demiliore Family.

The Ling were old pals with the Grey more, and the Su were neutral in Elysium, with the gorgeous daughter of the Su family being responsible for teaching the young second generations.

So, it made sense for them to attend. What shocked everyone was Tang Hao's appearance, as he hadn't been seen publicly since he became a Martial Saint.

The arrival of the Tang followed by Smith caught everyone off guard. Although not enemies, they were business rivals. Seeing them at a family wedding was unexpected, especially since the head of the Tang Family never attended any function.

Their presence, along with their whole family, showed sincerity.

The surprise came pouring in as 3 Martial Saint themself attended, along with their grandson and family. This event was sure to make waves in the city once news of the wedding spread.

Everyone subconsciously stood up to pay respect to the Martial Saint who was greeted by the Master of Greymore, Harold.

To avoid making others uncomfortable, the Martial Saints soon vanished from their views.

It was truly a miracle to witness Martial Saints making many feel that this wedding would be worthwhile to attend.

At the same time, it shocked everyone and made them wonder how Seph attracted everyone.

Every Major family of Elysium was now present here.

These also allowed the Young Master of Various families to mingle.

However, as expected from them.

Most of them were dead drunk and flirting with anyone they got.

"Hey, baby come here and give this Young Master a kiss."

"Wang Qin, you bastard. Can't you see, she is mine" Ling Wudi screamed.

"Shut up! All of you she will mine. So brother give me way."Tang San shouted, beating him.

Hearing this, everyone wanted to say fuck you but remembering who he was all of them just kept quiet and emptied another glass.

Despite behaving as hooligans with happy faces, all of them were quite sad as a year ago Greymore was declining and Seph wasn't even fit to be in their circle but within a year, he turned apart the entire world drastically.

Not only that, he was marrying beauties, whom everyone wanted.

And he managed to conquer two. Not only that, every girl from the big family seems to be mesmerized by him.

As they laughed thinking about their pleas, Su Yan's eye fell on John who was sitting quietly.

"Brother John, what happened?Tell me who is troubling you.I will make sure he doesn't see the sun tomorrow."

"Idiot!"Wang Qin was hit in the back by another.

"Don't you know Brother John loved Ella very much but he was snatched away."

John hearing them shook his head with a smile.

"It's not that. Don't worry I am not sad for her, rather I am happy seeing her happy."

"So what's the matter Brother John."

When he arrived at the foot of the stage, he climbed off his horse, and respectfully bowed to the bride before stepping onto the stage.

His wedding suit and robes were similarly fashioned to that of his bride, with emeralds and platinum linings, and even the color scheme was the same silver and green. There was, however, no crown on his head, but even without it, he looked like a prince.

Seph got onto the stage and the moment his eyes met with the two women, they felt an electrifying sensation and their hearts throbbed.

"You two look gorgeous."

Hearing this, the two blushed.

"Mind if I accompany both of you tonight."

Ella blushed hearing this while Wang Mengqin shook her head with a snort.

"SEPH!"An angry voice came from behind.

Eleanor appeared pinching his ears.

"You dare..."

"It's a joke...Mom relax..."

Seph chuckled hearing his mother's angry words.

"Get there and behind the ceremony.The auspicious time had already arrived."Eleanor then gently pushed Seph who took the hands of the two beauties and walked forward.

The Master of Ceremony took the stage and started to recite prayers and vows of love.

"Let the winds of the heavens dance between you. Love one another but make not a bond of love: Let it be rather a moving sea between the shores of your souls."

"So without any further ado, let us all begin the rituals."

He spoke about solemn vows and whispered love of god.

While he did this, Ella's eyes stared deeply into Seph and heart fluttered.

She can't believe this was really happening.

Thinking about the past , it felt as if it was just yesterday.

Just then an unsavory feeling welled in her heart as she remembered about the dogs who dared to covet her.

'Thank God that stupid Leon is dead.'

While she smiled gleefully, Wang Mengqin's eyes fluttered as she felt that this was quite boring.

'I just want to fight with Seph all night.'

Amidst this, the Priest with a playful smile muttered.

"If anyone believes that this marriage should be stopped, speak now or forever hold your peace."

The moment he spoke this, a burst of laughter echoed at the joke but at the next second.

Seph's hands moved and he pulled Ella and Wang Mengqin to his embrace and stepped back.


A long rod with a pointy edge coated in qi hovered in the air and stabbed the spot where Seph stood.

A look of horror and silence prevailed for a second that was broken by a loud scream.

"I do have some objections.''

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