Published at 31st of May 2024 06:32:00 AM

Chapter 227: 227The Wedding[IV]

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Chapter 227 227:The Wedding[IV]

The guest who looked at the young man had a mixed reaction. Especially the family head for whom all this farce was nothing but a sideshow.

Wang Lin looked at her daughter then at the man who barged in pity.

'This guy is gonna die like a dog.'

Some sneered and mocked at his naivety while others who knew him cried out in shock and bewilderment.

Because the power emerging from him was similar to that of the Martial Emperor.

"Lin Fang, how did he become Martial Emperor?"

"Didn't he disappear for the past three months and now he appeared by reaching here."

Murmurs echoed across the crowd but turning a blind eye, Seph walked forward folding his hands behind his back.

"It seems today's wedding is going to be quite memorable, isn't it Lin Fang?"

"Yes, it's going to be because today there will be no wedding but your death ceremony."Lin Fang shouted with a sneer.

"It seems you are mistaken. It won't be mine but yours."

"Hmm! You are already saying this because you think you have the advantage of having a huge army at your back. So do you dare to fight me alone, fair and square?"Lin Fang screamed in provocation.

"Tell me, do you dare."

"Kid!"A coercive pressure struck Lin Fang making him bend.

"AHHHHH!Bullying a junior. That's the only thing you can do."Lin Fang roared

"Seph, don't need to waste your time on random trash, leave it to me."Harold's voice boomed from the sky and he was about to attack when Seph intervened.

"Grandpa, there is no trouble with the old bones. I alone is enough to deal with him."

Seph eyes gleamed dangerously as he locked onto Lin Fang. The most uptodate novels are published on n0velbjn((.))com

"Lin Fang, let's see if your words are as sharp as your fist. I hope you don't waste my time. Now come at me."

Lin Fang's heart leaped with joy as he heard this.

'My plan to provoke him is successful. Now all I need to do is to kill him and escape. Seph...Oh! Seph, you are underestimating me too much even the Sect Master of the Huayuan sect doesn't stand a chance against me so what you can do.'

Laughing inwardly, he released all his strength

The moment the aura of Martial Emperor released, the ground under his feet burst apart. His muscles swelled in an instant and his bones became so hard that they almost burst through his skin to expose them.

With a kick, Lin Fang shot behind leaving a sonic explosion and punching the air.

Seph just stood there leisurely waiting for the punch to arrive.

The crowd started to sweat buckets seeing his action and wondered if the attack was too fast for Seph to react but contrary to their thoughts.

At the last moment, Seph's hands moved.

And moved with such a speed that even Martial Emperors around weren't able to react to it.

An ear-piercing sound explodes, and immediately after that Lin Fang feels a numbing pain spread across his hands.

He let go of the punch and jumped back due to the pain while his face froze.

Two young geniuses who became Martial Emperors fought but the battle was already decided by the second move.

Such a difference...

Such a disparity.

It was so shocking to the point it was unbelievable.

Looking at the bloodied figure Seph cursed.

"You're still the same Lin Fang. Utterly pathetic."

"You talk as if you own the world but you can't even take a blow that didn't even contain half of my powers."

"It seems the proverb was right. Barking dogs seldom bite. Whatever, let's finish this."

With that Seph took a step to finish the things but two bright men intercepted him.

"Master Seph, I hope you can overlook this young one's disrespectful behavior."

"Sir Seph, this young man is quite naive and hot blooded. Spare him, and we will owe you a big debt."

Seph stared at the two figures who appeared before him blocking Lin Fang.

"Secr Master Chu Tian and Elder Qin.."Seph murmured faintly.

"What's the meaning of this? Is your Huayuan Sect behind this farce?"

A shrill voice echoed and everyone turned towards Eleanor whose eyes seemed to be set ablaze. She was so angry that she wanted to burn that entire damned sect to the ground.

"Mother....Calm down..."Seph smiled and then stared at the two.

"Sect Master Chu...Do you think this is a playground? Is my marriage a joke to you.."

"Master Seph, the young one has eyes but can't see Mount Tai. All of this qi deviation falls into the demonic path. He isn't even sane."Elder Qin squeezes out a smile with a lie.

"Do you think I am fo..."

"No, I am not defeated..."Ling Fang's voice echoed from the crater as he tried to get up but just then....

A change happened in the place.

The sun in the sky disappeared and a reddish glint dyed everyone's vision.

And that at that moment...

Everyone near Lin Fang felt a tingling sensation.

A sensation akin to the hands of death coming for you.

Even Seph who had a haughty expression felt a faint tremor in his heart and his warrior senses screamed.

Without wasting any time they reacted and jumped while looking up towards the sky.

A shadowy figure seemed to step over the sky above creating a faint ripple and extended his hand.

And from that....

A devastating strike followed by a loud thundering boom akin to the roar of dragons shook the whole place and three huge claw marks stretched from the sky tearing the space descended to the ground with a catastrophic might...

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