Published at 31st of May 2024 06:31:57 AM

Chapter 229: 229The Grand Wedding[VI]

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Chapter 229 229:The Grand Wedding[VI]

That's why before fate could separate them, he separated himself from others.

They planned to move away from each other but the problem arose when Irina didn't do that.No matter, she wanted to stick to her son.

She would just snap at the thought of separating. Even her two girls were the same so she was forced to take drastic measures.

First, she found a scapegoat and then distorted Irina's memories and made her a delusion of abandoning her son and living a life by marrying another guy. All of this is nothing but a well-crafted illusion made by her.

Since the girls were too young and weak to get their memory changed, she had to distort the truth that Leon died.

The reason why she chose an evil guy for Irina is because if they need to act, they need to make it as real as it wasn't easy to deceive the eyes of fate.


"Huh!" Lia snapped out of her thoughts and saw Arthur getting up with a solemn expression.

"He is here."

Lia's eyes sparkled and turned her head, she was the familiar that changed unbelievably.

"Leon! My darling!"Lia exclaimed in joy getting up from her seat.

She murmured, her voice carrying a tender warmth ness filled with joy.

She wanted to leap forward and hug her child but she knew that she had to wait cause...

The real thing was about to start.....



With a fierce roar, a devastating technique that sent three massive cut marks tearing through the sky

. The air crackled with energy as the deadly slashes descended upon the place where Seph, Lin Fang, and the others stood, their sheer force leaving a trail of destruction in their wake.

The ground trembled beneath their feet as the slashes made contact, unleashing a cataclysmic explosion of power. The force of the impact sent shockwaves rippling through the air, shattering ground and sending debris flying in all directions.

A deafening roar echoed through the wedding garden as the explosion reverberated through the air, drowning out all other sounds. The force of the blast was so intense that it seemed to shake the very foundations of the earth itself, leaving nothing but devastation in its wake.

As the dust began to settle, the true extent of the damage became clear as three claw marks tearing the air stretched out for a span of several meters.

Amidst the chaos, Seph stood tall and unyielding, his eyes blazing with determination as he surveyed the destruction around him.

The dust that rose into the air was stirred and blowing away layers of dust, a figure dressed in a white shirt tucked in a white suit pants landed on the ground.

Before Leon could speak, he decided to act as a friend.

'If you attack me it would just create more confusion and you are necessarily not stronger than me. I can fight him and as everyone lowers their guard, I will run away.'

With this thought, Lin Fang started to run while waving their hands.

"Thanks, Leon, I will remember this debt of gratitude and will surely repay you one day."Lin Fang shouted, clenching his fist.

Seph had expected the scene to play in two ways.

First, Leon and Lin Fang would join hands to deal with him.

Secondly, one of them would stay and watch while the other gets beaten. Then the cowardly one would run away.



Contrary to his thought, Lin Fang had just taken a few steps back when his back tingled.

He felt a sickening grip of death gripping his neck.

Feeling danger, his body reacted and he released all his power but before he could do anything.



A blackish line intercepted him and it was drawn so fast that none of the present were able to react.

Even Seph felt goosebumps all of a sudden.

A sound akin to cutting paper amplified by a hundred times echoed loudly in the space.

A cut mark tore open the air and it was so fast, that a thunderclap echoed only after a few moments of the execution.

And after that...

Lin Fang whose eyes widened with disbelief found his vision kissing the ground.

Even without looking at Lin Fang's dead body, Leon locked his gaze on Seph.

"Now that it's over. Can we start?"

"What?"Seph asked curiously.

"The beginning of your end."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!