Published at 31st of May 2024 06:31:55 AM

Chapter 231: 231CHOOSE

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Chapter 231 231:CHOOSE

"Son of bitch!"At that time, a figure jumped up from the stage huffing and puffing in anger.

"What kind of mess are you creating? Idiot..stupid...I am gonna kill you. Is that what you I taught you."Lex screamed at the top of his lungs.

His face burnt with embarrassment as he never imagined that this trash son would stir such a scene that was gonna put a stain on his name.

Staring at the familiar figure, Leon's eyes glinted.

"I have learned things worse than this. At least I will never cheat and keep my promises."

"Unfilial bastard."Lex roared in anger and pulled out his shoe and threw it at Leon which bounced off after hitting his face.

"I don't remember having a father like you, idiot."

Seeing him standing unfazed, Lex screamed.

"Leon, if you don't want to die. Kowtow before everyone and apologize for your grave mistake."

"Hey, "

A loud shout echoed interrupting Lex who on turning back saw all the bigger families' folks gathering around.

"What do you mean by that? Did you forget he is wanted?"

"We need to arrest this heinous bastard and hand him to the Federation"

"Yeah, we need to hold him down."

Hearing the array of screams, Leon looked around nonchalantly.

All the seven families except for Smith had gathered there.

Wang Tin, Steven Elior, Tang Chen, Ling Yu, Su Yang, and the forefront stood Seph.

"Surrender yourself Leon and at least you will get to be alive."Tang Chen shouted, taking the lead.

"Arrest... apprehend...Do you think I give a fuck?"

Lex found his head snapping in anger and rushing forward, he raised his hand to slap Leon but before that, an overwhelming force struck him.


Like a cut kite from the string, his figure was sent down crashing on the ground.

Flickering flashes emerged followed by the appearance of many figures that startled him.


Leon's mind became blank seeing them.

On the left side stood Sophia, Feng Ruoxi, and on the right stood Irina, Gwen.

And then as if finding it awkward, a cough emerged from behind.

As he looked back, he saw a man with a grumbling expression.

"Have you all been hiding here and Sophia why did you come here? Even if you came, why did you bring that useless woman."Leon muttered with his gaze landing on Feng Ruoxi who hit her leg.

"I am not useless."

Leon ignored her and looked at the old man.

"I don't want to be here but I can't see my grandson getting his asskicked."

"You folks...why are you here?"

"To fight alongside you," Gwen answered, jumping forward, wrapping her arms around Leon, and started crying.

They have been hiding among guests since today on grandma's revelation that Leon would appear here.

"Leon...You are a very...very...very bad brother. I hate you."She shrieked.

[Old man, I liked your style.]

Holding another slipper, Arthur waved it while cursing."Before that, I am gonna spank your dick and send you Devil for further treatment."

As Arthur kept on cursing Irina and Gwen shrunk back, averting their gazes while Su Lin just stood there blankly.

This guy had the biggest here yet he was cursing like an edgelord teenage kid.

"ENOUGHHHH!"Leon shouted, raising his hand to stop Arthur who almost spouted all swear words known to him.

"Miss Su please step back. I promise I will at least leave your father's body intact."

"Leon!"Seph muttered with a smile and his lustful eyes scanned the four gorgeous figures around Leon, seeing which he couldn't help but lick his lips.

"If you don't want to think about yourself, then at least think about others. With so many here do you think you can get out unscathed?"

Wang Tin laughed aloud and waved his hand."Yes, think about their well-being."

As it was waiting for Wang Tin's signal, the loud sound echoed and soon an influx of men marching in an orderly manner appeared.

Soon, thousands of people appeared.

Leon saw a sea of people and noticed that one group was from the military and another was a mercenary. The total number was huge.

The families seem to have brought their guards and personal troops with the lowest one at Martial Grandmaster.

Lex recovered a bit and pointed at Leon.

"If you don't think about others, at least think about them. Can you defeat all of them?"

"So Choose!'

After Lex's words, a large roar resonated from the crowd.





Leon glanced at the people beside him.

Gwen clutched one arm of Leon tightly while Irina clutched another.

At the side, Sophia stared deep into Leon's eyes.

"If you want to fight, I will fight with you till death."

Su Lin's whole body trembled as she saw her dad's angry expression.

Initially, she was reluctant to attend the wedding but was forced to come here by family to take a look at her potential partner but little did she know that her whole world would fall apart.

Leon's eyes then fell on Feng Ruoxi who just shrugged her shoulders, "Hmm! What can I do? It doesn't seem like I have any options left except to die here."

Finally, he looked at Arthur who just gave a smile with tactical understanding and this made Leon laugh.


Leon nudged out Gwen and Irina, then he walked forward.




Under everyone's intense gazes, Leon raised his middle finger pointing at everyone making their egos scramble...


Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!