Published at 31st of May 2024 06:31:38 AM

Chapter 233: 233Leon Vs Seph[II]

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Chapter 233 233:Leon Vs Seph[II]

Everything was haywire as two huge forces clashed with each other.

Blasts, explosions, and splinters were flying all around, accompanied by screams of mercy and terror.

While the ghost army fought fiercely, terrorizing the Big family warriors, Leon and Seph engaged in deathly combat aiming for each other's throats.

Leon wasted no more words and activated his nimbus steps, maximizing his agility before dashing forward to confront Seph head-on.

With each step he took, he exerted a force that made the ground shudder and cracks spread out very far and wide as if a huge, bulky mass of a living being had stepped on it.

"Hmm! Do you think that's enough?" Seph still seemed to be faster than Leon, closing the distance quickly and arriving before him.

Stopping his body in its tracks, Seph took advantage of the remaining momentum and stabbed forward with his spear.

Seph's spear technique was fierce and direct, lacking any fancy techniques. But Leon knew that this seemingly ordinary stab was packed with ridiculous power, capable of delivering a fatal blow if he wasn't vigilant.

Raising his sword, Leon harnessed the strength of the remaining momentum, slashing forward with all his might and emitting a fierce war cry, signaling the beginning of the battle.

Even before their weapons met head-on, Seph's spear split the air with heavy force, while Leon's sword caused the surrounding temperature to rise, emitting a fierce cracking sound.


As their weapons clashed, the ground shook, cracks formed, and rocks and debris blew away. A huge circular mass of air gathered with both fighters at the center, emitting a rumbling sound that shook the sky.

A cataclysmic explosion shook the place, the concentrated air sphere exploding outward, turning everything into dust in its path. The ground collapsed, rocks turning into rubble.

"Hmm! His power seems to be quite good. Let's see if you can take on this."

"The system had restricted the uses, but if I can injure him a bit, then it's okay."

Pondering for a moment, Seph decided to give it a go.

As Seph clashed with Leon, he tapped into the power of his weapon, granting him a brief glimpse into the future and allowing him to anticipate Leon's movements.

Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish!

Leon began to miss his attacks, his sword slashing through empty air.

Leon thrust his sword, but Seph evaded it with swift steps and swung his spear with one hand. Seeing the edge of the blade coming near, Leon decided to evade, but as he took a step, Seph halted his spear movement and whipped his legs.

Leon crossed his arms, but Seph's kick struck with a flash.

Changing direction, his soles slammed onto Leon's knees, creating a devastating shockwave.

Leaving a trail, Leon swept on the ground, leaving a burst of drag marks tearing through the ground.

"Fuck!" Leon screamed, wondering what was happening.

"Are you surprised? Don't worry, there is more surprise for you before you die." Mocking him

Leon's relentless assault left Seph staggering, unable to keep up with the sheer complexity of his opponent's maneuvers. In the end, Seph realized that his ability to glimpse into the future only works when the opponent is single-minded or muscle-


It's like you decide to do a stab and after the opponent perceives it, he changes his attack at the very last second.

It's complicated and requires a lot of training, but this guy not only did it effortlessly but he was overwhelming due to his fast speed.

"Hey, stop gawking, idiot."

Seph woke up from his stupor and gritted his teeth.

He could only use this a few more times, but it was giving him more trouble.

He regrets not practicing in battle.

Only if your opponent is strong and manages to bypass it will you broaden your horizon.

"Did you have fun teasing me?" Seph gripped his spear tightly.

Leaving a blur, Seph accelerated and slashed his spear wrapped in a layer of lightning.

A dark flame burst outward from Leon, entangling with the lightning from Seph's spear. Both elements clashed, waging a war of superiority.

Seph felt as if struck by a huge hammer; his own fingers became numb as he struggled to penetrate Leon's defenses. The crash shattered the ground, forcing Seph's legs to sink into a deep pit.


Both fighters, unable to contain the immense energy, were blown away by the explosion, landing a few meters apart. Despite the injuries, they channeled their strength and stood their ground.

As they engaged again, Leon prepared to continue his attack when Seph surprised him by appearing before him and with a sudden kick, crushing Leon's ribs. Despite the pain, Leon retaliated, kicking Seph's head with all his might.

Two loud bangs echoed as their bodies collided with the ground. Painful groans escaped them as they struggled to regain their footing, both snorting at one another.

Leon wiped the blood from his lips, gripping his sword tightly as he approached the shattered ground. Blue lightning crackled around Seph, covering his spear.

Noticing Seph's lightning, Leon wondered if he had a lightning body.

"Let's see how tough you are," Seph sneered, releasing his Martial Spirit that gripped his spear.


The space vibrated due to the immense energy.

With renewed focus, Leon raised his sword, prepared to face Seph's lightning-charged spear.

As Seph charged forward, Leon silently circulated the power of darkness, preparing for the next blow.New novel chapters are published on novel(b)in(.)com

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