Published at 31st of May 2024 06:31:37 AM

Chapter 234: 234Leon Vs Seph[III]

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Chapter 234 234:Leon Vs Seph[III]

Up above in the sky, four figures stared down at the chaotic battlefield with a solemn look.

The entire Greymore estate had been struck down, turning into dust and debris.

Thick veins bulge over Harold's forehead witnessing this.

"My estate..."

He felt a throbbing pain in his chest witnessing a fire of destruction and chaos rampaging every corner.

The Greymore estate was huge like a mini city in itself and second only to Tang's.

After rising during the stormy era when cracks appeared, Greymore had been ruling since then.

And this entire place was a throne of their rule symbolizing their power and its inheritance has been carried on and on.

But now...

The very home that he had inherited had been turned into a battlefield.

If not for their protection, all the buildings might have already been ground to dust.

"Harold, calm down, "Maz spoke with a darkened expression.

"Do you think you are in a position to say that to me when it's your fucking grandson that is responsible for all this?"

Out of everyone, Maz's expression was worse...It was so bad that he felt as if he had stepped on some dog shit.

His grandson...The only time he was eager about him was when he was born.

The moment he came to know that he was trash and with Tier 9 veins, all his enthusiasm vanished. For him, there was no one named Leon.

When Lex brought him, Maz could even see unwillingness in Lex's eyes and even wanted to get rid of him.

After he saw his weak pale and pathetic self, Maz felt so disgusted that he wanted to kill that stain.

How can someone having a bloodline of mighty saints be this pathetic?


Now, seeing all this he couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

This isn't a man...this is an entire army...An army that can match the human army of the Federation.

The sheer number of Martial Emperors in the army made his scalp go numb.

"I can't take anymore..."Harold shouted as the last bit of his patience snapped.

Seph's eyes widened in shock as Leon ignored the pain and attacked outright after the previous assault.

Seph jumped up to the sky with a stomp and shouted, "Lightning Showering."

The sky rumbled again as clouds gathered, thunder and lightning falling on Leon.

Noticing the strikes, Leon swept the sword into a great sword and slashed upward.

Like an umbrella, a huge sword qi squirmed out covering Leon.


Their attacks met, canceling each other out in an explosion, gusts of hot wind spreading.

Leon knelt, covering his head with darkness to protect himself from the shockwave.

Raising his greatsword pointing to the thick large dark clouds, Leon locked onto Seph.

Putting all his strength into his legs, he jumped toward the sky, covering his body with darkness as he passed through lightning.

A few ghosts jumped out and took the blows for Leon.

Tearing through the air, Leon's image blurred, and Seph, amidst the lightning shower, reacted a bit late.


Seph felt a strong hit as Leon passed through him, slamming onto the ground fiercely.

Before he could fall, Leon's figure disappeared, hitting Seph with another force.


Seph slammed onto the ground, writhing in pain, but quickly crawled back to his feet.

Countless blood spikes floated in the sky, descending on Seph. He knew he was in trouble.

"Blood Ability...."Seph eyes glistened with doubt seeing this.

Seph waved his spear and prepared to use lightning bolts to deflect but at that time...

High above the air, Leon took a step, and his figure vanished.


Leon vanished, appearing behind Seph.

Seph stopped his ability, shocked to find Leon behind him. All the hairs on his body stood up in fear and as his senses screamed, even without looking back he swung back but by that time, a huge black shadow was already on his tail.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!