Published at 31st of May 2024 06:31:35 AM

Chapter 236: 236Leon Vs Seph[V]

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Chapter 236 236:Leon Vs Seph[V]

The moment Leon's sword took shape, darkness erupted from him with a blast.

With a primal roar, Leon's sword began to shimmer with otherworldly darkness, its form elongating and expanding until it resembled a titanous greatsword.

"Seph! Do you know the biggest victory you have achieved till now...."

"Huhh!" Seph made a baffled expression, seeing Leon's grim expression.

"Seph, your gift made me remember something shitty, and I congratulate you for making me remember every shitty thing I have gone through..."

Hearing those words, Seph saw deep darkness emanating from the depth of Leon's body, making his scalp go numb.

The power of darkness coiled around the blade like a writhing serpent, its energy pulsating with malevolent force. With a resounding boom, Leon raised the newly formed weapon high above his head, channeling the dark forces coursing through it.

The blade, covered in darkness, elongated and soared up into the sky.

Witnessing this transformation, the onlookers gasped in awe and terror. Some cowered in fear, while others stared in disbelief at the sight unfolding before them. The sword of gigantic darkness radiated an aura of dread that seemed to drain the courage of those who witnessed it.

[Nether Slash]

With a thunderous cry, Leon unleashed the full might of Nether Slash, bringing the blade crashing down with unstoppable force. The ground trembled beneath the weight of the blow as a shockwave rippled outward, tearing through everything in its path.

Every structure crumbled like sandcastles before the raging tide, trees nearby were uprooted and splintered, and the very air crackled with the sheer power of the slash. The force of Nether Slash seemed to rend reality itself, leaving behind a trail of destruction that stretched as far as the eye could see.

Seph, caught in the path of the devastating attack, could only watch in horror as the darkness descended upon him.

His eyes widened with realization as he braced himself for the impact, knowing that the attack was much more powerful than it seemed.

Seph released his Martial Spirit and extended his hand to grip the spear then turned it into a sword.

A humongous figure roared across the sky.

For a moment, it seemed to have melted into heaven and earth. The most uptodate novels are published on n0velbjn((.))com

His fierce body was adorned with power radiating all around, and two huge arms extended forward to crush the devastating power thrown at him.

The space seemed to tremble and crack.

Under the voracious pressure from the approaching blade, Seph's figure seemed to crumble under the intense weight.

His eyes became bloodshot, and a mist of blood sprayed from his lips.

It wasn't an ordinary sound rather the sound of something cutting through the space and destroying the pitch-dark void, and from it, a terrifying burst of astral sword qi in the form of numerous threads poured.

And Leon's senses screamed that the moment the threads touched him, it's gonna be death.

His draconic body wouldn't withstand the piercing power of the rays, and he would be cut into a thousand pieces, so without hesitating, he tried to use shadow blink but to his horror.


The space around him seemed to be frozen or locked by the pressure of the Martial Saint.

Moreover, a tiny tear appears in the space near Leon, and from it a devastating ray of condensed might shot at him.

Without wasting any more seconds, Leon turned around in the direction of the slash towards the astral rays shot at him.

Leon, ignoring Seph, decides to take on the approaching danger first and swings his sword.


Thousand rays of bright light erupted scattering everything in its path after colliding with the huge ominous greatsword.

Their clash caused a shockwave and an explosion of fire and lightning, shaking the ground and creating rifts between them.

Leon, locked in space, was assaulted by the fierce aftermath of the storm and felt as if he had been ravaged by a brutal sharp wind blade.

As the aftermath reached its peak, the violent shockwaves and gales ravaged Leon's draconic form. His once impenetrable scales were torn apart, revealing raw, bleeding flesh beneath. Deep cur marks stamped his body, some so severe that they exposed bone and tendon to the air.

The pain that surged through Leon's body was unlike anything he had ever experienced. Each gash sent waves of agony rippling through him, every breath heaved was accompanied by a sharp, searing sensation. Despite his resilience, the relentless assault on his body left him gasping for air, his vision blurred with the intensity of the pain.

Every movement of breath felt like an ordeal, every attempt to summon his strength met with resistance from his battered form. Yet, through gritted teeth and sheer force of will, Leon refused to yield.

From each wound, blood spurted like a fountain, dyeing the surroundings.

The sword in his hand let out a fearsome screeching sound as if crying for Leon seeing his sorry state.

As he struggled to maintain his footing, Leon's thoughts were consumed by the agony that threatened to overwhelm him. Every fiber of his body screamed for rest, for release from the relentless torment that gripped him. And yet,amidst the chaos and despair, he still held onto his sword not wanting to let it go but the sword felt overwhelmingly heavy for him to lift.

With every ounce of strength he could muster, Leon pushed through the pain. Though his body may have been battered and broken, he knew that he couldn't let his guard down, but his mind, overwhelmed by pain, acted slow, and when an ominous sound echoed.

"Sorry, Leon. You lost," Seph said with a pained expression. "Better luck next time."

With a faint smile, Seph appeared, thrusting his sword into Leon's head.


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