Published at 31st of May 2024 06:31:29 AM

Chapter 239: 239Calm Before Storm

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Chapter 239 239:Calm Before Storm

The future might be bleak, but you're not the one responsible for it.

You don't need to drown in guilt and blame yourself for other misfortunes.

Regrets won't change yesterday.

Anxiety won't change tomorrow.

Just give it all and ram the ones you need to ram in the present.

As if the first line was saying just do what you need to gain the power and don't think much.

At the time, from the corner of his eyes, he noticed the face of a white-haired woman far away from the crowd.

For a moment, everything in his line of sight became blurred, and fair words echoed.

"Do it and leave the aftermath to me."

However, when he finally used it, he felt it....

There was more than what lurks in this power and in him.

The figure of madness appeared before him. New novel chapters are published on novel(b)in(.)com

"Finally, we can combine.."

The synergy between him and his Martial Spirit or, to say, the power allowed him to combine with Martial Spirit to display his full power wasn't possible before.

And more than that.....

It allows his two sides to finally meet.

The grit and integrity of his morals, along with the psychopathic madness hidden in the depth of his soul.

It was time for the world to witness the Madness of the sinner.



Irina's voice pierced the surroundings upon seeing Leon getting stabbed.

The moment Seph's sword pierced Leon, Irina's mind went blank. Letting go of everything, she dashed forward, but she wasn't the only one.


A bloody explosion erupted, sending shockwaves of flames surging like a tide, threatening to burn down everything in its path.


A sharp stabbing pain coursed through Irina's body. It felt as if her heart had been stabbed and torn into shreds.

Seeing this, Lia hugged her and pointed to her.

"SSSSHHHH" She just smiled by putting a finger on Irina's lips.

Then, looking at bewildered Sophia, she extended her hand to caress her hair.

"Don't avert your eyes and don't even dare to blink now, because the real thing is just beginning now."


The surroundings were blasted.

The entire venue had already been reduced to tatters.

The great estates that had existed for centuries were hardly in shape anymore.

As the intense battle between the ghost army and the big family raged on, clashes of qi, blood, and steel echoing throughout the battlefield came to a sudden halt, and an eerie silence descended upon the scene.

The soldiers on both sides paused mid-fight, their weapons held in mid-air as if frozen in time. The once frenzied atmosphere was replaced by a palpable sense of anxiety, fear, shock, and disbelief.

The leaders of both the ghost army and the big family stood frozen in disbelief, their expressions a mixture of shock and confusion.

They exchanged wary glances, unsure of how to proceed in the sudden stillness that enveloped the battlefield.

"What's going on?"

"Is this over?"

"God....It's over..."


The mercenaries and the remaining soldiers almost cried because what they fought wasn't anything less than a nightmare. After all, no matter how many times they were killed, the opponent didn't die.

Whispers of uncertainty spread among the soldiers, adding to the tense atmosphere. Fearful murmurs filled the air as they anxiously awaited the next turn of events, unsure if this eerie calm signaled the calm before an even greater storm.

Amid the silence, the realization dawned upon every one that though it was over, the lives lost weren't insignificant.

The biggest wedding of the century was turned into the biggest bloody massacre.

"My Master" Hella's whole body shivered. Her body pulsated with a strange energy that seemed to break out of her body, but before she would lose herself, Synder knocked her head.

"Whom are you worrying about? Do you think we meager ones can fathom our Liege's power?"

"Yes, Hella, calm down," Terpas muttered.

"Yes, our Liege will win," Avelin muttered with a sly smile.

"They think it's over, but little did they know that what was about to come next would blow their minds."

"Mercy....Pleas....Begging....Everything will be naught when our Liege runs wild."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!