Published at 31st of May 2024 06:31:24 AM

Chapter 242: 242God Mode

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Chapter 242 242:God Mode



A pillar of darkness soared into the heavens as if the world itself had fallen on top of everyone, gravity seemed to multiply.

A crisp sound emerged from the blue sky and a tide of crimson killing intent resurfaced dyeing everyone's vision red.

The space around Leon crackled as if space was breaking apart under his tremendous might.

"..."Everyone looked up in disbelief but just by raising their head a terrifying sensation assaulted them.

With just a presence, the air around Aetheria Prime became denser and suffocated everyone.

The sky was covered by a crimson tint, dyed by Leon's murderous intent.

As the anger and frustration, suppressed deep inside him erupted, it choked anyone below Martial Lord's realm making it even harder to move around.

"Impossible..."Maz muttered, swallowing his saliva.

He didn't remember when was the last time he felt like this.

The feeling of being looked down.

The feeling of getting trampled and treated as nothing.

"BASTARD!"Harold screamed, losing his composure.

The little bit of sanity he held disappeared.

However, he needs applause as unlike other frozen-to-death, he still has the nerve to scream and curse.

"How dare you? How dare you call me a weakling?"

"Even the blood of your entire family isn't enough to soothe my wrath."

With a thunderous cry, Harold leaped ahead with a startling speed.

He just took a step ahead but the single step pressed on the space made it tremble under the frightening power creating a suffocating pressure descending.

In an interval of less than a millisecond, he appeared before Leon and punched the figure but to his surprise, his fist went past the image of Leon startling him.




The sound of a crisp punch tearing the air rang out followed by an explosion of power tearing the atmosphere.

Soon everyone saw a blurry figure darting across the sky leaving behind a trail.

And much to everyone's surprise, it was Harold's figure who shot away for a few miles before stopping but when he came to his senses, he saw a puncture on the right side of his body with blood trickling down from his lips.

The remaining three Martial Saint eyes widened seeing this.

In terms of raw power a Martial Ancestor had an edge over them but despite that, he was outclassed and punched.

The other three Martial Saints started evading as Harold sent frenzy attacks at them.

"This lunatic.."Maz shouted.

"Someone stop him."Wang Tianmeng shouted, moving around to dodge.

"He had gone crazy. His qi seems to have been deviated."Tang Hao screamed as he unleashed his attack

"Damn!If I knew this was going to happen. I wouldn't have come here."Tang Hao cursed his luck and this madman for putting him in danger.

He regretted it...He really regretted it from the bottom of his heart.

They even thought of escaping but to their horror, ten thousand ghost troops seemed to form a barricade. Even if they escape just where the hell they can with so many people chasing them.

"Come and face me straight."

"Me...I am above your head....."Leon yawned above Harold's head.

"It's boring!"

"Huh!'' Harold felt his heart pierced by those words.

Looking up, he screamed with bloodshot eyes.

"I will kill you."



An explosion whose sound surpassed the thunder boomed. And then everything, where Harold stood was blown away into tatters.

The space seemed to crack with sonic explosions.

The spot beside Greymore estate where a huge building like Royal Castle was present that served as a primary home suddenly burst apart.



A crater hundred of meters in radius with a human figure at the center whose depth easily exceeded more than a hundred meters was formed.

The ground broke into a million pieces of fine dust turning into powder, debris rubble, and mud flew everywhere from the crate.

The symbol of pride and respect of Greymore that had stood for several centuries right before everyone's eyes was flattened into dust out of nowhere.

And Seph who saw this scene felt his heart burst apart in agony as countless pieces of sweet memories of his family started to surround him.

But more than that...

The sight of a broken battered figure made his mind collapse.

The mighty figure that acts as a shield now....


"He was beaten."

Something out of his expectation which was totally impossible was happening right now.

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