Published at 31st of May 2024 06:31:23 AM

Chapter 245: 245Just Die

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Chapter 245 245:Just Die

Below Wang Mengqin and Ella's bodies hovered in the air, pierced by thousands of nails made of blood.

Shrill screeching noises of agony emerged as their mouth was stuffed, and they flapped their hands and legs in agony.

Their eyes locked on Seph who was momentarily stunned for a moment.

They extended their hands as if hoping to reach for Seph but it proved futile as Seph, unable to bear anymore, turned his head to avert his gaze.

"It seems you don't love them enough...."

"You are heartless Seph..."

A mocking voice echoed in the sky.

Seph gritted his teeth to the point his gums bleed but despite the anger and humiliation, he tried to calm and rationalize.

"Then what about that deaf girl and about that slut maid of yours.


The black figure that had disappeared, materialized beside Minami and held her face.


A piercing shriek echoed as Minami tried to fight back but before the might of the ghosts what could the little girl do?

And Amelia who had been hiding somewhere was dragged and slammed onto the ground.

"MASTER...SAVE ME...AARRGHH!"Amelia screamed but she was totally ignored by Seph.

"Minami...Why...Why are you bringing innocent to our battle?"Seph screamed with bloodshot eyes.

Seph eyes stirred. He wanted to scream and say belief in me but he didn't have the guts to say that.

"Decide Seph, do you want her to die or would kill yourself."

"Rather than that, I will kill you...AH!"Seph burnt his life and extended his hand.

A vast hand as big as the sky descended onto Leon.

A Burst of pressure erupted a hurricane storm offset in the sky as the hands fell towards Leon but before they could even touch him, Leon extended his.

A dark particle hovered in his fingertips.



"DAMNNN!"Seph cursed clenching his fist to the point that it started bleeding.

A wave of guilt washed over Seph as he recalled the times he had resorted to underhanded tactics and deception to gain an advantage over his opponents.

At that moment, he never realized that his actions might one day lead to this.

No, losing was never possible for him.

As Seph watched helplessly, his fists clenched in frustration, he knew that he had to make a choice.

He could continue to fight against Leon, risking his mother's safety in the process, or he could surrender and submit to the will of his enemy, sacrificing his own pride and honor for the sake of his loved ones.

In that moment of clarity, Seph knew what he had to do. With a heavy heart and bloody tears streaming down his face, his resolve faltered.

"I don't want to...but I had no choice."

'If I want to take revenge, I have to live and strike against the odds.'

And then under everyone's bewildered eyes, Seph knees started to bend.

Seph couldn't help but feel a sense of shame wash over him.

He had failed his mother, failed himself, and failed his girls.

And as he looked into the eyes of the woman who had sacrificed everything for him, he didn't know how it came to all this.

"Please, Leon don't kill her...I will do what you say."Seph muttered, lowering his weapon.

"I surrender so please...." Seph's voice trembled a bit.

Though he didn't want them to die, this wasn't the only reason that forced him to surrender.

'Fuck! If everyone I love dies there would be a grave penalty. I need to fall back and bow but..."

The conflicting emotion didn't go unnoticed in Leon's eyes.

"Tsk....Some people don't change.."

Leon's cold voice chilled everyone's heart.

"Nooo!"Before anyone could react, Leon's image blurred and he appeared high up in the sky.

"You really think that you are all high and mighty till the end."

"You all families have been crawling too long but after today there isn't any need for you to exist."

"Everyone out here just die."

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