Published at 31st of May 2024 06:31:21 AM

Chapter 247: 247The Grand Massacre

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Chapter 247 247:The Grand Massacre

It wasn't just a normal day for Aetheria Prime.

Due to Seph marriage; the entire City was in a jovial mood.

Large hoarding boards showcasing pictures of groomed Seph and beautifully dressed Ella and Wang Mengqin had been spread all around the city.

Flowers were being tossed around the air and fragrant petals were showered over the sky. The big malls and various places of Grey Conglomerate gave hefty discounts to the customers on special days.

Shops bustled with activity, children laughed and played in the streets, and workers hurried to and fro, lost in their own routines.

However, despite all this, all of them had one thought in mind.

That was to bless Seph Grey more who had already been seen as a national prince even before his wedding.

The wedding was live broadcasted all over the displays and people gasped heavily seeing the grandeur and splendor of the wedding.

Amidst this, many boys lost their senses seeing the gorgeous beauties walking up to the stage.

And then it was time for girls and women to lose their senses seeing Seph with a crown walking up the stage.

Just a single glance at Seph was enough to make everyone infatuated.

Many were even jealous about this alas they can just stare and peek.

While many were happy, most felt gloomy watching this cause they knew they could never have such moments.

The old experienced fellows sighed feeling that this was just too much show-off wealth but they didn't have the guts to voice out the thoughts lest they might disappear the next day.

Amidst the jovial atmosphere, everyone's expression changed when they saw an intruder appearing to ruin the wedding.


"Just go and cry in your home."

"Trash....Be a man, not a pitiful guy who comes to destroy the wedding just because you can't get the girls."

All Lin Fang's presence did was serve as entertainment however by the end, a loud boom echoed, and out of nowhere all the live broadcasting stopped startling everyone.

But then, without warning, a piercing screech shattered the calm, echoing through the streets like a banshee's wail.

Heads turned, curiosity piqued, as the source of the sound remained a mystery.


"What's going on?"

"My phone is ringing?" This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

"Look, all the advertisement screens had been covered by dark and white lines."

And when all this was happening, the hero of today's wedding just watched all this indifferently while occasionally emitting a cruel smile.

If this wasn't enough, the footage was replaced by others.

As the footage played on, the crowd watched in horror as Ella, the bride, was shown callously stepping over the bodies of workers and innocents with her expression twisted with malice and contempt.

Along with Seph, she spared no one in her path, destroying families and leaving devastation.

And this wasn't the only one.

Several videos of rich family heads giving cruel orders about killing, sabotaging, espionage, spreading drugs, and many illegal things were played out.

The people of Aetheria Prime could only watch in stunned silence as the truth unfolded before their eyes.

The pillars of their community, once seen as beacons of hope and righteousness, had fallen from grace, their true nature laid bare for all to see.


Some videos were so cruel that many vomited in disgust while many lost their consciousness due to heart attack.

Except for the sound of videos, no one was able to make any other sound.

Shock turned to disbelief, disbelief turned to outrage, as the realization sunk in that they had been deceived by those they had trusted the most.

Betrayal hung heavy in the air as the people grappled with the revelation that their heroes had become villains, their once-

cherished ideals shattered in an instant.

In the wake of the shocking revelation, a sense of unease settled over the city, like a dark cloud looming on the horizon.

The people of Aetheria Prime knew that their world would never be the same again after this.

And then.



Lightning shook the sky, fire clouds radiated and covered everything.

The ground started to rumble and shockwaves started to shake everything.

The display screens and glasses started bursting one after another as if an earthquake had hit the place.

Buildings crumbled like sandcastles in the wake of his unparalleled power, their foundations shattered by the force of the elemental onslaught.

The places near the Greymore estate were hit worse.

And devastation lingered for a few hours shrouding everything under the viel of smoke.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!