Published at 31st of May 2024 06:31:15 AM

Chapter 252: 252Waking Up[II]

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Chapter 252 252:Waking Up[II]


Leon stirred from the bed, stretching his arms cautiously. A sharp pain shot through his body like thousands of needles piercing his skin with every movement.

"How long was I out? My body feels so stiff," Leon muttered, his voice sounded rough and dry

"For 15 days," a somber voice replied.

"Huh!" Leon turned his head to see a white-haired woman rocking back and forth in a nearby chair with her eyes closed. On the other side of the bed, two figures stirred awake, their brows furrowed in confusion.

"Leon!" they cried out simultaneously, hurling themselves at him with tearful embraces.

"Leon, please don't scare us like that again. Do you know how afraid I was?" Irina choked out between sobs.

"Brother, why do you have to go through all that? You almost died," Gwen murmured, her voice hoarse with emotion. "Promise me you won't leave us again."

Leon's heart wavered at the sight of their tearful requests. He turned away a bit overwhelmed by their emotions.

"Can you two please give me some space to breathe?" Leon asked, but his request fell on deaf ears as they clung to him desperately.

"Hey, let him go. He's not going anywhere... for now," Lia interjected, massaging her forehead wearily.

As Irina and Gwen reluctantly released their grip, tension lingered between them, a fiery spark clashed in their gazes as the two looked at one another.

"Stop bothering him. He's feeling uncomfortable," Gwen snapped, glaring at Irina.

"I'm just showing him some love. Besides, he's used to it from me since childhood," Irina retorted with a smirk.

Gwen was about to retort angrily, but the truth behind their actions silenced her. With a sigh, she released Leon and sat quietly beside him, shooting Irina a glare.

"Please, stop. I need to stretch," Leon pleaded, his tone firm.

Irina froze, then quickly backed away, giving him space.

Rubbing his forehead, Leon glanced around, taking in his surroundings.

"Where are we? And where are the others?" he asked.

"We are in the Befort estate. Sophia and Feng Ruoxi were watching over you, but they went to rest after we took over. Grandpa is dealing with the aftermath," Gwen explained hastily.

Irina opened her mouth to speak, but hesitated, swallowing her words.

Realm: ??

'Darn! She's dangerous... She's dangerous,' Leon muttered under his breath, struggling to compose himself.

Taking a deep breath, he placed his hand over his weakly beating heart, trying to steady himself.

"Your heart is weak," Lia observed, her tone indifferent like stating a fact.

"Your body has evolved, but the transplanted heart is as good as a normal human's, so it won't sustain you during fights or cultivation," she explained.

"Wouldn't that be a huge problem?" Gwen and Irina chimed in simultaneously, their worry evident in their voices.

Irina broke into tears, blaming herself for Leon's suffering. "I should have donated my heart... My poor boy is going to suffer."

"Stop your nonsense," Leon snapped, pushing her away.

'I have leftover genetic serum. It might help a bit,' he thought to himself, trying to find a solution.

"Enough, Irina. Once he breaks through the next stage, his heart and body will be modified again. So stop this nonsense now," Lia interjected sternly, silencing Irina with her sharp gaze.

"Since we're at the Befort estate, can someone call Uncle Rey?" Leon requested, changing the subject.

The three girls exchanged glances before ringing the bell to summon the maid, who was tasked with calling Rey.

A few moments later, Rey entered with a smile, though his heart quivered at the sight of Leon.

"Uncle Rey, it's been a while," Leon greeted him warmly.

Hiding his unease, Rey smiled back. "Nephew Leon, how are you? We've all been worried about you."

"I appreciate your concern, Uncle. I just woke up and wanted to thank you for hosting my family."

"No problem at all. We're all family here," Rey replied with a forced laugh, his unease evident.

They exchanged a few pleasantries but feeling uncomfortable, Rey decided to leave.

"Ahem! Since you've just woken up, you need rest. I won't disturb you anymore," Rey said, stepping back to leave.

But just as he turned to go, Leon's voice stopped him in his tracks.

"You can leave, but... leave those two hands of yours behind," Leon's voice rang out, sending a palpable tension through the room.

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