Published at 31st of May 2024 06:31:13 AM

Chapter 254: 254Mind Break

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Chapter 254 254:Mind Break


At the basement of the black fortress in the shadow realm, lies a huge basement with prisoners kept in.

Leon walked past them and headed towards a particular cell.

"KHUMMM!" Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m


In the eerie darkness of the forsaken chamber, Seph was violated and molested by ghostly shadows that twisted and contorted around him. The spectral dark fingers of beasts probed every crevice of his tortured body trying to carve fear in his soul.

In the desolate depths of the basement, Seph was entangled by ghostly shadows that writhed and twisted his body like rags, whips of tendrils snaking through his flesh and coiling around his body.

A relentless agony tore through him with merciless ferocity, each sending a wave of pain driving him to the brink of madness. His screams echoed through the chamber, along with echoes of suffering that reverberated off the cold, unforgiving stone walls.

The ghostly figures seemed to feast on his torment, and their eerie laughter echoed in his ears like the wails of the damned.

With every passing moment, the pain intensified, each sensation more excruciating than the last, until it felt as if his very essence was being torn apart.

Seph's body convulsed uncontrollably, wracked by spasms of agony that left him gasping for air, his lungs burning with every ragged breath. Blood flowed freely from his wounds, pooling on the ground beneath him as a grim proof of the brutality of his suffering.

Seph's mind became murky and his thoughts were consumed by a maelstrom of pain.

The pain endowed on him twisted his thoughts until he could no longer distinguish reality from nightmare.

"Mongrel, let's see how long you can hold on until you break apart."

"We aren't humans, we don't need rest and we can carry this out for eternity."


"You want to kill My Lord...How naive?"

With a maniac smile, they began the torture again seeing Seph wounds healing up.

A searing pain ripped through his body like a thousand fiery daggers, each stab sending shockwaves of agony reverberating through his very being.

His screams echoed off the cold stone wall.

Every breath was a struggle, his limbs felt like stone, weighed down by the crushing weight of his iron spikes impaled on him.

Seph felt as if he were being torn apart, his mind fragmented into a million shattered pieces by the relentless onslaught of pain. His vision blurred, the world around him fading into a haze of torment and despair until the sound of footsteps drew closer.

"Did you think I would be broken down easily?"Seph snorted, ignoring that Leon paused him with another question.

"Did you bring a regeneration technique and pain tolerance technique from the villain destiny system to help you in this gutter world?"

Seph's unfocused eyes widened.

A look of sheer horror contorted his face into a grotesque mask of agony.

His features twisted into shock, his eyes wide with terror. Beads of sweat dripped from his brow, mingling with the tears that streamed down his cheeks. His lips quivered, unable to form coherent words amidst the overwhelming shock of his suffering.

Leon's words rang like heavenly thunder booming and tearing his head.

His mind became blank and he found all mental toughness collapsing just right there.

"How....How did you know that?"Seph lips trembled as the shock was too huge for him to bear.

The seemingly ordinary human whom he always considered a rat now seemed to have become a huge dark visage that started to terrify him.

"Who are you?"

Instead of answering that, Leon turned his gaze.

"Seph, you have been locked for so long...I am sure you are worried about other people's well-being....."Leon clapped his hands.

A bad premonition welled up his heart and sure to this...

As the clap resounded, the surrounding shadows flickered.

"Bring them with utmost respect," Leon shouted.

Following that sound, chains clanking with one another echoed and a loud tearful voice echoed.


Screams echoed, and three bloody figures were dragged on the ground leaving a blood trail, and were tossed onto the ground.

Seph heart stirred seeing the figures and he blurted out subconsciously.

The air seemed to grow thicker with the stench of fear and despair, the shadow emerged with Ella and Wang Mengqin, their faces pale and eyes wide with terror as they were dragged into the room. Seph's heart clenched at the sight of their suffering, his torment momentarily forgotten as he watched helplessly.

"Mom....Ella.....Wang Mengqin....."

"Seph...AH!"Ella screamed and extended her hands.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!