Published at 31st of May 2024 06:31:01 AM

Chapter 264: 264Grandma Calculating Far Ahead

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Chapter 264 264:Grandma Calculating Far Ahead

Leon snapped out of his thoughts for a moment and blurted out, "What did you even see in that guy?"

"I...I don't know.....I just felt he was quite interesting and kind.."

A question mark appeared over Leon's head.

'Interesting... kind...Is this woman talking about that fucker?'

"I was the strongest among my peers. The only reason I was stuck at Martial King was because after I fell in love, I stopped training as you kids were born one after another after which I was busy taking care of you all."

"I always have that fear of workers and maids harming you as I had many enemies. I was even poisoned when I was pregnant with Gwen after which I decided that it would be only me who takes care of my children."

"It should have been a happy family but..."

Irina's expression distorted and her eyes brunt furiously as she stared at Lex's figure that she had stabbed just now.

"What did he do to get into your heart?"Leon asked, rubbing his chin.

"I was a bit cold and unapproachable. So while everyone avoided me, he would bring me energy drinks and other things. He would visit me every day, sometimes cracking funny jokes. In anger, I even pulled him to be a sparring partner and beat him in frustration, still, he would always persist and stick to me."

'That's why this guy might have taken revenge.'Leon concluded by nodding his head.

"Did you say something?"

Irina snapped her gaze at Leon who shrugged his shoulders.

"So when did you fall for him?"

"During a fight in dimensional zones, he saved my life. A monster sneak attacked me and he saved my life that's when I fell for him.''


"What if that was his plan? He might have crafted all this?"

"What!"Irina screamed with an intense glare.

Su Yang raised an eyebrow, his expression thoughtful. "I disagree. Violence will only bring more bloodshed. We should let the authorities handle this."

The representative from Ling, Ling Yuxi with steely resolve, spoke up. "Su Yang is right. We need to be smart about this, not rush into a war we might not win."

Beside her, the Smith representative, a man with a weathered face added, "But if we don't stand up to him now, who knows who he'll target next? We have to show strength."

The room fell into a tense silence, the weight of the decision hanging heavily over them all.

Rey leaned back in his chair, his gaze sweeping over the faces of those gathered.

Rey's eyes flashed with determination. "I say we gather our forces, strike while we have the chance."

Tang Hao eyed the man in disbelief.

'Is this guy nuts? I am Martial Saint sitting and asking to step back and this bastard wanted to fight back being a relative of that monster.'

Little that they know that for Rey stepping back wasn't an option because he was afraid of Leon killing him.

Su Yang shook his head, his voice calm but firm. "And what of the innocent lives caught in the crossfire? We must consider the consequences. I say enough is enough, let's stop."

"He is too strong. How are we gonna defeat him?"Ling Yuxi asked, eyeing the three men who were hell-bent on fighting.

The Eliot representative nodded in agreement. "Perhaps there is a middle ground. We can gather intelligence, plan a strategic approach."

The Smith representative slammed his fist on the table, the sound echoing in the room. "Time is of the essence. We can't afford to wait."

Rey remained silent for a moment, the gravity of the decision weighing heavily on him. Finally, he spoke. "Very well. We will gather our forces, but we will do so cautiously. I am sure many other families across the world might feel burdened by that guy who might go crazy and kill anyone. I am sure everyone would be willing to lend a hand. We strike when given the opportun.."

The atmosphere of the room suddenly froze as a staggering amount of killing intent encompassed everything.

The light bulbs went off.

"How naive of you to think that your tricks aren't under My Lord's eyes."

In the middle of the speech, a darkish shadowy figure of a woman Orc suddenly materialized behind Rey and raised her huge axe to strike down.New novel chapters are published on

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