Published at 31st of May 2024 06:30:52 AM

Chapter 271: 271A Proper Date

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Chapter 271 271:A Proper Date

In the Woods Mansion...

The people worked around anxiously.

Sophia watched the family silently with a worried look while a maid handed her some green tea.

Irina, who had left somewhere, walked in and asked, "Father, where is Stephen...I was trying to contact him but he wasn't picking up the call and the other servants didn't know about him."

Arthur scratched his cheek with an embarrassed smile, "It seems, I forgot to tell you. He had already left to attend some duty."

"Haa! When will Leon come...I hope he doesn't encounter any trouble."

"He will be alright."Arthur assessed.

Irina who was pacing back and forth, her eyes suddenly fell on Sophia who was drinking tea casually but stopped sensing a deep shiver down her spine.

Putting the cup, he noticed Irina glare and stared at her incredulously.

Arthur, noticing the situation, coughed and got up, "I have some work to do."

"Wait! Grandpa...Take me..."Gwen sensed a tension and tried to follow Arthur who just ran away as quickly as possible.

As the two departed, a deadly silence prevailed for a moment.

Irina looked down at Sophia from head to toe and asked, "Since how long are you with him?"

She has been meaning to have a sincere conversation with her but Leon sticking around, she didn't have the chance to do so.

Sophia smiled and met those piercing gazes with a chuckle"It hadn't been that long. Don't worry we still haven't done anything inappropriate except for your kisses here and there. Don't worry, I will take care of your son very well."

"YOU..."Irina's expression faltered as Sophia's tone was implying something.

"Did I ask you that? Stop flaunting things."

Irina stepped forward pointing at Sophia.

Her eyes glowed fiercely as if she wanted to burn Sophia.

"Sophia....I want to know one thing. Are you with him because you love him or is this a one-time infatuation and let me tell you straight, I am not all in favor of this time of relationship?"

Sophia's brows furrowed and her expression contorted to a frown losing the initial smile.

"What problem do you have with me, woman? Do you want to separate us?"

A subtle murderous intent emerged from eyes.

Till now, she had never given her heart to anyone. She wasn't averse to dating but she always stopped herself if such things came to his mind cause she didn't want to be someone who changes people.

Love and marriage had always been a one-time thing so she always waited for the right one.

Leon could only sigh, smelling the burning of gunpowder.

"What happened in the Council?"Both Irina and Sophia asked at the same time and then stared at one another.

Leon smiled scratching his cheek.

"Nothing troublesome...It's just I have to fill up the forces for the damage I caused."

Irina frowned as if understanding something.

"Wait! Fill up the gaps...How many sectors..."Irina asked anxiously.

"Yeah...Sector...He said to me that I have to take two or three sectors by myself."

"What the hell?"

Both Irina and Sophia screamed aloud at the same startling Leon.

"Why are they reacting like that?"

Hearing this Irina hit her head and started to explain.

"Humans have 13 occupied Sectors or zones. Each Sector is guarded by an army of family along with others. The sector is huge like a state or several and now you have to guard many. Is it possible?"


"Of course, it's not..."Leon paused and walked towards Sophia.

"For humans that is but I am different...I have things to make up the gap."

Saying this, Leon grabbed Sophia's hands and pulled her.

"I need to go with her to fulfill my promise. Don't worry, we will come back soon."

Leon then snapped his finger and a human ghost figure materialized beside Irina.

"If you want to communicate, use him."

Sophia, who was dazed for a moment, looked at Leon softly. Her heart was set on blaze and happiness welled up in her heart.

Finally...A date...A proper fucking date...

However, before she and Leon could step out, Irina's voice echoed from behind.

"Sophia...Please take care of my son and I hope you don't let him down."

Sophia glances at Irina's unhappy crumbling face and bursts into laughter...

"I will..."

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