Published at 31st of May 2024 06:30:34 AM

Chapter 281: 281Where Is Qin Lang?

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Chapter 281 281:Where Is Qin Lang?

The other prisoners' desperate warning echoed off the cold stone walls.

[Shut up these annoying ones.]

Avelin stepped forward and ordered.

[Stuff their mouth with gag and if they dare to speak anymore, shove a weapon or anything sharp beneath their mouth.]

Ordering this Avelin and the other ghostly servants of Leon glared at Hades with fury in their eyes, their greenish glowing eyes radiating palpable anger. They had served Leon faithfully, bound to him by an unbreakable bond of loyalty.

Seeing Hades, who claimed to be Leon's servant, incited a deep sense of anger in him.

Hades was then freed and pulled by two figures who made him stand before them with a mixture of anger. His green hair hung limp around his tired eyes, his expression one of desperation as he pleaded for recognition from his supposed master.

"Boss... I am by your side, so why are you doing this to me?" Hades implored, his voice tinged with desperation.

"I am your boss... Your eternal and faithful dog, Hades," he continued, his words falling on deaf ears as Avelin and the others remained unmoved by his pleas.

As tension thickened in the air, Hades glanced nervously at Leon, hoping for some sign of acknowledgment or support. But Leon's expression remained impassive, his gaze was unreadable as he observed the unfolding scene before him.

The ghostly shadows, fueled by their sense of duty and loyalty to Leon, brimmed with animosity towards Hades. They had served their master faithfully, and the idea of someone claiming to be his servant filled them with righteous indignation.

[Master, this human is annoying. Please permit me to put someone's sense into him.]

Avelin shouted, kneeling on the floor.

The others also followed his motion and kneeled.

[Master, I want to rip that guy's foul mouth. How dare he address you as his master. Such insolent behavior.]

Terpas shouted in fury.

With each passing moment, the atmosphere grew increasingly tense, the silent standoff between Hades and the ghostly servants reaching a boiling point.

Leon remained silent, his gaze shifting between Hades and a group of madman fanatics as if weighing his options. Finally, with a subtle nod of his head, he signaled for calm, diffusing the tension that had gripped the room.

Avelin and the others reluctantly backed down, their anger tempered by their master's silent command. Hades breathed a sigh of relief, grateful for the reprieve, but a sense of unease lingered in the air.

Hearing this Hades trembled and lowered his head.

"Boss, I was just a pickpocket stealer trying to cure my sick mother but you found me, and your family resources had helped me to reach here. From nobody, I became a pseudo-

martial Emperor and am now king of a huge organization."

"However, in the end, I am sheltering evil people and no matter how hard I try, many people under me oppose and do many vile deeds. I get rid of them once I find them but still, there might be many whom I hadn't seen. I am not omniscient after all."

"If you think I deserve to die please kill me but please take care of my family."

Leon's gaze lingered on Hades lowering his head.

After a moment, he ordered, "Avelin there is a new order."

"Check everyone's family situation, instances, and what things lead them here. Also, see if they had done any good deed."

[Master, does it make any difference.]

Casting a rueful smile, Leon spoke resolutely, "No, it doesn't."

"Everyone needs to pay for their crimes.

'Even I one day need to pay for my sins.'

[What about them?]

"Each of them is an orphan right?"

[Yes, most of them. Only the ones you designated as villains have families but each one of them is a heinous bastard.]

"Kill them all..."Leon paused a bit as he remembered the things his grandmother spoke.

"We kill them but before that..."

A threatening murderous aura dyed the room.

"Which one among you is that fucker is Qin Lang!"

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