Published at 31st of May 2024 06:30:29 AM

Chapter 285: 285Ice Crystal Sect[II]

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Chapter 285 285:Ice Crystal Sect[II]

"Senior Brother!" ReAd lateSt chapters at nôv(e) Only

The other disciples of the Ice Crystal Sect hurried away and lifted their Seniors who lay unconscious on the floor with a layer of foam trailing from their lips.

They pressed on their acupuncture and stopped the bleeding.

On getting conscious, they started screaming loudly.

"Where is he?"

"Where is that bastard?"

"Senior brother, are you talking about that guy who knocked you down."

"Yes, where is he?"Bao screamed, holding the man.

"He is already reaching the top."

"What?"Bao freaked out hearing this.

"Damn! I can't let it go. Spread some bad rumors about him. Do anything you can to ruin his reputation and make the elders act."

"Yes, let's go and alert the others. We need to make the bastards pay for his sin of disrespecting us."

They were ordered to maintain discipline and stop fighting at the entrance but instead of that they used this opportunity to collect money and a part was given to elders.

So if anyone started making noise, their troublesome matters were passed to Elders but this was the first time someone dared to beat them so blatantly.

Flunging their sleeves, all of them hurried their way to the Sect ignoring tha gazes of the crowd.

"Thank God someone beat them."

"Yes, these guys were annoying and abusing their authority."

"One million dollars per person to skip lines when you don't even need to is too much."

"I don't know who that guy was but I hope that guy can teach them a lesson."

As the crowd started cheering for Leon, amidst the crowd, a man with a long suit nudged his hat and glancing up, he chuckled lightly.

"Young men nowadays are so impulsive and he is the same as ever. Barging his way through the crowd."

"Whatever...I hope I won't get punched during the reunion."


As Leon climbed the icy steps leading up to the towering Ice Crystal Sect, he felt the weight of the world pressing down on his shoulders. Each step was a struggle against the biting cold and the immense pressure bearing down on him.

"Qin Lang, I don't care where you are. I am giving you ten minutes just to hurry your ass over there cause if once 10 minutes are over, I would start moving then...."

Leon decides to hold back his words.

As a civilized person in modern society one should hold back a little and give the other side a chance, isn't it?

As for threats, he doesn't like threats or give warnings...

Rather, he acts and kills directly...

If only the man who stepped back and closed his ears to lessen the annoying voice heard this, he might not have vomited blood.

"What are you? Openly threatening us."

Soon, a huge crowd of disciples and even elders gathered after hearing the voice.

The declaration was especially loud and almost heard by all but most of them ignored it.

In their years of life span, what hadn't they seen?

Compared to the crazy maniac who openly threatened to wipe out the entire place if not treated properly, this guy was rather well-behaved.

The outer Elders who were responsible for maintaining law and order, closed in.

"What's going on?"

"Elder, at that time few disciples close in and shout."

"Elder, that guy beat our disciples below and disregarded our status. He is openly threatening and challenging our authority."

"Please punish him."

"Please punish him and show him who holds the hegemony of the place."

"Only a strong and truthful elder like you can punish him and bring justice."

Hearing flattery and praise, the old man laughed aloud heartily.

"You are right...Such a person should be crippled and thrown into the trash."

"Don't worry, I, Mu Yang, the enforcer of Justice, punish him accordingly."

Flunging his sleeves full of pride fully, the old man stepped forward releasing his Martial Emperor pressure.

"Young men don't be so haughty..."

Mu Yang extended his hands to press Leon but before he could do that, a blackish hand materialized before him and held him.

[What are you doing?]

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