Published at 31st of May 2024 06:30:16 AM

Chapter 292: Wood's Blade

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Chapter 292:The Wood's Blade

In the world, some things never make no sense so they were either hidden for being unbelievable or due to being known too much would have adverse effects.

He was like a nonchalant man walking around with a leisurely life and most people, even in higher echelons didn't know.

But if you are a Martial Saint or someone high up, someone who was tasked with keeping an eye on the borders human domain and guarding by going deeper, it would be ridiculous to not know him.

Even the unkillable Vampires run after seeing him.

There was even a saying, that you could escape from the Devil once you fell into hell but you can't escape from getting chopped once the man raised his ax.

A man who goes by many nicknames.

The Veiled Executioner...The Shadow cutter.

And the most common one.

The Wood's Blade Stephen Woods.

In past years many people have raised their voices against the Woods for not participating or contributing to Dimensional Zones.

It had been a rule that a higher member of the family above the Martial King should be present in Zones and provide contributions so how was Woods excluded?

The reason was this man wreaking havoc outside human domains.

What was more astonishing was this guy's realm.

It was simply ridiculous to have such an innate state at such a young age.

While many were training hard, it was as if this guy had been born powerful.

Jun Fang took a deep heavy breath while Leon's eyes almost popped out of the socket.

Name:Stephen Woods


Cultivation:Martial King[??]

"What the fuck?"

"Enough! Everyone disperse."

"Qin Lang is a sinner who broke the law and taboos of the Ice Crystal Sect. His crimes can't be pardoned."

"He is now expelled from the Sect. His life or death won't have anything to do with us."

The moment Jun Fang ordered, a deadly silence prevailed making everyone unable to react.

Leon then stared at Stephen whose lips widened apart with a sinister smile seeing which Leon couldn't help but give a big thumbs up to which Stephen blinked his eyes.

Leon, ignoring everything, took the final step but just then Meng Yun screamed.

"Please....Please spare him...I beg you.."Many Yun collapsed onto her knees.

"I understand what he did was wrong but please spare him. You can just cripple him but don't kill him."

Meng Qin and Yu Lan ran toward her master, unable to bear her tear-stricken face, and held her.

While Meng Qin just gave Qin Lang a disgusted look, Yu Lan was unable to hide his worry.

The recent event blew their minds. They could never imagine that their timid, naive, cute junior brother could do this.

Qin Lang was an orphan who had been abandoned after birth and it was her Master who picked him up.

From his childhood, he was the apple of everyone's eye and Master treated her like his own son so this betrayal must have hurt her hell.

"Master..."Meng Qin and Yu Lan's eyes became moist.


Meng Yun's plea echoed through the courtyard, her voice raw with desperation and anguish. As she knelt before Leon her hands trembled, clutching at the fabric of her robes as if seeking solace in its familiarity.

Her heart ached at the sight of Qin Lang, her once cherished disciple, now a perpetrator of unforgivable deeds.

Tears streamed down her cheeks unchecked, mingling with the ice of the courtyard floor. She felt the weight of responsibility crushing her, torn between her duty to uphold justice and her love for the boy she had raised as her own.

Beside her, Yu Lan struggled to contain her emotions, her normally stoic demeanor crumbling in the face of Meng Yun's anguish.

She had always admired Qin Lang and looked up to him as a role model of kindness and humility. Now, to see him fall so far from grace, was a blow to her faith in humanity, in the teachings of their sect.

As they supported Meng Yun, each of them heard Leon's voice.

"Are you even pleading for him despite knowing what he did?"

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