Published at 31st of May 2024 06:30:15 AM

Chapter 293: What Did You Say?

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Chapter 293: What Did You Say?

Meng Yun raised her head on hearing a soulless voice and flinched back seeing those abyssal gazes.

"As a woman, I know what he did was heinous and should be killed but as Master who raised him from an infant how can I see him die? His derailment might all be my mistakes. If you want you can kill me."


Both Meng Qin and Yu Lan screamed in terror.

Leon sighed giving the trash wriggling worm a look.

He was familiar with this type of scene and like always he still had the same thought...

Why do children turn into demons when their parents are angels?

This Meng Yun was a very good woman who deserved a good life and as a boy who has been brought up by women should respect women instead of toying with and making them a plaything.

Yeah, it was another thing in the case of bitches but this woman wasn't it.

"I apologize."Leon tilted his head.

"We are bound by our choices and responsibilities. Everyone had to pay for their sin. I am only able to do this cause I have the strength to do so and who knows one day even I would be trampled like this...."

Leon laughed bitterly and in the next second, he raised his feet.


A shockwave erupted throughout splattering blood.

Many shook their heads away and Jun Fang just closed his eyes with a deep sigh.

Leon just stepped over Qin Lang's head blasting it into pieces.

"NO...NO...."Meng Yun was unable to bear it and her piercing sob echoed.

[You have killed a protagonist. You have gained 500 KP.]

[You have gained 100 counterattack points.]

Ignoring her, Leon extracted Qin Lang's shadow, and as always an influx of Qin Lang's feelings, resentment, and memories poured in as if a silk thread wrapped on a branch.

Qin Lang's soul was now connected with Leon.

For a moment Leon stood there startled by Qin Lang's memory.

This guy was highly proficient in medicinal treatment and even developed new sources of Gu.

As one grows in the realm, the meridian also grows to accompany the Qi but for those with a low tier, it was quite difficult for meridians to keep up with progress and serve as blockage but....

These newly developed Gu's would infiltrate your meridians by crawling slowly and slowly stretching them to widen them apart.

They can help in connecting broken meridians which means a crippled one can be cured.

'Holishit! That means if I had crippled him this guy might have just got back again..'UpTodated novels on novel()bin(.)com

Both Stephen and Leon's figures vanished.

Stephen's gaze softened as he placed a reassuring hand on Leon's shoulder. "There are things about my past, about who I am, that I've kept hidden. But now, it's time for you to know the truth."

Leon nodded, his mind swirling with questions, yet a newfound sense of pride in his uncle's strength and purpose.

"So where are we going?"

"Wheeler island?"



Leon didn't know where they were going as he couldn't sense the direction in the vast ocean.

They flew for around 10 minutes or even less when an island came into his sight.

There were some wooden houses on the beaches and he was carried to the center where he saw the presence of a familiar figures...


As Leon and Stephen landed down, a figure slammed onto Leon and showered him with kisses.

"Sophia, what are you doing here?"

Sophia ignored his question and nestled in Leon's arms like a panda cuddling a bamboo.

Irina glared at Sophia and even wanted to pull her back. She was so jealous of her.

Leon then saw Gwen pouting and puffing her cheeks.

"Brother, you are a big meanie. You went to roam alone even without taking me.."


Loud coughs emerged and they saw Stephen and Arthur coughing wildly.

Then the father-son gazes met and they could perceive each other's thoughts.

As Leon wondered what was going on, he heard a tantalizing soothing voice that gave him goosebumps.

"My dear, did you have fun?"

Leon robotically turned his head...

"Hm...Yeah, I had so much fun.."

"That's Good.."Lia smiled nodding her head and extended her hand.

"Now give me?"

"What?"Leon asked in confusion....

"Give me the breakthrough pill?"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!